首頁 > 資訊新聞 > BONK 價格預測,BONK 較高峰下跌超過 50% – 能否從大幅下跌中恢復?

Bonk Price Prediction as BONK Falls More Than 50% From Peak – Can It Recover From This Significant Decline?

BONK 價格預測,BONK 較高峰下跌超過 50% – 能否從大幅下跌中恢復?

發布: 2023/12/29 06:00 閱讀: 333



BONK 價格預測,BONK 較高峰下跌超過 50% – 能否從大幅下跌中恢復?

Bonk! Chart / Source: TradingView


The Bonk! ($BONK) pullback continues to gather pace, with the $BONK price having now fallen more than 60% from the record highs it hit earlier in the month near $0.000035 per token.

邦克! ($BONK) 回檔繼續加速,$BONK 價格目前已較本月稍早創下的每枚代幣 0.000035 美元的歷史高點下跌超過 60%。

$BONK was last trading just above $0.0000135 and is below its 21DMA for the first time since October as traders take profit following a stellar run higher this quarter.

$BONK 最新交易價格略高於 0.0000135 美元,自 10 月以來首次低於 21 日均線,交易者在本季大幅上漲後獲利了結。

At its peak, Bonk!’s market cap surpassed $1.7 billion this month, making it the world’s third most valuable meme coin after only Dogecoin ($DOGE) and Shiba Inu ($SHIB), though its market cap has since shrunk to under $900 million.

在巔峰時期,Bonk! 的市值本月超過17 億美元,成為僅次於狗狗幣($DOGE) 和柴犬($SHIB) 的世界第三大最有價值的模因幣,儘管其市值已縮水至900 美元以下百萬。

That’s a stunning rally given that in mid-October, its market cap was under $10 million.

鑑於 10 月中旬,其市值還低於 1000 萬美元,這是一次令人震驚的反彈。

Bonk! ($BONK) Price Prediction – Can It Recover From This Significant Decline?

邦克! ($BONK) 價格預測 – 能否從大幅下跌中恢復?

Meme coin markets are highly unpredictable, meaning its tough to make near-term price forecasts.

Meme 幣市場高度不可預測,這意味著很難做出近期價格預測。

Cryptocurrencies like Bonk! are driven primarily by speculation rather than fundamentals, explaining this unpredictability.

像 Bonk 這樣的加密貨幣!主要是由投機而非基本面驅動,這解釋了這種不可預測性。

That being said, Bonk! has been enjoying some fundamental tailwinds that go a long way to explaining its recent ascent toward the top of the meme coin rankings.


Solana, the blockchain on which it is issued, has been pumping hard in recent weeks amid an explosion of meme coin trading and airdrop-hunting activity on the network that has seen transactions and active users shoot higher.

Solana 是其發行的區塊鏈,近幾週來,隨著網路上 meme 幣交易和空投活動的爆炸式增長,交易和活躍用戶激增,Solana 一直在大力發展。

Bonk! has become something of a flagship meme coin for the Solana network, and its rise to become the third-largest meme coin by market cap is a testament to Solana’s potential to rival the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks.

邦克!已成為 Solana 網路的旗艦模因幣,其崛起成為市值第三大模因幣證明了 Solana 有與以太坊和比特幣網路競爭的潛力。

Indeed, Solana is now the fourth largest crypto network by market cap, sat only behind Bitcoin, Ethereum and BNB.

事實上,Solana 現在是市值第四大的加密網絡,僅次於比特幣、以太坊和 BNB。

Solana’s strong outlook suggests that interest in Bonk! is likely to remain high amongst speculators, even if smaller cap meme coin’s offer a higher likelihood of 10 or 100x gains.

Solana 的強勁前景表明人們對 Bonk! 感興趣!即使較小規模的 meme 代幣提供 10 倍或 100 倍收益的可能性更高,投機者的估值也可能保持在較高水平。

Meme Coin Alternative to Consider – $SPONGEV2

值得考慮的 Meme 幣替代方案 – $SPONGEV2

One such meme coin that could offer much higher upside prospects that Bonk! is Sponge V2.

一種這樣的模因硬幣可以提供比 Bonk 更高的上漲前景!是海綿V2。

Sponge V2 ($SPONGEV2) is the reincarnation of the legendary Spongebob Squarepants-themed $SPONGE token, which reached a market cap of nearly $100 million earlier in 2023 and delivered gains to its earlier investors in the region of 100x.

Sponge V2($SPONGEV2)是傳奇的海綿寶寶主題 $SPONGE 代幣的轉世,該代幣於 2023 年初達到近 1 億美元的市值,並為其早期投資者帶來了 100 倍左右的收益。

$SPONGE token holders will be able to stake their tokens to receive an equivalent amount of $SPONGEV2 tokens, as well as to start earning staking rewards (paid out in $SPONGEV2) with a minimum APY of 40%.

$SPONGE 代幣持有者將能夠質押其代幣以獲得等量的 $SPONGEV2 代幣,並開始賺取最低年利率 40% 的質押獎勵(以 $SPONGEV2 支付)。

$SPONGEV2’s main advantage over $SPONGE is that it will power a new play-to-earn game, the details of which are yet to be released.

$SPONGEV2 相對於 $SPONGE 的主要優勢在於,它將為一款新的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲提供支持,但其細節尚未公佈。

But we do know that there will be a free version and paid version of the game.


Visit Sponge V2 Here

在這裡參觀 Sponge V2


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