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BlockDAG’s Presale Boom Captures Market Spotlight Over Uniswap and Pepe Coin This June!

今年 6 月,BlockDAG 的預售熱潮吸引了 Uniswap 和 Pepe Coin 的市場關注!

發布: 2024/06/28 09:03 閱讀: 368



今年 6 月,BlockDAG 的預售熱潮吸引了 Uniswap 和 Pepe Coin 的市場關注!

BlockDAG: A Crypto Presale Standout with $54M Raised

BlockDAG:加密貨幣預售脫穎而出,籌集了 5,400 萬美元

BlockDAG has gained significant traction within the cryptocurrency community, fueled by endorsements from prominent influencers. This momentum is evident in its presale, now in its 19th batch, where the coin's price has surged to $0.015. This represents an astonishing 1300% increase since the initial offering, resulting in an impressive $54 million raised.

在知名影響者的認可的推動下,BlockDAG 在加密貨幣社群中獲得了巨大的關注。這種勢頭在預售中表現得很明顯,現在已經是第 19 批,代幣的價格已飆升至 0.015 美元。自首次發行以來,這一數字增長了 1300%,令人震驚,籌集了 5,400 萬美元。

BlockDAG's Impeccable Performance

BlockDAG 無可挑剔的性能

BlockDAG's presale has been characterized by its extraordinary growth. The coin's price has skyrocketed to $0.015, a monumental 1300% jump from its initial batch. In just half a day, the presale has generated $3 million, with daily projections reaching $5 million. BlockDAG has raised $54 million in total, distributing 11.8 billion BDAG coins and earning $3.4 million solely from mining equipment sales.

BlockDAG 預售的特點是其非凡的成長。該代幣的價格已飆升至 0.015 美元,較第一批上漲了 1300%。光是半天時間,預售就已創收 300 萬美元,每日預測將達到 500 萬美元。 BlockDAG 總共籌集了 5,400 萬美元,分發了 118 億枚 BDAG 代幣,僅從採礦設備銷售中就獲得了 340 萬美元的收入。

The popularity of the X100 mining rig has soared due to its exceptional capabilities. With a hash rate of 2 TH/s and a power consumption of 1900W, it can generate up to 2,000 BDAG daily. Investors are attracted by its lucrative earning potential. BlockDAG's commitment to green mining practices, emphasizing energy efficiency and minimal noise pollution, further enhances its appeal among eco-conscious miners.

X100 礦機因其卓越的功能而廣受歡迎。算力為2TH/s,功耗1900W,每日最多可產生2000個BDAG。投資者被其豐厚的獲利潛力所吸引。 BlockDAG 對綠色採礦實踐的承諾,強調能源效率和最小化噪音污染,進一步增強了其對具有生態意識的礦工的吸引力。

Uniswap's Promising Bullish Momentum

Uniswap 充滿希望的看漲勢頭

Uniswap (UNI) is currently navigating market fluctuations but remains poised for a possible breakout. Despite a recent dip of 2.73%, UNI has recorded a substantial 32.34% gain over the past month.

Uniswap (UNI) 目前正在應對市場波動,但仍準備好迎接可能的突破。儘管最近下跌了 2.73%,但 UNI 在過去一個月卻大幅上漲了 32.34%。

Trading at $9.652 with a market cap of $5.63 billion, UNI ranks 20th globally among cryptocurrencies. Market analysts believe a bullish surge is possible if UNI maintains support above $9.90. For investors seeking resilience and promising growth, UNI offers a compelling opportunity. In bullish conditions, UNI could challenge the $11.640 mark and aim for $13.510 in the near future.

UNI 的交易價格為 9.652 美元,市值為 56.3 億美元,在全球加密貨幣中排名第 20 位。市場分析師認為,如果 UNI 將支撐位維持在 9.90 美元上方,則看漲可能會飆升。對於尋求韌性和有希望的成長的投資者來說,UNI 提供了一個令人信服的機會。在看漲情況下,UNI 可能會挑戰 11.640 美元大關,並在不久的將來瞄準 13.510 美元。

Pepe Coin's Bumpy Journey and Resurgence


Pepe Coin (PEPE) experienced a 17.95% decline last week following its all-time high. This correction was primarily attributed to an overbought market and excessive hype. The downturn was amplified by recent U.S. labor reports.

佩佩幣(PEPE)繼創歷史新高後,上週下跌 17.95%。此次調整主要歸因於市場超買和過度炒作。最近的美國勞工報告加劇了經濟低迷。

However, PEPE is experiencing a renewed interest as whales accumulate tokens at lower prices. Meme coins are known for their volatility and limited utility, but the current accumulation by major investors suggests a potential bullish revival. Investors should proceed with caution due to the high-risk, high-reward nature of these assets.

然而,隨著鯨魚以較低的價格累積代幣,PEPE 正在重新燃起興趣。 Meme 幣以其波動性和有限的效用而聞名,但主要投資者目前的累積表明潛在的看漲復甦。由於這些資產的高風險、高回報性質,投資者應謹慎行事。



BlockDAG's remarkable presale performance and commitment to sustainability make it a standout in the crypto landscape. Uniswap (UNI) exhibits strong growth potential, while Pepe Coin (PEPE) presents a high-risk, high-reward scenario with its potential resurgence.

BlockDAG 卓越的預售表現和對永續發展的承諾使其在加密貨幣領域脫穎而出。 Uniswap (UNI) 展現出強勁的成長潛力,而 Pepe Coin (PEPE) 呈現出高風險、高回報的場景,具有潛在的復甦潛力。

These cryptocurrencies, with their innovative technologies and market dynamics, warrant consideration for investors seeking to diversify into promising digital assets, particularly BlockDAG with its rapid growth and forward-thinking strategies.

這些加密貨幣憑藉其創新技術和市場動態,值得尋求多元化投資有前途的數位資產的投資者考慮,尤其是具有快速成長和前瞻性策略的 BlockDAG。


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