首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在 Solana 和以太坊之爭期間,BlockDAG 以 5,490 萬美元預售掌舵加密貨幣,同時狗狗幣也出現波動

BlockDAG Takes the Helm in Crypto with a $54.9M Presale During Solana and Ethereum Tussles, Alongside Dogecoin’s Volatility

在 Solana 和以太坊之爭期間,BlockDAG 以 5,490 萬美元預售掌舵加密貨幣,同時狗狗幣也出現波動

發布: 2024/07/02 08:49 閱讀: 637



在 Solana 和以太坊之爭期間,BlockDAG 以 5,490 萬美元預售掌舵加密貨幣,同時狗狗幣也出現波動

Navigating Market Dynamics: BlockDAG Shines Amidst Solana's Optimism and Dogecoin's Fluctuations

駕馭市場動態:BlockDAG 在 Solana 的樂觀和狗狗幣的波動中大放異彩

As the cryptocurrency market treads cautiously, Solana remains a beacon of optimism, fueled by continuous network enhancements. Meanwhile, Dogecoin navigates the choppy waters of market volatility. Amidst this market turmoil, BlockDAG emerges as a rising star, securing an impressive $54.9 million in its presale. Its groundbreaking X series miners have propelled BlockDAG to the forefront, captivating cryptocurrency enthusiasts drawn to Solana, Ethereum, and Dogecoin.

儘管加密貨幣市場謹慎行事,但在網路不斷增強的推動下,Solana 仍然是樂觀的燈塔。與此同時,狗狗幣在市場波動的波濤洶湧的水域中航行。在這場市場動盪中,BlockDAG 作為後起之秀脫穎而出,預售金額高達 5,490 萬美元。其突破性的 X 系列礦機將 BlockDAG 推向了最前沿,吸引了 Solana、以太坊和狗狗幣的加密貨幣愛好者。

Solana on a Positive Trajectory

Solana 正走在正面的軌道上

Despite a sluggish market, Solana exhibits resilience. Analysis by Will Clemente highlights Solana's relative strength against Ethereum, indicating a potential shift towards brighter prospects. After a period of underperformance, Solana has regained momentum, positioned above critical moving averages, signaling optimism against the USD. The anticipation for a potential Solana ETF further fuels excitement, promising exponential growth and a redefined market position.

儘管市場低迷,Solana 仍表現出韌性。 Will Clemente 的分析強調了 Solana 相對於以太坊的相對優勢,表明潛在的前景將變得更加光明。經過一段時間的表現不佳後,Solana 已恢復動力,位於關鍵移動平均線之上,表明對美元的樂觀情緒。對潛在 Solana ETF 的預期進一步激發了人們的興奮,有望實現指數級成長並重新定義市場地位。

Dogecoin's Turbulent Journey


In contrast, Dogecoin faces challenges marked by declining open interest in futures and a significant price dip. Funding rates have fallen to bearish territory, reflecting a loss of enthusiasm among investors. The recent liquidation of $60 million in long positions amplifies the negative sentiment surrounding Dogecoin, marking a setback not seen since May 2021.

相較之下,狗狗幣面臨期貨未平倉合約下降和價格大幅下跌的挑戰。資金利率已跌至看跌區域,反映出投資人熱情的喪失。最近 6000 萬美元多頭頭寸的清算放大了圍繞狗狗幣的負面情緒,這是自 2021 年 5 月以來未見的挫折。

BlockDAG's Revolutionary X Series Miners

BlockDAG 革命性的 X 系列礦機

BlockDAG's presale has surpassed $54.9 million, driven by investor confidence in its innovative mining technology. The X10, X30, and X100 miners are designed for efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility. The X10 offers a hash rate of 100 MH/s and a daily yield of up to 200 BDAG with low power consumption, making it ideal for home setups.

由於投資者對其創新挖礦技術充滿信心,BlockDAG 的預售已超過 5,490 萬美元。 X10、X30 和 X100 礦機專為提高效率、永續性和可近性而設計。 X10 的算力為 100 MH/s,每日產量高達 200 BDAG,且耗電量低,非常適合家庭設定。

The X30 delivers a robust 280 GH/s hash rate, tripling the efficiency of its predecessors while maintaining a compact design. Its ASIC technology enhances performance and scalability, appealing to miners of all levels. The X100 crypto miner boasts an impressive 2 TH/s hash rate and a potential daily yield of 2,000 BDAG. It combines advanced ASIC technology with energy efficiency and minimal noise, positioning it as a key driver of BlockDAG's immense potential return on investment.

X30 提供強大的 280 GH/s 雜湊率,其效率是其前代產品的三倍,同時保持緊湊的設計。其 ASIC 技術增強了性能和可擴展性,對各個層級的礦工都有吸引力。 X100 加密礦機擁有令人印象深刻的 2 TH/s 哈希率和 2,000 BDAG 的潛在日產量。它將先進的 ASIC 技術與能源效率和最小噪音相結合,使其成為 BlockDAG 巨大潛在投資回報的關鍵驅動力。



BlockDAG's remarkable presale success and cutting-edge technology solidify its position as a formidable player in the cryptocurrency market. With over $54.9 million in funding and an exceptional mining ecosystem, BlockDAG offers unparalleled returns and presents itself as a dominant force in the current crypto landscape.

BlockDAG 非凡的預售成功和尖端技術鞏固了其作為加密貨幣市場強大參與者的地位。 BlockDAG 擁有超過 5,490 萬美元的資金和卓越的挖礦生態系統,提供無與倫比的回報,並成為當前加密貨幣領域的主導力量。

Seize the opportunity: BDAG coins are currently available for $0.014 in batch 19, making it an optimal investment window in this promising cryptocurrency.

把握機會:BDAG 代幣目前第 19 批的價格為 0.014 美元,使其成為這種有前途的加密貨幣的最佳投資窗口。


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