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Where to Buy Dogecoin?


發布: 2023/11/08 03:48 閱讀: 669



DOGE coin, or Dogecoin, is certainly known as one of the recognized projects in the cryptocurrency industry. How did Dogecoin achieve such rapid development and recognition without any significant changes? This article will answer questions like who created Dogecoin, how to buy Dogecoin, and whether Dogecoin has a future, while also touching on how Dogecoin came into existence and its intended purpose.


What is Dogecoin?


The answer to the question of who created Dogecoin is known as Jackson Palmer. Palmer, who also contributed to the development of Mozilla Firefox, can be said to have started everything with his statement in 2013. In 2013, Palmer made a satirical remark about the launch of many new Bitcoin-based cryptocurrencies, emphasizing that Dogecoin was the next big investment.

誰創造了狗狗幣這個問題的答案是傑克遜·帕爾默。同樣為 Mozilla Firefox 的開發做出貢獻的Palmer 可以說是從2013 年的聲明開始了一切。2013 年,Palmer 對許多新的基於比特幣的加密貨幣的推出發表了諷刺言論,強調狗狗幣是下一個大投資。

Palmer’s adoption of the Shiba Inu dog breed, which was very popular at the time and had become a complete internet phenomenon, as the project’s logo, quickly created serious FOMO. Following Palmer’s joke, developer Billy Markus took a step, and on December 6th, Dogecoin was indeed launched.

帕爾默採用了當時非常流行並已成為一種徹底的互聯網現象的柴犬作為該項目的標誌,很快就引起了嚴重的 FOMO。繼帕爾默的玩笑之後,開發商比利馬庫斯邁出了一步,12月6日,狗狗幣確實推出了。

The answer to the question of how to buy Dogecoin became the cryptocurrency exchanges after December 6th. Dogecoin’s price has seen significant volatility from that date to the present and has achieved an 82-fold increase against the Turkish Lira at one point.

如何購買狗狗幣的問題,在12月6日之後就成為了加密貨幣交易所的答案。從那時到現在,狗狗幣的價格大幅波動,一度兌土耳其里拉上漲了 82 倍。

Dogecoin Commentary


Although Dogecoin was definitely launched as a joke, its fast and low transaction fee option certainly appeals to many investors. In addition, Dogecoin achieves a significant increase against the Turkish Lira almost every year. While the answer to the question of whether Dogecoin has a future may vary from person to person, DOGE, as a permanent project in the industry, certainly seems to have a place in the coming years.


The price of Dogecoin at the time of writing this article is $0.0027, and Dogecoin analysis indicates that $0.0037 is an important resistance level. Those who want to buy without breaking this resistance point and wait for the long term can easily do so through the Binance cryptocurrency exchange.

在撰寫本文時,狗狗幣的價格為 0.0027 美元,狗狗幣分析顯示 0.0037 美元是一個重要的阻力位。那些想要在不突破該阻力點的情況下買入並等待長期的人可以透過幣安加密貨幣交易所輕鬆做到這一點。

How to Buy Dogecoin?


You can follow the steps below to buy Dogecoin on Binance:


  • First, to buy DOGE, you need to deposit USD into the exchange or buy a cryptocurrency that can be used instead. For this, first go to the Binance homepage, click on the “Buy Crypto” option in the upper left, and then click on the “Credit/Bank Card” tab.
  • 首先,要購買DOGE,您需要將美元存入交易所或購買可以替代使用的加密貨幣。為此,首先轉到幣安主頁,點擊左上角的「購買加密貨幣」選項,然後點擊「信用卡/銀行卡」標籤。

  • Select how much USD you want to transact with on the opened tab, and then mark Tether, i.e., USDT, in the Coin section.
  • 在打開的選項卡上選擇您想要交易的美元金額,然後在幣種部分標記 Tether,即 USDT。

  • After purchasing USDT, preview the “Buy-Sell” option in the upper left again and click on the “Classic” tab.
  • 購買USDT後,再次預覽左上方的「買入-賣出」選項,點選「經典」標籤。

  • In the opened section, select the USDT tab in the upper right, enter DOGE in the search button and select the opened DOGE/USDT pair below.
  • 在開啟的部分中,選擇右上角的USDT選項卡,在搜尋按鈕中輸入DOGE,然後選擇下方開啟的DOGE/USDT對。

  • Then come to the “BUY DOGE” tab in the middle, enter the amount you want to buy.
  • 然後來到中間的「BUY DOGE」選項卡,輸入您要購買的金額。

  • Enter the amount you want and complete the DOGE buying process by confirming the transaction.
  • 輸入您想要的金額並透過確認交易完成 DOGE 購買流程。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/where-to-buy-dogecoin/



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