首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 卡爾達諾 (ADA) 大幅飆升:Solana 等級的成長即將到來嗎?

Cardano (ADA) Sees Massive Surge: Is Solana-Level Growth Ahead?

卡爾達諾 (ADA) 大幅飆升:Solana 等級的成長即將到來嗎?

發布: 2024/09/08 23:19 閱讀: 396

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


卡爾達諾 (ADA) 大幅飆升:Solana 等級的成長即將到來嗎?

Cardano (ADA) Experiences Surge in Network Activity and Adoption


The Cardano ecosystem has witnessed a significant uptick in adoption and network activity, drawing comparisons to the early growth trajectory of Solana.

卡爾達諾生態系的採用率和網路活動顯著上升,與 Solana 的早期成長軌跡進行了比較。

Spike in Network Metrics


As highlighted by LuckSide Crypto in a recent YouTube analysis, Cardano has experienced a remarkable surge in network usage. The network added 31,000 new addresses in a single day, marking the highest daily inflow since its previous peak. This represents a substantial increase of 300% compared to the average daily inflow of 5,000-7,000 addresses.

正如 LuckSide Crypto 在最近的 YouTube 分析中所強調的那樣,卡爾達諾的網路使用量出現了顯著的激增。該網路單日新增位址 31,000 個,創下自上次高峰以來的單日最高流入量。與日均 5,000-7,000 個位址的流入量相比,這意味著大幅增加了 300%。

Furthermore, Cardano has seen a surge in active addresses, reaching 52,000—a level not observed since March. Notably, 34% of all transactions originated from new participants, indicating the role of adoption in driving the recent growth.

此外,卡爾達諾的活躍地址激增,達到 52,000 個——這是自 3 月以來未曾出現過的水平。值得注意的是,所有交易中有 34% 來自新參與者,這表明採用在推動近期成長中的作用。

Potential for Solana-Level Expansion

Solana 級擴展的潛力

LuckSide Crypto suggests parallels between Cardano's current growth and Solana's rise during its early bull market. While Cardano has yet to reach Solana's peak of 880,000 active addresses, the speaker envisions a similar trajectory could unfold.

LuckSide Crypto 認為 Cardano 目前的成長與 Solana 在早期牛市期間的上漲有相似之處。雖然 Cardano 尚未達到 Solana 880,000 個活躍地址的峰值,但發言人預計類似的軌跡可能會出現。

Cardano's strong development activity and ability to overcome common blockchain issues, such as high gas fees and failed transactions, contribute to its potential for significant growth.


Drivers of Future Expansion


Cardano's robust technical foundation is a key driver for continued expansion. Despite previous criticism of lower daily user activity, the current surge offers an opportunity for sustained momentum. As more users and developers join the network, a snowball effect could boost overall activity and further development.


Additionally, the emergence of Cardano-native assets may contribute to growth. The speaker predicts that as these assets gain popularity, it could accelerate user adoption and network expansion.


Long-Term Outlook


While the current surge suggests positive momentum for Cardano, sustained growth will depend on continued development, partnerships, and increased network activity. Despite lagging price performance, Cardano's expanding user base and strong technological framework position it to capitalize on its potential for future success. However, it's important to note that growth is not guaranteed.


The optimism surrounding Cardano reflects its potential to become a leading player in the blockchain space. Nevertheless, continued progress will be crucial to realizing this vision.



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