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BONK Getting 'DOGE-Like' Attention From Traders, Report Says

報導稱,BONK 受到交易員「類似 DOGE」的關注

發布: 2023/12/16 20:04 閱讀: 884



報導稱,BONK 受到交易員「類似 DOGE」的關注

Data aggregator Santiment has reported what crypto assets are likely to interest wide masses of cryptocurrency investors in the approaching year 2024. According to their report, BONK is leading the way here, and it has been attracting a great deal of attention from traders recently.

數據聚合商 Santiment 報告了在即將到來的 2024 年,哪些加密資產可能會引起廣大加密貨幣投資者的興趣。根據他們的報告,BONK 在這方面處於領先地位,並且最近吸引了交易者的大量關注。

Bonk (BONK) is the first meme coin launched on the Solana blockchain, and many within the cryptocurrency community refer to it as a rival of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin canine tokens.

Bonk (BONK) 是在 Solana 區塊鏈上推出的第一個迷因幣,​​加密貨幣社區中的許多人將其稱為 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 犬類代幣的競爭對手。

Over the past weeks, it has been attracting investors as the market remains insatiable with meme cryptocurrencies.


BONK to lead meme coins trend in 2024: Santiment

BONK 將引領 2024 年迷因幣趨勢:Santiment

Santiment has tweeted that at the end of 2023, the cryptocurrency market is being driven by short-term and long-term time frame topics. The tweet published on Thursday evening stated that the Santiment team believes NFTs, BASE and various meme cryptocurrencies are very likely to continue attracting traders’ interest as we are shifting into 2024.

Santiment 在推特上表示,到 2023 年底,加密貨幣市場將受到短期和長期時間框架主題的推動。週四晚上發布的推文表示,Santiment 團隊相信,隨著我們進入 2024 年,NFT、BASE 和各種 meme 加密貨幣很可能會繼續吸引交易者的興趣。

Besides, the tweet highlighted that at the moment, Solana-based meme coin Bonk is grabbing a lot of attention similarly to Dogecoin in 2021. Back in that year (the first one after the quarantines in the majority of countries were over), Dogecoin managed to reach a historic peak of $0.7376 on May 8.

此外,該推文也強調,目前,基於Solana 的meme 幣Bonk 正像2021 年狗狗幣一樣吸引了大量關注。早在那一年(大多數國家隔離結束後的第一年),狗狗幣就成功地吸引了很多關注。5 月 8 日達到 0.7376 美元的歷史高峰。

🗣️📢 As 2023 winds down, these are the short term and long term timeframe topics that are driving markets. #NFT's, #BASE, and #memecoins will very likely continue to be a point of interest going into 2024, and $BONK is having "2021 $DOGE "-like attention. https://t.co/AZJdfL1oWF pic.twitter.com/mC9NDMWBkh

🗣️📢 隨著 2023 年的臨近,這些是推動市場發展的短期和長期主題。 #NFT's、#BASE 和 #memecoins 很可能在 2024 年繼續成為人們關注的焦點,而 $BONK 則受到“2021 $DOGE”般的關注。 https://t.co/AZJdfL1oWF pic.twitter.com/mC9NDMWBkh

— Santiment (@santimentfeed) December 15, 2023

- Santiment (@santimentfeed) 2023 年 12 月 15 日

DOGE then was mostly propelled to the new all-time high thanks to Elon Musk’s massive endorsement on Twitter. As that year started, he not only first announced that Tesla started to accept Bitcoin and then stopped it, but he also called himself jokingly “DogeFather.” Musk also made a debut on Saturday Night Live Show in April, where he spoke about Dogecoin a lot, getting his message across about it to millions of TV viewers.

由於馬斯克在 Twitter 上的大力支持,DOGE 基本上被推升至歷史新高。當年年初,他不僅先宣布特斯拉開始接受比特幣,然後又停止了,還戲稱自己為「DogeFather」。馬斯克還在四月份的《週六夜現場秀》中首次亮相,他在節目中多次談論了狗狗幣,並向數百萬電視觀眾傳達了他的信息。

Bonk on rise


Bonk meme coin has been on a tear over the past two weeks since December started. During the first week of the month, Solana’s meme coin demonstrated a massive rise of 213%, jumping to a new all-time high. Over the month prior to that, the growth constituted a whopping 719% for BONK.

自 12 月開始以來,Bonk Meme 幣在過去兩週一直在上漲。在本月的第一周,Solana 的 meme 幣大幅上漲 213%,躍升至歷史新高。前一個月,BONK 的成長率高達 719%。

It surged to register another high on Dec. 15, when it hit the $0.00003419 price level. By now, the meme cryptocurrency is changing hands at $0.0000245, losing nearly 30% from the all-time high.

12 月 15 日,該股飆升至 0.00003419 美元的價格水平,創下新高。截至目前,meme 加密貨幣的易手價格為 0.0000245 美元,較歷史高點下跌近 30%。


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