首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著人們對 ETF 的熱情日益高漲,比特幣飆升至 3.5 萬美元。

Bitcoin soars to $35K amid growing enthusiasm for ETFs.

隨著人們對 ETF 的熱情日益高漲,比特幣飆升至 3.5 萬美元。

發布: 2023/10/26 18:15 閱讀: 428



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Now, as we embark on the journey of crafting the following content, we aim to infuse it with a rich tapestry of perplexity and burstiness while ensuring predictability takes a back seat. It’s essential to note that we must adhere to the English language for this endeavor.


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On Monday, a surge in Bitcoin’s price saw it briefly touch the $35,000 milestone, sending ripples of excitement across the Bitcoin ETF landscape.

週一,比特幣價格飆升,一度觸及 35,000 美元的里程碑,在比特幣 ETF 領域引發了興奮的漣漪。

The value of Bitcoin, often represented as BTC, experienced an astonishing breakthrough, surpassing the $35,000 mark for the first time since May 2022. This surge, amounting to a remarkable gain over the past 24 hours, captured the attention of the crypto world.

比特幣(通常稱為 BTC)的價值經歷了驚人的突破,自 2022 年 5 月以來首次突破 35,000 美元大關。這一飆昇在過去 24 小時內實現了驚人的漲幅,引起了加密世界的關注。

The sudden upswing in Bitcoin’s value occurred on October 23, propelling BTC’s price upwards by more than 10%, from $31,000 to over $34,000. Remarkably, within a mere two hours of crossing the $34,000 threshold, Bitcoin reached an impressive $35,300, as indicated by data sourced from TradingView. Presently, Bitcoin is being traded at a price of $34,550.

10 月 23 日,比特幣價格突然上漲,推動 BTC 價格上漲超過 10%,從 31,000 美元上漲至 34,000 美元以上。值得注意的是,根據 TradingView 的數據顯示,在突破 34,000 美元門檻後的短短兩個小時內,比特幣就達到了令人印象深刻的 35,300 美元。目前,比特幣的交易價格為 34,550 美元。

This sudden surge in Bitcoin’s price coincides with a fresh wave of interest in forthcoming spot exchange-traded fund (ETF) approvals, alongside a substantial surge in trading activity across spot markets.


Additionally, this price surge is intertwined with developments related to BlackRock’s proposed spot Bitcoin ETF. On October 23, analyst Scott Johnson, formerly known as Twitter, highlighted two significant pieces of information hinting at the imminent approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF by the investment giant, BlackRock. Johnson pointed out that BlackRock had successfully secured a specific “CUSIP” license and might soon commence the process of “seeding” its spot ETF product with cash, as early as this month. Responding to this development, senior Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas pointed out that seeding an ETF usually involves a relatively modest amount of money, sufficient to set an ETF in motion. However, he acknowledged that this development is a positive indicator, marking “another step in the process of launching.”

此外,這種價格飆升與貝萊德擬議的現貨比特幣 ETF 相關的發展交織在一起。 10 月 23 日,分析師 Scott Johnson(前 Twitter)強調了兩個重要訊息,暗示投資巨頭貝萊德即將批准現貨比特幣 ETF。約翰遜指出,貝萊德已成功獲得特定的「CUSIP」許可證,並可能最早於本月開始用現金「播種」其現貨 ETF 產品。針對這項發展,彭博 ETF 資深分析師 Eric Balchunas 指出,種子 ETF 通常需要相對少量的資金,足以啟動 ETF。不過,他承認這項發展是一個正面的指標,標誌著「啟動過程中又邁出了一步」。

The sudden price upsurge is accompanied by a significant upswing in Bitcoin’s spot trading volume. As of the time of this publication, spot trading volume has surged beyond $35 billion within the past 24 hours, reflecting an astonishing 241% gain in the same time frame, as per data obtained from CoinMarketCap.

價格的突然上漲伴隨著比特幣現貨交易量的大幅上升。根據 CoinMarketCap 獲得的數據,截至本文發佈時,過去 24 小時內現貨交易量已飆升至 350 億美元以上,同一時間內的漲幅高達 241%。

While Bitcoin experienced the most substantial price surge, this bullish momentum extended its favor to other cryptocurrencies. Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), recorded a 7% increase, while Solana’s SOL saw a remarkable 11% surge. Moreover, Dogecoin (DOGE) saw an 8% upswing, and Cardano (ADA) followed suit with a 5% gain.

儘管比特幣經歷了最大幅度的價格飆升,但這種看漲勢頭也擴大了對其他加密貨幣的青睞。以太坊的原生加密貨幣以太幣 (ETH) 上漲了 7%,而 Solana 的 SOL 則大幅上漲了 11%。此外,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 上漲 8%,卡爾達諾 (ADA) 也上漲 5%。

The crypto community and market commentators appeared bewildered by this abrupt upward movement. Independent journalist Autism Capital, with a following of 237,000, posed the question to their audience, “What just transpired?”

加密貨幣社群和市場評論員似乎對這種突然的上漲走勢感到困惑。擁有 237,000 名追隨者的獨立記者 Autism Capital 向觀眾提出了這樣的問題:“剛剛發生了什麼?”

Zooming out from the immediate price action, a favorable backdrop seemed to be in place for this sudden surge in cryptocurrency prices. Data from CoinShares indicated that digital asset investment products had witnessed a fourth consecutive week of inflows, reinforcing the growing interest and confidence in the digital asset space.

從目前的價格走勢來看,加密貨幣價格的突然飆升似乎已經形成了有利的背景。 CoinShares的數據顯示,數位資產投資產品已連續第四周出現資金流入,增強了人們對數位資產領域不斷增長的興趣和信心。

The post Bitcoin soars to $35K amid growing enthusiasm for ETFs. appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

隨著人們對 ETF 的熱情日益高漲,比特幣後期飆升至 3.5 萬美元。首先出現在比特幣世界。


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