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Bonk vs. Galaxy Fox showdown: analysts review prospects

Bonk 與 Galaxy Fox 的對決:分析師回顧前景

發布: 2023/12/15 18:35 閱讀: 836



Bonk 與 Galaxy Fox 的對決:分析師回顧前景

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The crypto arena is heating up with a fierce showdown between two tokens – Bonk and Galaxy Fox. Coinbase’s recent announcement about listing Bonk sent shockwaves through the market, while Galaxy Fox has been quietly garnering attention. 

隨著 Bonk 和 Galaxy Fox 這兩種代幣之間的激烈對決,加密貨幣領域正在升溫。 Coinbase 近期宣布 Bonk 上市的消息引起市場震動,而 Galaxy Fox 則悄悄引起關注。

Bonk on Coinbase’s radar

Coinbase 關注的 Bonk

In a surprising move, Coinbase declared its intention to list Bonk, a dog-themed token riding the Solana blockchain. The mere mention on Coinbase’s roadmap caused BONK’s price to leap by over 8%.

Coinbase 出人意料地宣布打算上線 Bonk,這是一個基於 Solana 區塊鏈的狗主題代幣。光是提及 Coinbase 的路線圖,BONK 的價格就上漲了 8% 以上。

The inclusion of BONK aligns with Coinbase‘s commitment to transparency. Assets on their roadmap indicate a decision to list, bringing information symmetry to users. However, Coinbase urges caution, labeling assets like BONK “experimental.” This approach aims to prevent potential permanent loss of funds and adds an element of risk awareness.

BONK 的納入符合 Coinbase 對透明度的承諾。路線圖上的資產顯示了列出的決定,為使用者帶來資訊對稱。然而,Coinbase 敦促謹慎行事,將 BONK 等資產貼上「實驗性」標籤。這種方法旨在防止潛在的永久性資金損失,並增加風險意識。

Like dog-themed meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, BONK has been rallying, adding 416% in November alone. 

與狗狗幣和柴犬等以狗為主題的迷因幣一樣,BONK 一直在上漲,光是 11 月就上漲了 416%。

Galaxy Fox raises over $900k

Galaxy Fox 融資超過 90 萬美元

Galaxy Fox has a reward system and tokenomics. It has raised over $900k in the ongoing presale.

Galaxy Fox 有獎勵系統和代幣經濟。它在正在進行的預售中籌集了超過 90 萬美元。

The platform uses a play-to-earn model, rewarding players for conquering virtual worlds. Rewards can be converted to GFOX on the ecosystem’s marketplace. 

平台採用邊玩邊賺錢的模式,獎勵征服虛擬世界的玩家。獎勵可以在生態系統的市場上轉換為 GFOX。

The Stargate module also offers potential residual income for players.


Analysts expect GFOX to extend gains in Q1 2024.

分析師預計 GFOX 將在 2024 年第一季擴大漲幅。

In stage 3 of the presale, GFOX is trading at $0.001122. 

在預售的第三階段,GFOX 的交易價格為 0.001122 美元。

In the next stage, GFOX will be changing hands at $0.00132.

下一階段,GFOX 將以 0.00132 美元易手。

The upcoming release of 3,000 NFTs during the presale could attract more users.

預售期間即將發布的 3,000 個 NFT 可能會吸引更多用戶。

Bonk vs. Galaxy Fox

邦克 vs. 銀河福克斯

Coinbase listing BONK provides a stamp of approval from a major exchange, giving it credibility and visibility. However, the experimental label serves as a reminder of potential risks.

Coinbase 上市 BONK 提供了主要交易所的批准印章,賦予其可信度和知名度。然而,實驗標籤可以提醒人們潛在的風險。

Conversely, Galaxy Fox’s play-to-earn model and Stargate module offer an engaging and rewarding ecosystem. The dedication to community rewards may further support GFOX in the months ahead.

相反,Galaxy Fox 的邊玩邊賺模式和 Stargate 模組提供了一個有吸引力且有益的生態系統。對社區獎勵的奉獻可能會在未來幾個月進一步支持 GFOX。



Bonk and Galaxy Fox are unique. However, Galaxy Fox has been attracting users due to its Features, including tokenomics.

Bonk 和 Galaxy Fox 是獨一無二的。然而,Galaxy Fox 因其功能(包括代幣經濟學)而吸引了用戶。

Learn more about GFOX here:

在此處了解有關 GFOX 的更多資訊:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join the Community

造訪 Galaxy Fox 預售 |加入社區

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/bonk-vs-galaxy-fox-showdown-analysts-review-prospects-tbt73778.html



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