首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著比特幣價格回調,這種新的 Meme 幣競爭對手將 Notcoin 視為最值得投資的山寨幣

As Bitcoin Navigates Price Retracement, This New Meme Coin Rival Trending Notcoin As The Top Altcoin For Investment

隨著比特幣價格回調,這種新的 Meme 幣競爭對手將 Notcoin 視為最值得投資的山寨幣

發布: 2024/06/28 20:03 閱讀: 580

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


隨著比特幣價格回調,這種新的 Meme 幣競爭對手將 Notcoin 視為最值得投資的山寨幣

APORK: The Rising Star of Meme Coins with a Unique Edge

APORK:具有獨特優勢的 Meme 幣後起之秀

The cryptocurrency market experienced a momentary disruption after Bitcoin's price dipped below $60,000 due to speculative rumors surrounding the Mt. Gox refund process. However, investors are shifting their attention towards other promising altcoins, including Angry Pepe Fork (APORK).

由於有關 Mt. Gox 退款流程的投機傳言,比特幣價格跌至 60,000 美元以下,加密貨幣市場經歷了短暫的混亂。然而,投資者正在將注意力轉向其他有前景的山寨幣,包括 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)。

APORK has emerged as a formidable competitor to Notcoin (NOT) in the meme coin arena. With its scarcity model and innovative "conquer-to-earn" incentive model, APORK is gaining traction as a top investment opportunity.

APORK 已成為迷因幣領域 Notcoin (NOT) 的強大競爭對手。憑藉其稀缺性模型和創新的「征服即賺錢」激勵模式,APORK 正在成為頂級投資機會。

APORK: The Rising Star


Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) has gained significant attention in the meme coin market due to its distinctive features and robust framework.

Angry Pepe Fork(APORK)因其獨特的功能和強大的框架而在模因幣市場上獲得了極大的關注。

Unique Features:


  • Combines the appeal of meme coins with DeFi mechanisms.
  • Staking periods of 30, 60, and 90 days provide varying reward levels.
  • Capped supply of 1.9 billion tokens, similar to Bitcoin's scarcity principle.
  • Raised nearly $200,000, with projections of reaching $250,000 by the end of the week.
  • Anticipated listing on top-tier exchanges.

Innovative Incentive Model:

將meme 幣的吸引力與DeFi 機制相結合。美元,預計年底將達到25 萬美元本週熱門。

APORK's "conquer-to-earn" model rewards community members for promoting the token and ranking it above other meme coins. Participants receive free APORK tokens for every successful rank-up.

APORK 的「征服即賺取」模式獎勵社群成員推廣該代幣並將其排名高於其他迷因幣。參與者每次成功晉級都會獲得免費的 APORK 代幣。

Bitcoin Price Trajectory


The Bitcoin (BTC) price faced a major setback, falling below $60,000 amid rumors of Mt. Gox creditor refunds entering the market. However, after clarification from the Mt. Gox team, the market sentiment improved, and BTC is now trading around $61,000 to $62,200. Analysts foresee further price increases in the coming weeks.

由於 Mt. Gox 債權人退款的傳言進入市場,比特幣 (BTC) 價格遭遇重大挫折,跌破 60,000 美元。不過,在 Mt. Gox 團隊澄清後,市場情緒有所改善,BTC 目前交易價格約為 61,000 美元至 62,200 美元。分析師預計未來幾週價格將進一步上漲。

Notcoin's Token Burn

Notcoin 的代幣銷毀

The Notcoin (NOT) community has executed a substantial token burn, incinerating millions of tokens. This strategic move has resulted in a 6% price surge, demonstrating the community's commitment to stabilizing and elevating the market. Market analysts predict sustained price increases if demand continues to grow.

Notcoin (NOT) 社群執行了大規模的代幣銷毀,焚燒了數百萬代幣。這項策略性措施導致價格飆升 6%,體現了社區對穩定和提升市場的承諾。市場分析師預測,如果需求持續成長,價格將持續上漲。



Angry Pepe Fork stands out from other meme coins like Notcoin with its capped supply, unique incentive model, and promising future. As it prepares for exchange listings, APORK is poised to outshine its competitors and become a valuable investment opportunity.

Angry Pepe Fork 憑藉其有限的供應量、獨特的激勵模式和充滿希望的未來,從 Notcoin 等其他模因幣中脫穎而出。隨著APORK準備在交易所上市,它有望超越競爭對手,成為一個寶貴的投資機會。


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