首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 以 Doge 和 Shiba Inu 為基礎,為什麼 Shiba Memu 是現在最值得關注的 Meme 幣

Building On Doge and Shiba Inu, Why Shiba Memu is the Best Meme Coin to Watch Now

以 Doge 和 Shiba Inu 為基礎,為什麼 Shiba Memu 是現在最值得關注的 Meme 幣

發布: 2023/08/29 13:00 閱讀: 463



Shiba Memu is undoubtedly one of the most promising meme coins in the crypto market right now. Despite being a new kid on the block, it is already mentioned in online publications as a top crypto to buy. The project has launched the new native token SHMU during a crypto presale in which $2.3m has been raised in a matter of weeks, signaling the start of a whole new era for meme coins in the crypto markets.

Shiba Memu 無疑是目前加密市場上最有前途的 meme 幣之一。儘管它是一個新手,但它已經在線上出版物中被提及為最值得購買的加密貨幣。該項目在加密貨幣預售期間推出了新的原生代幣 SHMU,幾週內就籌集了 230 萬美元,這標誌著加密貨幣市場 Meme 幣的全新時代的開始。

SHMU could rival DOGE, SHIB, and PEPE over time. Don’t believe it? Well, read on to discover precisely how the smartest doge in Web3 schemes to take the bone from under the noses of some of the most iconic meme coin projects in the cryptosphere.

隨著時間的推移,SHMU 可以與 DOGE、SHIB 和 PEPE 競爭。不相信嗎?好吧,請繼續閱讀,準確了解 Web3 中最聰明的總督如何計劃從加密領域一些最具標誌性的模因硬幣項目的眼皮子底下奪走骨頭。

Shiba Memu’s unique AI features look set to conquer the meme coin market

Shiba Memu 獨特的人工智慧功能有望征服迷因幣市場

The best meme coins in the crypto market can post some insane price action. In recent years, investors have watched Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and, most recently, Pepe (PEPE) skyro cket in a matter of days to reach a total market cap above $1 billion.

加密貨幣市場中最好的迷因幣可能會出現一些瘋狂的價格走勢。近年來,投資者目睹了狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬幣 (SHIB) 以及最近的佩佩幣 (PEPE) 在短短幾天內飆升,總市值超過 10 億美元。

Most of the best meme coins in the crypto market lack token utility. However, Shiba Memu (SHMU) looks set to change this landscape for good.

加密市場上大多數最好的迷因硬幣都缺乏代幣實用性。然而,Shiba Memu (SHMU) 似乎將永遠改變這一現狀。

Shiba Memu combines a cutting-edge artificial intelligence protocol with automatic marketing tricks. Since DOGE, SHIB, and PEPE each relied on their ability to gain online traction, SHMU’s utility could make it one of the very best meme coins around.

Shiba Memu 將尖端人工智慧協議與自動行銷技巧相結合。由於 DOGE、SHIB 和 PEPE 都依賴自己獲得線上關注的能力,SHMU 的實用性可以使其成為最好的模因幣之一。

For now, early backers can buy SHMU during the Shiba Memu presale. It’s thought to be one of the best meme coin presales in history, taking the price of the native token higher and higher until it reaches its final presale price level of $0.0244. By this point, SHMU will have risen in value daily for 60 days — climbing 119% in total.  

目前,早期支持者可以在 Shiba Memu 預售期間購買 SHMU。它被認為是歷史上最好的模因幣預售之一,使得原生代幣的價格越來越高,直到達到最終的預售價格水平 0.0244 美元。至此,SHMU 的價值將連續 60 天每天上漲,總計上漲 119%。

What is Shiba Memu?


Shiba Memu is a brand new meme coin that keeps a community-driven ethos at the heart of its aims. The artificial intelligence protocol will perform marketing tricks for crypto users, from communicating directly with investors in online forums to creating comprehensive marketing campaigns from scratch.

Shiba Memu 是一種全新的迷因幣,其核心目標是將社群驅動的精神作為核心。人工智慧協議將為加密貨幣用戶執行行銷技巧,從在線上論壇中直接與投資者溝通到從頭開始創建全面的行銷活動。

Shiba Memu will be the marketing manager for its own project, promoting the native SHMU token across social media platforms and building one of the best meme coin communities.

Shiba Memu 將擔任自己專案的行銷經理,在社群媒體平台上推廣原生 SHMU 代幣,並建立最好的迷因幣社群之一。

To help it create the best marketing strategies, Shiba Memu will use natural language processing (NLP) to scan online forums for mentions of the brand and intelligently respond to people. Since it has been enhanced by machine learning, Shiba Memu will also be able to learn from its marketing successes and tailor its communications for the future.

為了幫助制定最佳行銷策略,Shiba Memu 將使用自然語言處理 (NLP) 掃描線上論壇以查找提及該品牌的內容,並聰明地回覆人們。由於機器學習得到了增強,Shiba Memu 還將能夠從其行銷成功經驗中學習,並為未來量身定制其溝通方式。

How does SHMU work?

