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What is BONK and How is it Different from Other Meme Coins?

什麼是 BONK?它與其他 Meme 幣有何不同?

發布: 2023/12/29 06:22 閱讀: 873



什麼是 BONK?它與其他 Meme 幣有何不同?

BONK is a crypto coin works with Solana DApps on the network, rewarding users for their involvement. BONK started in 2017 as the coin for the Solana community, aiming to be popular among various DApps. BONK values community power and decentralization, avoiding traditional VC influence. BONK mainly supports NFT fans, DeFi users, artists, collectors, and developers on Solana.

BONK 是一種與網路上的 Solana DApp 配合使用的加密貨幣,獎勵用戶的參與。 BONK 於 2017 年作為 Solana 社群的代幣開始,旨在受到各種 DApp 的歡迎。 BONK重視社區力量和去中心化,避免傳統VC的影響。 BONK主要支持Solana上的NFT粉絲、DeFi用戶、藝術家、收藏家和開發者。

Dexlab, a DEX, minting lab, and launchpad, made BONK. The web3 payments API, Helio, and the Famous Fox Federation gave the initial money and help for BONK, and also helped with the airdrop and other plans. The creators of BONK are not known.

Dexlab,一個 DEX、鑄幣實驗室和啟動板,製造了 BONK。 web3 支付 API、Helio 和 Famous Fox Federation 為 BONK 提供了初始資金和幫助,也幫助完成了空投和其他計劃。 BONK 的創造者不得而知。

BONK’s main role is as a governance token in the BONK system, enabling community-driven choices and progress. 


Bonk Use cases


Governance and Voting: $BONK holders can join in governance matters, affecting platform fees and fund distribution in the BONK Community Treasury.

治理與投票:$BONK 持有者可以參與治理事務,影響平台費用和 BONK 社群金庫的資金分配。

Community Rewards and Airdrops: Half of the $BONK supply went to the Solana community members through an airdrop, trying to boost the network and thank its active users.

社群獎勵和空投:$BONK 供應量的一半透過空投流向了 Solana 社群成員,試圖推動網路發展並感謝其活躍用戶。

BONKDAO Involvement: A big part of $BONK tokens is for the BONKDAO, which lets community members support ideas and projects that they like, making BONK grow and be adopted more.

BONKDAO 參與:$BONK 代幣的很大一部分用於 BONKDAO,它讓社區成員支持他們喜歡的想法和項目,使 BONK 成長並被更多人採用。

Ecosystem Development: Money is also saved for marketing, development work, and grants to make BONK more widely used.

生態系統開發:還可以節省資金用於行銷、開發工作和贈款,以使 BONK 得到更廣泛的使用。

Long-term Incentive Alignment: Early helpers of BONK have to wait for three years to get their tokens gradually, to make sure they care about the long-term success of the token.


$BONK also has many connections with different blockchain chains, making it more useful in DeFi and gaming areas, and is more and more used as a game currency. The continuous growth and change of the $BONK system are focused on making it easier to access different chains, making DeFi simpler for holders, and increasing its role in blockchain gaming.

$BONK也與不同的區塊鏈鏈有許多聯繫,使其在DeFi和遊戲領域更加有用,並且越來越多地被用作遊戲幣。 $BONK系統的不斷增長和變化的重點是讓不同鏈的訪問變得更容易,讓持有者更簡單地進行DeFi,並增強其在區塊鏈遊戲中的作用。

Bonk Tokenomics

Bonk 代幣經濟學

BONK is a top meme coin that ranks third in terms of market cap after DOGE and Shiba Inu, and 43rd among all cryptos as of mid-December 2023. It registered a tremendous growth of more than 10,000% in the year 2023 and has a total supply of 100 Trillion, of which 60 Trillion supply is in circulation.

BONK 是一種頂級模因幣,截至2023 年12 月中旬,其市值排名第三,僅次於DOGE 和Shiba Inu,在所有加密貨幣中排名第43 位。它在2023 年實現了超過10,000% 的巨大成長,總市值供應量為 100 萬億,其中 60 兆供應量處於流通狀態。

Comparison of Bonk, Doge, and SHIB 

Bonk、Doge 和 SHIB 的比較

BONK is the tiniest of the dog meme coins, hardly getting a $2 Billion market cap. However, Dogecoin is the captain of the dog meme coins, which peaked at a $70B market cap in 2021 while SHIB acquired a $43B market cap in 2021.

BONK 是最小的狗迷因幣,市值幾乎沒有 20 億美元。然而,狗狗幣是狗模因幣的領導者,其市值在 2021 年達到了 $70B 的峰值,而 SHIB 在 2021 年獲得了 $43B 的市值。

SHIB token is built on the Ethereum blockchain while BONK is on the Solana blockchain. Both BONK and SHIB have very high supply and very low prices per coin, which people like.

SHIB 代幣建構在以太坊區塊鏈上,而 BONK 則是建構在 Solana 區塊鏈上。 BONK 和 SHIB 的供應量都非常高,而且每個幣的價格都非常低,這是人們喜歡的。

A single BONK costs about $0.00002869, so anyone with more than $30 of the coin is a “BONKillionaire”– owners of millions, hundreds of millions, and billions of BONK.

一枚 BONK 的價格約為 0.00002869 美元,因此任何擁有 30 美元以上代幣的人都是「BONK 億萬富翁」——擁有數百萬、數億和數十億 BONK。

DOGE, on the other hand, has mostly stayed between $0.01 and $1.00.

另一方面,DOGE 大多保持在 0.01 美元至 1.00 美元之間。


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