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Cardano’s Ascent: Aiming for Third Largest Cryptocurrency


發布: 2023/12/23 06:17 閱讀: 444



Cryptocurrency enthusiasts and analysts are fervently predicting the future market dynamics of various tokens as the world of crypto continues to evolve. Recently, a Cardano (ADA) maximalist named Chris O offered intriguing views on ADA’s potential trajectory in the upcoming bull market. His bold prediction places ADA right behind Bitcoin and Ethereum, surpassing popular tokens like Dogecoin (DOGE) and XRP.

隨著加密貨幣世界的不斷發展,加密貨幣愛好者和分析師正在熱切地預測各種代幣的未來市場動態。最近,一位名叫 Chris O 的卡爾達諾 (ADA) 極端主義者對 ADA 在即將到來的牛市中的潛在軌跡提出了有趣的觀點。他的大膽預測使 ADA 緊隨比特幣和以太坊之後,超越了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 XRP 等流行代幣。

ADA’s Rise: The Next Third Place Contender

ADA 的崛起:下一個第三名的競爭者

Identifying himself as a ‘Cardano OG,’ Chris O recently expressed his belief on the X social platform that ADA is gearing up to become the third-largest cryptocurrency by market value. According to his prediction, ADA will engage in a fierce battle with Solana (SOL) for this coveted position, resulting in a seesaw effect where they push each other back and forth.

Chris O 自稱為“Cardano OG”,最近在 X 社交平台上表達了他的信念,即 ADA 正準備成為按市值計算的第三大加密貨幣。根據他的預測,ADA將與Solana(SOL)爭奪這一令人垂涎的位置,展開激烈的戰鬥,從而產生拉鋸效應。

Chris O’s predictions indicate that the market’s first two positions will continue to be tightly held by Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, he foresees a decline in Ethereum’s dominance as users explore alternative protocols.

Chris O的預測表明,市場的前兩個位置將繼續被比特幣和以太坊牢牢佔據。然而,他預計,隨著用戶探索替代協議,以太坊的主導地位將會下降。

Specifically, it is predicted that Binance‘s BNB will fall to fifth place, with AVAX, DOGE, and XRP taking the sixth, seventh, and eighth places, respectively. Chris O emphasizes that these shifts are expected to emerge during the upcoming bull run.

具體來說,幣安的BNB預計將跌至第五位,AVAX、DOGE和XRP分別佔據第六、第七和第八位。 Chris O 強調,這些轉變預計將在即將到來的牛市期間出現。

ADA’s Trajectory of Rise: Indicating Unprecedented Growth?

Chris O’s views suggest that Cardano is on an upward trend in the upcoming bull cycle, positioning itself as one of the primary gainers. The market value, a product of a token’s current price and circulating supply, shows ADA’s rise to the eighth position. Recent price increases, driven by liquidity inflows into the ecosystem, have laid the groundwork for ADA’s ascent.

Chris O 的觀點表明,卡爾達諾在即將到來的牛市週期中處於上升趨勢,將自己定位為主要贏家之一。市場價值是代幣當前價格和流通供應量的乘積,顯示 ADA 上升至第八位。最近,在流動性流入生態系統的推動下,價格上漲,為 ADA 的上漲奠定了基礎。

While ADA’s price is on the rise, experts are supporting it with optimistic projections. Crypto expert Jason Appleton predicts that ADA will reach $32 during the next bull run. Another analyst takes a more conservative stance, foreseeing a rise to $11. This increase is linked to a significant 25% weekly increase in DEX trading volume, as reported by DeFiLlama, and the growing DeFi activity within Cardano’s ecosystem.

儘管 ADA 的價格正在上漲,但專家們仍以樂觀的預測來支持它。加密貨幣專家 Jason Appleton 預測 ADA 在下一次牛市期間將達到 32 美元。另一位分析師則持更保守的立場,預計價格將上漲至 11 美元。根據 DeFiLlama 報導,這一增長與 DEX 交易量每周大幅增長 25% 以及 Cardano 生態系統內不斷增長的 DeFi 活動有關。

As ADA continues to make waves, the crypto community eagerly awaits the realization of Chris O’s predictions in the upcoming bull market. Cardano’s strategic positioning and evolving ecosystem indicate that it could continue to advance as a formidable competitor in the crypto space, potentially overtaking long-standing counterparts Dogecoin and XRP.

隨著 ADA 不斷掀起波瀾,加密社群熱切等待 Chris O 對即將到來的多頭市場的預測得以實現。卡爾達諾的戰略定位和不斷發展的生態系統表明,它可以作為加密貨幣領域的強大競爭對手繼續前進,有可能超越長期的同行狗狗幣和瑞波幣。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/cardanos-ascent-aiming-for-third-largest-cryptocurrency/



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