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Bitcoin Left Behind As Dogecoin (DOGE) And Shiba Inu (SHIB) Aim For A Festive Double


發布: 2023/11/18 03:09 閱讀: 295

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


This week's crypto market dynamics present a curious anomaly: while heavyweights like Bitcoin and Ether have been struggling, there's an unexpected surge among certain altcoins, notably in the meme coin sector. Dogecoin (DOGE), the quirky favorite, has remarkably outperformed its peers, boasting a 17% rise over the past week. It's as if DOGE is dancing to its own beat, leaving investors and crypto enthusiasts wondering: "what's next?".

本週的加密貨幣市場動態呈現出一個奇怪的異常現象:雖然比特幣和以太幣等重量級貨幣一直在苦苦掙扎,但某些山寨幣卻出現了意想不到的飆升,尤其是在模因幣領域。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是最受歡迎的新奇品種,其表現明顯優於同類貨幣,在過去一周上漲了 17%。就好像 DOGE 正在按照自己的節奏跳舞,讓投資者和加密貨幣愛好者想知道:「接下來會發生什麼?」。

Speaking of next, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been trailing behind Dogecoin (DOGE) with a 6% uptick over the week. It's like SHIB is quietly gearing up, maybe getting ready to follow DOGE lead or, who knows, maybe even steal the spotlight. This under-the-radar movement in meme coins is creating a buzz.

說到下一步,柴犬 (SHIB) 本週上漲 6%,落後於狗狗幣 (DOGE)。就好像 SHIB 正在悄悄準備,也許準備追隨 DOGE 的領導,或者,誰知道呢,甚至可能搶盡風頭。這種不為人知的模因幣運動正在引起轟動。

Amidst this landscape, ScapesMania (MANIA) emerges as a presale venture worth watching. Unlike the unpredictability of established cryptocurrencies, this project's trajectory appears more discernible, thanks to its well-rounded gaming ecosystem and DAO governance model. By prioritizing community engagement and offering enticing presale perks, MANIA isn't just another coin in the crypto sea – it represents a potential paradigm shift, where tokenomics and user rewards are front and center.

在這種背景下,ScapesMania (MANIA) 成為值得關注的預售項目。與現有加密貨幣的不可預測性不同,由於其完善的遊戲生態系統和 DAO 治理模型,該專案的發展軌跡顯得更加明顯。透過優先考慮社區參與並提供誘人的預售福利,MANIA 不僅僅是加密貨幣海洋中的另一枚代幣,它代表了一種潛在的範式轉變,其中代幣經濟和用戶獎勵是首要和中心的。

ScapesMania: Shaping The Future Of Crypto With You In Charge


While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

雖然有些項目面臨不確定的未來,但預售項目的軌跡更容易預測。 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。預售折扣和階段獎金只會增加項目的吸引力。

Presale is Live Now - Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

預售現已開始 - 立即加入,即有機會享受 MANIA 在屢獲殊榮的開發人員團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度:每個成員的社交媒體資料都是公開的。該項目不僅可以透過為遊戲帶來重大創新來實現這一目標,還可以透過將社區放在首位和中心來實現。推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits


Dogecoin (DOGE): Can A Moon Landing Rocket Its Value?


Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently grabbed headlines with its interstellar ambitions, as developers announce plans to send a physical Dogecoin token to the moon aboard Astrobotic's Peregrine Mission One. This mission, scheduled for December 2023, will also carry a physical Bitcoin token and a copy of Bitcoin's Genesis Block. Last year, a similar SpaceX mission, entirely funded by DOGE, was postponed to January 2024. These celestial endeavors have thrown the meme coin into the spotlight, catalyzing its 8% surge over the last 24 hours.

