Bitwise Asset Management's proposed Dogecoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) is nearing launch. NYSE Arca has filed a 19b-4 proposal to list and trade its shares, as detailed in a March 3 filing. This rule change would allow the exchange to offer the Bitwise Dogecoin ETF, providing investors with direct exposure to Dogecoin on the NYSE Arca exchange.
Bitwise Asset Management擬議的Dogecoin交換基金(ETF)即將發布。 紐約證券交易所ARCA已提交了19b-4提案,以列出和交易其股份,如3月3日的文件中所述。 此規則的更改將使交易所提供dogecoin ETF,從而為投資者在NYSE ARCA Exchange上直接接觸Dogecoin。
The ETF, structured as a Delaware statutory trust, will be managed under a trust agreement with Bitwise as the sponsor. Its objective is to track Dogecoin's price, covering operational costs with net asset value calculations based on a CF Benchmarks Ltd. pricing benchmark. The ETF will hold Dogecoin directly, maintaining minimal cash reserves, and all fees, including Bitwise's management fee, will be paid in Dogecoin. The trust agreement disclaims any unintended acquisition of other digital assets, such as through forks or airdrops.
ETF構成特拉華州法定信任,將根據信任協議作為贊助商進行信任協議。 它的目標是跟踪Dogecoin的價格,涵蓋基於CF Benchmarks Ltd.定價基準的淨資產價值計算的運營成本。 ETF將直接持有Dogecoin,保持最少的現金儲備,所有費用,包括位的管理費,都將在Dogecoin中支付。 該信託協議違反了對其他數字資產的任何意外收購,例如通過叉或空投。
Investors will participate through cash creations and redemptions; direct Dogecoin contributions and withdrawals will not be permitted. Coinbase will serve as the Dogecoin custodian, while Bank of New York Mellon will handle cash custody, administration, and transfer agency functions.
投資者將通過現金創造和兌換參與;不允許進行直接的Dogecoin捐款和提款。 Coinbase將擔任Dogecoin託管人,而紐約銀行將處理現金監護,管理和轉讓代理機構職能。
Bitwise initially filed for the ETF's registration in late January, followed by an S-1 registration with the SEC on January 28. Other firms, including Rex Shares, Osprey Funds, and Grayscale, are also pursuing Dogecoin ETFs. Grayscale's application received SEC acknowledgement on February 13.
最初於1月下旬申請ETF註冊的Bitwise,隨後於1月28日在SEC進行了S-1註冊。 Grayscale的申請於2月13日收到了SEC確認。
Bitwise also filed an S-1 for an Aptos ETF on February 27 with the Delaware Department of State. Approval could make Bitwise the first U.S. firm to launch an APT-based ETF.
Bitwise還於2月27日向特拉華州國務院提交了APTOS ETF的S-1。 批准可以使Bitwise成為第一家推出基於APT的ETF的美國公司。