首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 不是 Bittensor (TAO),但這種新的山寨幣是現在最熱門的人工智慧加密貨幣

Not Bittensor (TAO), But This New Altcoin is The Hottest AI Crypto Now

不是 Bittensor (TAO),但這種新的山寨幣是現在最熱門的人工智慧加密貨幣

發布: 2024/09/25 00:00 閱讀: 358



不是 Bittensor (TAO),但這種新的山寨幣是現在最熱門的人工智慧加密貨幣

In recent times, Bittensor (TAO) has drawn attention in the AI crypto sector, experiencing an over 80% increase. However, enqAI has surpassed it, with its price skyrocketing by over 300% in the past week, including a 120% surge today.


Despite a temporary 15% pullback—a natural occurrence as traders realize profits after such significant growth—prices remaining above the $0.022 level could reinforce trader confidence in enqAI.

儘管出現 15% 的暫時回調(這是交易者在如此顯著增長後實現利潤時自然發生的情況),但價格保持在 0.022 美元以上的水平可能會增強交易者對 enqAI 的信心。

Yesterday marked a crucial moment for enqAI as it broke through a significant resistance point around $0.022. Today, it reached a new peak of $0.033, although it was unable to maintain that level.

昨天對 enqAI 來說是一個關鍵時刻,因為它突破了 0.022 美元附近的重要阻力位。今天,它達到了 0.033 美元的新高,儘管它無法維持該水平。

Analysts now focus on whether prices will remain above $0.022 (the peak of its breakout) to support further bullish momentum. EnqAI's chart has been volatile lately, but this surge could attract long-term investors.

分析師現在關注價格是否將保持在 0.022 美元(突破峰值)之上以支持進一步的看漲勢頭。 EnqAI 的圖表最近一直在波動,但這種飆升可能會吸引長期投資者。

enqAI: A Network for Unbiased AI
enqAI is a decentralized platform designed to provide unbiased and uncensored AI models. It utilizes a distributed infrastructure of GPU nodes.

enqAI:無偏見人工智慧網路enqAI 是一個去中心化平台,旨在提供無偏見和未經審查的人工智慧模式。它利用 GPU 節點的分散式基礎設施。

This innovative architecture aims to eliminate hidden biases in traditional AI systems, fostering a more transparent and equitable approach to AI development and deployment. Launched in December 2023, enqAI currently has a market cap of around $27 million.

這種創新架構旨在消除傳統人工智慧系統中隱藏的偏見,促進人工智慧開發和部署更透明和公平的方法。 enqAI 於 2023 年 12 月推出,目前市值約 2,700 萬美元。

Features Driving Demand
Several unique features contribute to the growing demand for enqAI tokens:

推動需求的功能幾個獨特的功能促進了對 enqAI 代幣不斷增長的需求:

Uncensored AI Tools: enqAI prioritizes creating AI tools free from censorship, enabling users to generate content without limitations. Applications include image, audio, and natural language processing.

未經審查的人工智慧工具:enqAI 優先創建不受審查的人工智慧工具,使用戶能夠不受限制地產生內容。應用包括圖像、音訊和自然語言處理。

Collaborative Ecosystem: The platform encourages community participation, allowing users to contribute to AI model development and refinement. This collaborative approach ensures the integrity and diversity of the network's AI outputs.


Token Utility: The EnqAI token has multiple roles within the ecosystem, including facilitating transactions for AI services, incentivizing user contributions, and supporting governance decisions.

代幣實用性:EnqAI 代幣在生態系統中具有多種作用,包括促進人工智慧服務的交易、激勵用戶貢獻以及支援治理決策。


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