首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 如果 Bonk 是這一輪的狗狗幣,WIF 會是下一個柴犬嗎?

If Bonk Is The Dogecoin Of This Cycle, Is WIF The Next Shiba Inu?

如果 Bonk 是這一輪的狗狗幣,WIF 會是下一個柴犬嗎?

發布: 2024/03/02 09:31 閱讀: 921



The performances of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu in the last bull cycle have led to the hunt for their replacements in this cycle, and the likes of BONK and WIF continue to make a play for the positions. BONK rallied more than 1,000% in 2023 to reach a market cap of over $1 billion, reminiscent of Dogecoin’s 2020 rally. As BONK swims to the fore as a possible replacement for DOGE, another Solana-based meme coin, dogwifhat (WIF) is putting on a performance that could qualify it as the next Shiba Inu.

狗狗幣和柴犬在上一輪牛市中的表現引發了本輪牛市尋找替代者的行情,而 BONK 和 WIF 等貨幣則繼續爭奪位置。 BONK 在 2023 年上漲超過 1,000%,市值超過 10 億美元,讓人想起狗狗幣 2020 年的上漲。隨著 BONK 脫穎而出,成為另一個基於 Solana 的迷因幣 DOGE 的替代品,dogwifhat (WIF) 的表現有望成為下一個柴犬。

WIF Scores Robinhood Listing

WIF 獲得 Robinhood 上市

WIF seems to be following the same path as Shiba Inu, although on a more accelerated timeline. WIF, which had lagged for a few weeks after its launch on the Solana blockchain, began a monster run that took its market cap from just a couple of hundred thousand dollars to over $1 billion at the time of this writing.

WIF 似乎正在走與柴犬相同的道路,儘管時間線更快。 WIF 在 Solana 區塊鏈上推出後落後了幾週,隨後開始了瘋狂的上漲,在撰寫本文時,其市值從幾十萬美元增至超過 10 億美元。


The WIF community continues to push the meme coin in a similar fashion to SHIB, hammering on the ‘dog wearing a hat’ meme. This has pushed its price further as support climbs, and the most recent development has given the meme coin even more clout in the space.

WIF 社群繼續以與 SHIB 類似的方式推動迷因幣,大力宣傳「戴帽子的狗」迷因。隨著支持度的攀升,這進一步推高了其價格,而最近的發展則賦予了模因幣在該領域更大的影響力。

Robinhood, a trading platform infamous for listing meme coins Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, recently announced that it is listing the WIF token. The announcement triggered a price surge that sent WIF to new all-time highs after crossing the $1 mark.

Robinhood 是一個因上市迷因幣狗狗幣和柴犬而臭名昭著的交易平台,最近宣布將上市 WIF 代幣。這一消息引發了價格飆升,WIF 在突破 1 美元大關後創下歷史新高。

Price trending at $0.94 | Source: WIFUSD on Tradingview.com

價格趨勢為 0.94 美元 |資料來源:Tradingview.com 上的 WIFUSD

BONK Gunning For Dogeocin

BONK 炮轟狗狗素

The BONK meme coin has grown from obscurity to becoming one of the largest meme coins in the space. After rising more than 100% in the last week, its market cap has successfully crossed $1.5 billion, making it the third-largest meme coin in the crypto market ahead of PEPE.

BONK 模因幣已經從默默無聞發展成為該領域最大的模因幣之一。在上週上漲超過 100% 後,其市值已成功突破 15 億美元,成為加密貨幣市場中第三大 meme 幣,領先 PEPE。

相關閱讀:比特幣現貨 ETF 創下歷史新高,每日成交量成長 100%

As BONK’s popularity continues to grow, expectations for a Dogecoin-like run are mounting. Its price is already up more than 1,000% in the last year, and this is with the bull not being in full swing. Given that Dogecoin’s market cap went to $80 billion at the top in 2021, BONK, going on a similar run, could see its market cap hit $50 billion, which would be a more than 30x increase from here.

隨著 BONK 的受歡迎程度持續成長,人們對類似狗狗幣的預期也越來越高。去年它的價格已經上漲了1000%以上,而且這是在牛市尚未全面展開的情況下。鑑於狗狗幣的市值在 2021 年達到頂峰,達到 800 億美元,BONK 也將經歷類似的走勢,其市值可能會達到 500 億美元,比現在增長 30 倍以上。

Another meme coin that has been doing well so far is PEPE, which is also up over 100% in one week. FLOKI is seeing gains of 78.1% in the last week, while MAGA, the meme coin modeled after US presidential candidate Donald Trump, is up 86.6% to cross $300 million market cap.

另一種表現良好的迷因幣是 PEPE,其一週內漲幅也超過 100%。 FLOKI 上週上漲 78.1%,而以美國總統候選人唐納德·川普為藍本的迷因幣 MAGA 上漲 86.6%,市值突破 3 億美元。

Featured image from CoinMarketCap, chart from Tradingview.com

精選圖片來自 CoinMarketCap,圖表來自 Tradingview.com


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