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BitMEX Expands Support For Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Pepe Coin & Others; Here’s How

BitMEX 擴大對狗狗幣、柴犬幣、佩佩幣等的支持;就是這樣

發布: 2024/07/04 16:04 閱讀: 669



BitMEX 擴大對狗狗幣、柴犬幣、佩佩幣等的支持;就是這樣

BitMEX Introduces MEMEMEXTUSDT Basket Index Perpetual Swap

BitMEX 推出 MEMEMEXTUSDT 一籃子指數永續掉期

BitMEX has unveiled a new offering: the MEMEMEXTUSDT Basket Index perpetual swap contract. Designed to provide traders with exposure to the top 10 meme coins, this contract incorporates Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Pepe Coin (PEPE), among others.

BitMEX 推出了一項新產品:MEMEMEXTUSDT 籃子指數永續掉期合約。該合約旨在為交易者提供排名前 10 名的 meme 代幣的機會,其中包括狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬幣 (SHIB) 和佩佩幣 (PEPE) 等。

Leveraging the volatility of meme coins, the contract offers up to 25x leverage, allowing traders to speculate on the overall performance of the sector. Similar to the S&P 500 in traditional finance, the MEMEMEXTUSDT aims to track the collective performance of meme coins.

利用 meme 幣的波動性,該合約提供高達 25 倍的槓桿,讓交易者推測該行業的整體表現。與傳統金融中的標準普爾 500 指數類似,MEMEMEXTUSDT 旨在追蹤 meme 幣的集體表現。

The MEMEMEXT Basket Index, denoted as .BMEMEMEXT, serves as the core of this product. It comprises the top 10 meme coins based on market capitalization, periodically adjusting to maintain this ranking. The index uses a weighted average price of the included coins, with multipliers updated on the last Friday of each month.

MEMEMEXT 籃子指數(記為 .BMEMEMEXT)是本產品的核心。它包括基於市值的前 10 個模因幣,並定期調整以維持這一排名。該指數使用所含代幣的加權平均價格,乘數在每月最後一個星期五更新。

Key Features of the Basket Memecoin Index:

一籃子 Memecoin 指數的主要特徵:

  • Linear perpetual swap
  • Margined in USDT
  • No need to hold individual meme coins
  • Contract Size: 0.0001 MEMEMEXT
  • Lot Size: 1000
  • Maximum Leverage: 25x
  • Maker Fees: -0.015%
  • Taker Fees: 0.075%

The MEMEMEXTUSDT contract offers convenient access to the meme coin market, enabling traders to take positions without holding individual assets. It caters to those seeking exposure to the meme coin sector, providing up to 25 times leverage for amplified returns and potential risks.

線性永續掉期以USDT 為保證金無需持有單一meme 幣符號:MEMEMEXTUSDT 合約大小:0.0001 MEMEMEXT 手數大小:1000 最大槓桿:25x Maker 費用:-0.015% Taker 費用:0.075% MEMEME市場的途徑,使交易者得以持有不持有個人資產。它迎合了那些尋求投資迷因幣行業的人,提供高達 25 倍的槓桿,以放大回報和潛在風險。

As the popularity of meme coins continues to soar, with DOGE and SHIB commanding massive followings and experiencing significant price movements, the MEMEMEXT Basket Index is poised to attract traders seeking exposure to this dynamic market segment.

隨著 Meme 幣的受歡迎程度持續飆升,DOGE 和 SHIB 擁有大量追隨者並經歷顯著的價格波動,MEMEMEXT 籃子指數有望吸引尋求涉足這一動態細分市場的交易者。


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