SHMU 如何運作?

Shiba Memu has an artificial intelligence dashboard that provides complete transparency for the algorithm’s operation. On the dashboard, members of the Shiba Memu community can stake their SHMU tokens to earn a passive long-term yield and interact with the AI directly — asking questions and receiving intelligent responses from the most impressive puppy in Web3.

Shiba Memu 擁有一個人工智慧儀表板,為演算法的運作提供完全的透明度。在儀表板上,Shiba Memu 社群的成員可以質押他們的 SHMU 代幣,以獲得被動的長期收益,並直接與 AI 互動 - 提出問題並接收來自 Web3 中最令人印象深刻的小狗的智慧回應。

Because of its natural language processing (NLP) mechanism, Shiba Memu’s AI chatbot works similarly to ChatGPT. It will analyze vast amounts of data from the internet before providing coherent responses that can shed light on any number of events, and it will even consider marketing suggestions from the Shiba Memu community.

由於其自然語言處理(NLP)機制,Shiba Memu 的 AI 聊天機器人的工作原理與 ChatGPT 類似。它將分析來自互聯網的大量數據,然後提供連貫的回應,以闡明任何數量的事件,甚至會考慮 Shiba Memu 社群的行銷建議。

Shiba Memu will create its own cutting-edge custom PR campaigns, social media posts, and the AI can interact with crypto investors in online forums. It scans the internet for images and mentions of its name and even provides an accurate analysis of current investor sentiment.

Shiba Memu 將創建自己的尖端自訂公關活動、社交媒體帖子,並且人工智慧可以在線上論壇中與加密貨幣投資者互動。它掃描網路上的圖像和提及其名稱的內容,甚至提供對當前投資者情緒的準確分析。

The marketing campaigns released by Shiba Memu are expected to make it one of the best meme coins in the crypto markets. It has already captured the affection of many investors, raising $2.3m in just 8 weeks since the presale went live.

Shiba Memu 發布的行銷活動預計將使其成為加密市場上最好的迷因幣之一。它已經贏得了許多投資者的喜愛,自預售啟動以來僅 8 週就籌集了 230 萬美元。

Will SHMU reach $0.50 in 2025?

2025 年 SHMU 會達到 0.50 美元嗎?

Shiba Memu stands apart from older meme coins such as DOGE and SHIB, as it uses a cutting-edge machine learning algorithm that automatically promotes the project to crypto investors. With its machine-learning capabilities, Shiba Memu has the potential to rise exponentially throughout its lifetime.

Shiba Memu 與 DOGE 和 SHIB 等舊模因幣不同,因為它使用尖端的機器學習演算法,可以自動向加密貨幣投資者推廣該專案。憑藉其機器學習能力,Shiba Memu 有潛力在其整個生命週期中呈指數級增長。

The SHMU token also has deflationary tokenomics. When coupled with its capacity to generate organic demand across social media, this has the potential to send the price of SHMU soaring into the sky and keep investment going strong for years to come.

SHMU 代幣還具有通貨緊縮的代幣經濟學。再加上它在社群媒體上產生有機需求的能力,這有可能使 SHMU 的價格飆升,並在未來幾年保持投資強勁。

Some price forecasts for 2025 anticipate a 50x price rise for SHMU. It could rapidly become one of the best meme coins around, as its fascinating AI technology has already made some tails wag with excitement. 

一些對 2025 年價格的預測預計 SHMU 的價格將上漲 50 倍。它可能會迅速成為最好的迷因幣之一,因為其迷人的人工智慧技術已經讓一些人興奮不已。

Is SHMU worth buying?


Shiba Memu is a thoroughbred meme coin that can potentially be the absolute top dog in the crypto markets. While DOGE and SHIB have become icons of the meme coin movement, SHMU leverages highly disruptive AI technology to match its loud bark with a powerful bite.

Shiba Memu 是一種純種迷因幣,有可能成為加密市場中的絕對領導者。雖然 DOGE 和 SHIB 已成為 meme 硬幣運動的標誌,但 SHMU 利用高度顛覆性的人工智慧技術,將響亮的吠叫與強有力的咬合相匹配。

Early backers of SHMU should be aware that the presale will only run until September 1st, after which it will list on the Bitmart Exchange, and the price is rising by $0.000225 in value every single day until that point. Time is already running out to buy one of the best meme coins before it gets released on the open market, so make sure to consider this one at the current discounted prices (because they won’t last too much longer).

SHMU 的早期支持者應該意識到,預售只會持續到 9 月 1 日,之後它將在 Bitmart 交易所上市,並且在此之前價格每天都會上漲 0.000225 美元。在最好的模因硬幣之一在公開市場上發布之前,購買它的時間已經不多了,因此請務必以當前的折扣價格考慮這一硬幣(因為它們不會持續太久)。

Find out how to buy SHMU here.

點擊此處了解如何購買 SHMU。

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