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Why Is CAKE Pumping? This Is What to Expect After PancakeSwap’s 50% Spike

蛋糕為何如此火紅?這是 PancakeSwap 飆升 50% 後的預期

發布: 2023/11/04 20:01 閱讀: 418



The cryptocurrency CAKE, native to the popular PancakeSwap decentralized exchange, has seen a notable price spike lately. Analysts weigh in on what’s driving the pump and what to expect next after the over 50% surge.

受歡迎的 PancakeSwap 去中心化交易所原生的加密貨幣 CAKE 最近價格顯著飆升。分析師對推動股市上漲的因素以及上漲超過 50% 後的下一步預期進行了權衡。

Promising Breakout


According to CryptoJones, the recent breakout in CAKE looks promising, with the price trajectory continuing upward. While there is still a ways to go to revisit old highs, CryptoJones believes the partnerships and developments coming from PancakeSwap bode well for further momentum.

根據 CryptoJones 的說法,CAKE 最近的突破看起來很有希望,價格軌跡繼續上漲。儘管要重回歷史高點還有很長的路要走,但 CryptoJones 相信 PancakeSwap 的合作夥伴關係和發展預示著進一步的勢頭。

In another tweet, CryptoJones points to CAKE’s deflationary tokenomics and PancakeSwap’s dominance as a leading DEX on Binance Smart Chain as key reasons to keep buying the token. The platform’s growth continues attracting users and activity.

在另一條推文中,CryptoJones 指出 CAKE 的通縮代幣經濟學和 PancakeSwap 作為幣安智能鏈上領先的 DEX 的主導地位是繼續購買該代幣的關鍵原因。該平台的成長繼續吸引用戶和活動。

Retracement Before More Upside


Analyzing the price chart, Binance Master sees potential for some retracement after the 50%+ spike, which could offer an opportunity before more upside. But the overall downtrend appears to have reversed, so pullbacks could be a chance to get in before CAKE pushes much higher past $2.

透過分析價格圖表,Binance Master 認為在 50% 以上的飆升後可能會出現一些回調,這可能會在進一步上漲之前提供機會。但整體下降趨勢似乎已經逆轉,因此在 CAKE 大幅突破 2 美元之前,回檔可能是入場機會。

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CAKE’s strong fundamentals as the native token of PancakeSwap seems to be driving renewed interest in the previously beaten-down token. Analysts are now anticipating more upside after the initial 50% breakout, which could take CAKE to retest old highs. Traders may want to watch for retracements as potential entry points before the next leg up.

作為 PancakeSwap 的原生代幣,CAKE 的強勁基本面似乎正在重新激發人們對這個先前遭受重創的代幣的興趣。分析師現在預計,在最初突破 50% 後,CAKE 可能會重新測試歷史高點,並有更多上漲空間。交易者可能希望在下一輪上漲之前關注回調作為潛在的入場點。

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The post Why Is CAKE Pumping? This Is What to Expect After PancakeSwap’s 50% Spike appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

這篇文章《為什麼蛋糕這麼受歡迎?》這是 PancakeSwap 的 50% 高峰首次出現在 CaptainAltcoin 後所期待的。


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