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Bitcoin’s Rally Sparks Excitement Among Altcoin Investors


發布: 2024/02/09 06:33 閱讀: 644



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Bitcoin’s Rally Sparks Excitement Among Altcoin Investors

您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:比特幣的反彈激發了山寨幣投資者的興奮

Bitcoin’s price is showing promising signs of recovery, having surpassed the $45,000 mark, which has also excited altcoin investors. The encouraging aspect is that the price did not linger long in the support region of $38,500 and has managed to reclaim resistance within a month after ETF sales. So, if the BTC rally continues, at which levels should XRP, LUNA, and DOGE investors be looking?

比特幣的價格顯示出有希望的復甦跡象,已突破 45,000 美元大關,這也讓山寨幣投資者興奮不已。令人鼓舞的是,價格並沒有在 38,500 美元的支撐區域徘徊太久,並在 ETF 銷售後一個月內成功收復阻力位。那麼,如果 BTC 繼續上漲,XRP、LUNA 和 DOGE 投資者應該關注哪個水準?

XRP Coin Price Prediction

XRP 幣價格預測

Ripple continues its tough battle with the SEC, obligated to publish financial statements and report on corporate sales. The latest court decision indicates that not all outcomes will favor Ripple. As we’ve always mentioned, the collective appeal process will play a significant role in limiting risk appetite this year.

Ripple 繼續與 SEC 進行激烈的鬥爭,後者有義務發布財務報表和公司銷售報告。最新的法院判決表明,並非所有結果都對 Ripple 有利。正如我們一直提到的,集體上訴程序將在今年限制風險偏好方面發揮重要作用。

XRP Coin’s price was at $0.516 while preparing this article and has shown a weaker recovery compared to alternatives like ADA and SOL Coin. The lack of a bounce from the $0.5 support confirms the cautious stance of the bulls.

在準備本文時,XRP 幣的價格為 0.516 美元,與 ADA 和 SOL 幣等替代品相比,其復甦勢頭較弱。缺乏 0.5 美元支撐位的反彈證實了多頭的謹慎立場。

For investors to be convinced of a renewed uptrend, the $0.55 area and the parallel channel support at $0.58 must be reclaimed. If successful, targets of $0.64, $0.68, and eventually $0.736 could come into play. However, the rapidly increasing circulating supply puts even long-term targets of $2 at risk.

為了讓投資者相信新的上升趨勢,必須收回 0.55 美元區域和 0.58 美元的平行通道支撐位。如果成功,目標價為 0.64 美元、0.68 美元,最終為 0.736 美元。然而,快速增加的流通供應量甚至使 2 美元的長期目標面臨風險。

LUNA Coin Price Prediction

LUNA 幣價格預測

Terra scammer Do Kwon’s delayed extradition to the US caused a temporary price surge today. The long upper wicks in the LUNA Coin price chart tell the tale of traders chasing speculative trades and exiting late. Technically, a close above $0.673 could lead to a spike to $0.75.

Terra 騙子 Do Kwon 延遲引渡到美國導致今天價格暫時飆升。 LUNA Coin 價格圖表中的長上影線講述了交易者追逐投機交易並遲到退出的故事。從技術上講,收盤價高於 0.673 美元可能會導致價格飆升至 0.75 美元。

DOGE Price Prediction


In the most optimistic scenario, DOGE’s price is expected to target the barriers of $0.0857 and $0.088 with a close above $0.083. If the second target, the parallel channel support, is reclaimed, bulls may find the support they need to test the strong resistance at $0.09 once more.

在最樂觀的情況下,DOGE 的價格預計將達到 0.0857 美元和 0.088 美元的關口,收盤價將高於 0.083 美元。如果收回第二個目標,即平行通道支撐位,多頭可能會找到再次測試 0.09 美元強阻力位所需的支撐位。

In the ongoing rally, targets of $0.0946 and ultimately $0.106 could be aimed for. For now, the sideways trend continues, and the BTC recovery has not found much resonance on the Dogecoin front.

在持續的反彈中,目標可能是 0.0946 美元,最終目標是 0.106 美元。目前,橫盤趨勢仍在繼續,比特幣的復甦並未在狗狗幣方面引起太多共鳴。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Bitcoin’s Rally Sparks Excitement Among Altcoin Investors

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:比特幣的反彈激發了山寨幣投資者的興奮


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