首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣新高帶動L2代幣繁榮;交易員預計狗狗幣和 Algorand 競爭對手將出現更大反彈

Bitcoin’s New High Leads to L2 Token Boom; Trader Foresees Bigger Rally for Dogecoin & Algorand Competitor

比特幣新高帶動L2代幣繁榮;交易員預計狗狗幣和 Algorand 競爭對手將出現更大反彈

發布: 2024/03/05 20:37 閱讀: 699



Bitcoin (BTC) is currently having a global rally, surpassing the $63,000 mark. This feat signifies BTC’s two year all-time high, and the project’s performance boosted its L2 token boom. Although many praise Ethereum’s (ETH) advanced L2 ecosystem, many projects anchored to Bitcoin have attracted many investors.

比特幣(BTC)目前在全球範圍內上漲,突破了 63,000 美元大關。這一壯舉標誌著 BTC 創下了兩年來的歷史新高,該項目的表現推動了其 L2 代幣的繁榮。儘管許多人稱讚以太坊(ETH)先進的L2生態系統,但許多錨定比特幣的專案吸引了許多投資者。

InQubeta (QUBE) is another promising initiative storming the market with the potential for a massive rally. QUBE is a prime DeFi token that has experienced a surge due to its unique features.

InQubeta (QUBE) 是另一個充滿希望的舉措,席捲市場,具有大幅上漲的潛力。 QUBE 是一種主要的 DeFi 代幣,因其獨特的功能而經歷了飆升。

The project is a Dogecoin (DOGE) and Algorand (ALGO) competitor due to its huge growth potential and ongoing presale that has raised over $10.7 million in funding. Traders seeking new DeFi projects to expand their holdings mark QUBE among their best options.

該項目因其巨大的成長潛力和正在進行的預售而成為狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Algorand (ALGO) 的競爭對手,已籌集了超過 1,070 萬美元的資金。尋求新 DeFi 專案以擴大持有量的交易者將 QUBE 列為最佳選擇。

Let us explore why traders foresee a big rally for InQubeta.

讓我們探討為什麼交易者預期 InQubeta 將大幅上漲。

InQubeta (QUBE): The AI Altcoin Driving Change Through Its Diverse Features 

InQubeta (QUBE):人工智慧山寨幣透過其多樣化的功能推動變革

InQubeta is the AI project set for major developments because of its high-demand investment opportunities. This project merges artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology to support upcoming AI tech projects.

InQubeta 是一個因其高需求投資機會而準備進行重大發展的人工智慧專案。該專案融合了人工智慧 (AI) 和區塊鏈技術,以支援即將推出的人工智慧技術專案。

QUBE is one of the best altcoins for traders seeking projects with high growth potential. InQubeta empowers startups and investors financially through its non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, making it a top choice among savvy investors.

對於尋求高成長潛力項目的交易者來說,QUBE 是最好的山寨幣之一。 InQubeta 透過其不可替代代幣 (NFT) 市場為新創公司和投資者提供財務支持,使其成為精明投資者的首選。

Traders foresee a big rally for InQubeta because it is a solid Dogecoin and Algorand competitor. The project’s appeal and widespread acceptance are seen in the performance of its top ICO.

交易員預計 InQubeta 將大幅上漲,因為它是狗狗幣和 Algorand 的有力競爭對手。該項目的吸引力和廣泛接受度可以從其頂級 ICO 的表現中看出。

The InQubeta presale has raised over $10.7 million and sold over 848 million tokens in stage 8 of its ICO. With tokens costing just $0.0245, investors can leverage this top ICO project for their portfolios and position themselves for 100x gains. 

InQubeta 預售已籌集超過 1,070 萬美元,並在 ICO 第 8 階段售出超過 8.48 億枚代幣。代幣價格僅為 0.0245 美元,投資者可以利用這個頂級 ICO 項目進行投資組合,並獲得 100 倍的收益。

InQubeta competes against top projects like Dogecoin and Algorand because, aside from minted NFT investments, QUBE offers other benefits. QUBE token holders can access more rewards through the platform’s staking mechanism.

InQubeta 與 Dogecoin 和 Algorand 等頂級項目競爭,因為除了鑄造 NFT 投資之外,QUB​​ 還提供其他好處。 QUBE 代幣持有者可以透過平台的質押機制獲得更多獎勵。

There’s room for more gains through a reward pool funded by a 2% or 5% tax. QUBE’s attention to detail and dedication to growth make it one of the best altcoins for long-term investments. Traders expect a bigger rally for QUBE due to Bitcoin’s growth, and those who want to be a part of the project’s rise should take advantage of the presale.

透過 2% 或 5% 稅收資助的獎勵池,還有更多收益的空間。 QUBE 對細節的關注和對成長的奉獻使其成為長期投資的最佳山寨幣之一。交易員預計,由於比特幣的成長,QUBE 將會出現更大的上漲,那些想要參與專案上漲的人應該利用預售的機會。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Dog-themed Coin Dominating the Meme Community


Dogecoin stands as one of the top 20 gainers in the market due to Bitcoin’s continued surge. The project’s breakout draws more investors by incorporating currency into its meme coin narrative. DOGE also provides innovative projects like Doge Mecha NFTs to attract NFT enthusiasts and further boost its community.

