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Breakout Alert: PEPE, Notcoin, and BLASTUP on the Verge of Explosion

突破警報:PEPE、Notcoin 和 BLASTUP 瀕臨爆炸

發布: 2024/07/17 02:04 閱讀: 340

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


突破警報:PEPE、Notcoin 和 BLASTUP 瀕臨爆炸

Breakout Alert: PEPE, Notcoin, and BLASTUP Poised for Growth

突破警報:PEPE、Notcoin 和 BLASTUP 蓄勢待發

The cryptocurrency market is experiencing a period of relative calm, with many anticipating the next bull run. Altcoins, or alternative cryptocurrencies, currently offer attractive entry points with signs of imminent growth. Among these rising stars, three coins stand out: PEPE, Notcoin, and BLASTUP.

加密貨幣市場正在經歷一段相對平靜的時期,許多人預計下一次牛市將會到來。山寨幣或替代加密貨幣目前提供了有吸引力的切入點,並有即將增長的跡象。在這些後起之秀中,有三種貨幣脫穎而出:PEPE、Notcoin 和 BLASTUP。

BlastUP Unveils Blastbox V2

BlastUP 推出 Blastbox V2

BlastUP, the leading launchpad on the Blast blockchain, has announced Blastbox V2, following the success of its $8 million presale. This launch provides another opportunity for investors to acquire $BLASTUP tokens at presale prices, along with exclusive perks such as Booster Points. With experts predicting potential returns of up to 1000%, early investment in BLASTUP could prove highly lucrative.

BlastUP 是 Blast 區塊鏈上領先的啟動平台,在成功預售 800 萬美元後,宣布推出 Blastbox V2。此次發布為投資者提供了另一個以預售價格購買 $BLASTUP 代幣的機會,以及 Booster Points 等獨家福利。專家預測 BLASTUP 的潛在回報率高達 1000%,早期投資 BLASTUP 可能會帶來豐厚的利潤。

Blastbox V2 grants access to exclusive benefits within the BlastUP ecosystem, including NFT and token airdrops, membership in the BlastUP Club, and priority access to Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs).

Blastbox V2 授予 BlastUP 生態系統內的獨家福利,包括 NFT 和代幣空投、BlastUP 俱樂部會員資格以及優先獲得初始 DEX 產品(IDO)。

Unlocking the Potential of Blastbox V2

釋放 Blastbox V2 的潛力

Securing a Blastbox V2 represents the last chance to access BlastUP at the most favorable price. The platform has already made a significant impact within the Blast blockchain, having hosted four successful IDOs.

獲得 Blastbox V2 代表以最優惠的價格訪問 BlastUP 的最後機會。該平台已經在 Blast 區塊鏈中產生了重大影響,並已成功託管了四個 IDO。

For investors seeking the next major crypto opportunity, Blastbox V2 offers a unique value proposition. With only 9999 units available at launch and unparalleled utility, these limited-edition loot boxes are expected to sell out rapidly.

對於尋求下一個主要加密機會的投資者來說,Blastbox V2 提供了一個獨特的價值主張。由於發售時僅有 9999 個單位,而且這些限量版戰利品箱具有無與倫比的實用性,預計很快就會售罄。

Pepe (PEPE) Prepares for a Bullish Revival


Pepe (PEPE) is currently trading between $0.00000795 and $0.00001026, exhibiting signs of potential growth. Bulls appear to be gaining strength, with the price supported above $0.00000670 and approaching the 10-day SMA at $0.00000960.

Pepe (PEPE) 目前的交易價格在 0.00000795 美元至 0.00001026 美元之間,顯示出潛在成長的跡象。多頭似乎正在增強力量,價格支撐在 0.00000670 美元上方,並接近 0.00000960 美元的 10 日移動平均線。

Momentum could lead PEPE to break past the $0.00001132 resistance and potentially target $0.00001362. The coin's 657.42% rise over the past six months and an RSI of 55.20 suggest further upward potential. A breakout above the second resistance could result in an approximate 40% increase.

勢頭可能會導致 PEPE 突破 0.00001132 美元阻力位,並可能瞄準 0.00001362 美元。該代幣在過去六個月中上漲了 657.42%,RSI 為 55.20,顯示有進一步上漲的潛力。突破第二個阻力位可能會導致約 40% 的上漲。

Notcoin Price Shows Resilience

Notcoin 價格顯示出彈性

Notcoin (NOT) is currently trading between $0.0133 and $0.0174, with bulls demonstrating surprising resilience despite recent market downturns. The coin's 10.71% increase over the past week indicates growing momentum. Its nearest resistance level stands at $0.0197, which bullish forces appear poised to overcome.

Notcoin (NOT) 目前的交易價格在 0.0133 美元至 0.0174 美元之間,儘管最近市場低迷,但多頭表現出令人驚訝的彈性。該代幣在過去一周上漲了 10.71%,顯示其成長勢頭強勁。最近的阻力位在 0.0197 美元,看漲力量似乎已準備好克服該阻力位。

A breakout above this resistance could propel Notcoin to $0.0238, representing a potential jump of approximately 35%. The 697.25% rise over the past six months strengthens the bullish narrative. The current RSI of 57.06 suggests that the asset is neither overbought nor oversold, implying further potential for growth.

突破該阻力位可能會將 Notcoin 推升至 0.0238 美元,潛在漲幅約為 35%。過去六個月上漲 697.25% 強化了看漲的說法。目前的 RSI 為 57.06,顯示該資產既沒有超買也沒有超賣,意味著進一步的成長潛力。



PEPE and NOT have shown promise but may not exhibit immediate significant gains. BLASTUP, on the other hand, presents the most promising growth potential due to its unique concept and position within the Blast ecosystem. BLASTUP's innovative approach and solid foundation make it a compelling investment opportunity with the onset of the 2024 bull run. Keep an eye on this project for substantial returns.

PEPE 和 NOT 已顯示出希望,但可能不會立即表現出顯著的收益。另一方面,BLASTUP 由於其獨特的概念和在 Blast 生態系統中的地位,呈現出最有前途的成長潛力。 BLASTUP 的創新方法和堅實的基礎使其成為 2024 年牛市開始時引人注目的投資機會。密切關注該項目以獲得豐厚回報。


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