狗狗幣(DOGE)最近因其星際野心而成為頭條新聞,開發商宣布計劃利用 Astrobotic 的遊隼任務一號將實體狗狗幣代幣發送到月球。該任務計劃於 2023 年 12 月進行,還將攜帶實體比特幣代幣和比特幣創世區塊的副本。去年,一項完全由 DOGE 資助的 SpaceX 類似任務被推遲到 2024 年 1 月。這些天文事業讓 Meme 幣成為人們關注的焦點,促使其在過去 24 小時內飆升 8%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Technical Analysis

In technical terms, Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently navigating a crucial trading range, hovering between a support level at $0.07542 and a resistance level at $0.08732. The MACD oscillator stalling at around $0.08211 suggests a potential consolidation in this range.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 技術分析從技術角度來看,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前正處於關鍵交易區間,徘徊在 0.07542 美元的支撐位和 0.08732 美元的阻力位之間。 MACD 震盪指標停滯在 0.08211 美元附近,顯示該區間可能出現盤整。

Source: TradingView


In a bullish scenario, spurred by the excitement surrounding its space missions, if DOGE breaks above $0.08732 and maintains this upward trajectory, it might target the second resistance at 0.09157. Surpassing this could set Dogecoin (DOGE) on a path towards its 52-week high of $0.11146, reflecting growing investor enthusiasm and confidence in the coin's market position.

在看漲的情況下,在太空任務令人興奮的刺激下,如果DOGE突破0.08732美元並保持這一上升軌跡,它可能會瞄準第二個阻力位0.09157。超越這一水平可能會使狗狗幣 (DOGE) 邁向 0.11146 美元的 52 週高點,反映出投資者對該代幣市場地位的熱情和信心不斷增強。

However, there's also a bearish possibility to consider. If DOGE fails to sustain its position above $0.07542, it might indicate waning investor interest or broader market skepticism, potentially leading to a decline. A drop below this support could lead Dogecoin (DOGE) to test its second support point at $0.07118, and possibly down to its 1-month low at $0.05791. Such a downturn would be a clear signal of a shift in market sentiment, perhaps influenced by a reassessment of the novelty and long-term impact of its association with space missions.

然而,也有一種看跌的可能性需要考慮。如果 DOGE 未能維持在 0.07542 美元以上的位置,則可能表明投資者興趣減弱或更廣泛的市場懷疑情緒,從而可能導致下跌。跌破該支撐位可能會導致狗狗幣(DOGE)測試第二個支撐位 0.07118 美元,並可能跌至 1 個月低點 0.05791 美元。這種低迷將是市場情緒轉變的明顯信號,可能是受到對其與太空任務的新穎性和長期影響的重新評估的影響。

The fluctuation around the 9-day and 18-day moving averages at $0.07473 and $0.07191, respectively, also hints at a potential trend reversal, adding credence to this bearish outlook.

9 日和 18 日移動平均線分別在 0.07473 美元和 0.07191 美元附近波動也暗示了潛在的趨勢逆轉,增加了這種看跌前景的可信度。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Eyeing Record High In 2023?

柴犬 (SHIB):2023 年將創歷史新高?

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has been the talk of the crypto town lately, especially with its recent 1400% spike in burn rate and the involvement of Manny Pacquiao’s charitable foundation. The burning of a hefty 105 million SHIB tokens, and Pacquiao's foundation adopting Shiba Inu (SHIB) Layer 2 solution Shibarium for fundraising, has put SHIB under the spotlight. This news is significant because it not only reduces the meme coin’s circulating supply, but also potentially broadens its utility and adoption, setting the stage for interesting market dynamics.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 最近成為加密小鎮的熱門話題,尤其是其燒錢率最近飆升 1400%,以及 Manny Pacquiao 慈善基金會的參與。 1.05億枚SHIB代幣的巨額銷毀,以及帕奎奧基金會採用柴犬(SHIB)Layer 2解決方案Shibarium進行籌款,讓SHIB成為了人們關注的焦點。這項消息意義重大,因為它不僅減少了迷因幣的流通供應,而且還可能擴大其效用和採用範圍,為有趣的市場動態奠定基礎。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Technical Analysis

Technically, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is trading in a fascinating range, nestled between its first support point at $0.0000081 and its second resistance level at $0.0000096. Key technical indicators like the 3-10 day MACD oscillator and the 9 day moving average at $0.0000086 and $0.0000084 suggest a cautious market sentiment, as the SHIB price action hovers near these critical thresholds.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 技術分析 從技術上講,Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的交易區間非常迷人,位於第一個支撐位 0.0000081 美元和第二個阻力位 0.0000096 美元之間。 3-10 天 MACD 振盪器和 0.0000086 美元和 0.0000084 美元的 9 日移動平均線等關鍵技術指標表明市場情緒謹慎,因為 SHIB 價格走勢徘徊在這些關鍵閾值附近。