由於比特幣的持續飆升,狗狗幣成為市場上漲幅最大的 20 個加密貨幣之一。該項目的突破通過將貨幣納入其模因硬幣敘事吸引了更多投資者。 DOGE 還提供 Doge Mecha NFT 等創新項目來吸引 NFT 愛好者並進一步推動其社區發展。

Explosion in Meme Coin Market; How to find potential successors to $BONK, $PEPE, and $WIF?

Meme 幣市場爆炸性成長;如何尋找 $BONK、$PEPE 和 $WIF 的潛在繼任者?

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the ICO phase. Check out NuggetRush today! This pioneering memecoin combines play-to-earn gaming with authentic gold mining ventures. Seize the opportunity with ongoing presale prices! Plus, prepare for $NUGX’s upcoming launch on major exchanges.

鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 ICO 階段。今天就來看看 NuggetRush!這種開創性的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與真實的金礦開採企業結合在一起。把握機會,享受持續的預售價格!另外,請為 $NUGX 即將在主要交易所推出做好準備。

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Dogecoin is on the rise because of its value-retention strategy and increased compatibility. Yet, Dogecoin faces challenges in providing real-world utility for investors. That’s why DOGE investors flock to projects like InQubeta to increase their gains and earn huge returns. 

狗狗幣因其保值策略和增強的兼容性而呈上升趨勢。然而,狗狗幣在為投資者提供現實世界的實用性方面面臨著挑戰​​。這就是為什麼 DOGE 投資者紛紛湧向 InQubeta 等項目來增加收益並賺取巨額回報。

Algorand (ALGO): Scaling to New Heights With Its Bullish Outlook 

Algorand (ALGO):憑藉看漲的前景擴展到新的高度

Algorand’s recent performance has broken milestones following its notable price surge. The project surpassed its $0.18 resistance level. ALGO made a massive comeback by soaring over 7% despite the turbulent start of 2024.

在價格顯著飆升之後,Algorand 最近的表現打破了里程碑。該項目突破了 0.18 美元的阻力位。儘管 2024 年開局動盪,但 ALGO 大幅捲土重來,股價飆升超過 7%。

Algorand’s uptick painted a positive outlook for ALGO holders and prospective investors seeking bullish projects. Despite its impressive surge, the project still faces challenges maintaining its momentum. ALGO witnessed a decline of over 1% on Thursday due to low trading volume.

Algorand 的上漲為 ALGO 持有者和尋求看漲項目的潛在投資者描繪了積極的前景。儘管激增令人印象深刻,但該項目仍面臨保持勢頭的挑戰。由於交易量較低,週四 ALGO 跌幅超過 1%。

As ALGO continues its position between support and resistance, traders look to high-performing projects like InQubeta to secure their portfolios.

隨著 ALGO 繼續保持在支撐位和阻力位之間的位置,交易者希望透過 InQubeta 等高性能項目來保護他們的投資組合。

Bitcoin (BTC): Attracting Global Investors With Its Meteoric Growth 


Bitcoin recently topped the $63,000 mark, signifying rampant growth. Since the SEC approved Bitcoin spot ETFs, the project has witnessed increased interest, particularly from investors who chose to invest in BTC without holding it directly. BTC’s noteworthy growth also led to its L2 token boom, signaling its thriving L2 ecosystem.

比特幣最近突破了 63,000 美元大關,標誌著強勁的成長。自從美國證券交易委員會批准比特幣現貨 ETF 以來,該項目的興趣不斷增加,尤其是那些選擇投資比特幣而不直接持有比特幣的投資者。 BTC 的顯著成長也帶動了 L2 代幣的繁榮,標誌著其 L2 生態系統的蓬勃發展。

Many L2 projects on Bitcoin’s landscape have geared up for a huge rally following the project’s upcoming fourth halving event. Due to Bitcoin’s popularity, L2 projects like Lightning Network (LN), Starks Protocol, and Social Network are all marching towards huge booms. Investors anticipate more buzz for L2 tokens on its network as BTC surges.

比特幣領域的許多 L2 項目都在為即將到來的第四次減半事件做好準備,以迎接巨大的反彈。由於比特幣的流行,閃電網路(LN)、斯塔克斯協議、社交網路等L2專案都在走向巨大的繁榮。隨著 BTC 的飆升,投資者預計 L2 代幣將在其網路上引起更多關注。



The boom of L2 tokens on the Bitcoin network shows investors’ support for the project. Investors anticipate L2 tokens built on the Bitcoin platform will experience wider adoption post-halving. InQubeta is one of the new DeFi projects for which traders foresee massive success.

比特幣網路上L2代幣的繁榮表明了投資者對該項目的支持。投資者預計,基於比特幣平台構建的 L2 代幣將在減半後得到更廣泛的採用。 InQubeta 是交易者預計會取得巨大成功的新 DeFi 專案之一。

QUBE heightens institutional interest through its decentralized investment solutions. Those who invest in InQubeta now will earn 10x returns once the project goes live.

QUBE 透過其去中心化投資解決方案提高了機構的興趣。現在投資InQubeta的人一旦專案上線將獲得10倍的回報。

Visit InQubeta Presale 

訪問 InQubeta 預售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社區

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Being in its ICO stage, NuggetRush offers a prime opportunity for early investors to get in at potentially lower prices
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The post Bitcoin’s New High Leads to L2 Token Boom; Trader Foresees Bigger Rally for Dogecoin & Algorand Competitor appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

比特幣新高引發L2代幣繁榮;交易員預計狗狗幣和 Algorand 競爭對手將出現更大的反彈,首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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