Source: TradingView


This technical posture is critical in understanding the market's perception of SHIB, particularly when juxtaposed with the recent news and analyst predictions like Captain Fabik's forecast of a potential 2x rally by mid-December. Such a rally could push the Shiba Inu (SHIB) value to around $0.00001694, a new high for the meme coin in 2023.

這種技術態勢對於理解市場對 SHIB 的看法至關重要,特別是與最近的新聞和分析師預測(例如 Captain Fabik 預測 12 月中旬可能出現 2 倍上漲)相比較時。這樣的反彈可能會將 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的價值推至 0.00001694 美元左右,這是 2023 年 meme 代幣的新高。

However, the path for the coin isn't without its thorns. The bearish scenario hinges on the massive 627 trillion Shiba Inu (SHIB) barrier as indicated by the IntoTheBlock. This data reveals that a significant number of SHIB holders are currently at a loss, with over 468,000 addresses needing SHIB to rise to an average of $0.000015 just to break even. In contrast, the bullish scenario is fueled by the continuous development of the Shiba Inu (SHIB) ecosystem, including Shibarium's integration into Atomic Wallet and the planned addition of SHIB to Bakkt's custodial support.

然而,硬幣之路並非一帆風順。看跌情景取決於 IntoTheBlock 所示的 627 兆柴犬 (SHIB) 屏障。該數據顯示,大量 SHIB 持有者目前處於虧損狀態,超過 468,000 個位址需要 SHIB 平均上漲到 0.000015 美元才能達到收支平衡。相較之下,看漲情景是由 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 生態系統的持續發展所推動的,包括 Shibarium 整合到 Atomic Wallet 以及計劃將 SHIB 添加到 Bakkt 的託管支援中。

These developments might just be the catalysts needed for Shiba Inu (SHIB) to break through its current trading range and achieve new heights, aligning with Captain Fabik's optimistic prediction.


Final Thoughts


In the whirlwind world of crypto, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are stealing the show in their own unique ways. DOGE has got everyone buzzing with its bold plan to jet off to the moon – literally. It's not just a quirky story; this cosmic adventure is making waves in the market. But the big question is: will this spacey stunt really send the Dogecoin (DOGE) value to the stars, or is it just a flash in the crypto pan? It's a thrilling ride, and everyone's keeping their eyes peeled to see where DOGE eventually lands.

在旋風般的加密世界中,狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)正以自己獨特的方式搶盡風頭。 DOGE 的大膽飛月計劃引起了所有人的熱烈討論。這不僅僅是一個離奇的故事;這場宇宙冒險正在市場上掀起波瀾。但最大的問題是:這個太空特技真的會把狗狗幣(DOGE)的價值傳給星星,還是只是曇花一現?這是一趟驚心動魄的旅程,每個人都在密切關注 DOGE 最終降落的地方。

SHIB is playing a different game but it's no less captivating. With its recent moves, like burning tokens and getting a nod from big names, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is slowly but surely carving out its place in the crypto universe. The charts show a mix of hope and caution – it's like SHIB is at a crossroads, deciding which way to jump. Can it shoot up and surprise everyone, or will it face a tougher climb?

SHIB 正在玩一個不同的遊戲,但它同樣迷人。透過燃燒代幣和獲得知名人士的認可等近期舉措,柴犬(SHIB)正在緩慢但堅定地在加密貨幣世界中佔據一席之地。這些圖表顯示出希望與謹慎的混合體——就像 SHIB 正處於十字路口,決定跳向哪條路。它能否一飛沖天並帶給所有人驚喜,還是會面臨更艱難的攀登?

Each with their own drama and excitement, both assets keep the crypto crowd on their toes and show just how wild and unpredictable the world of meme coins can be.


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一篇贊助文章,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。




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