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Cardano Founder Questions Elon Musk's Dogecoin Holdings


發布: 2024/06/14 18:09 閱讀: 367




Speculation Abounds on Elon Musk's Dogecoin Holdings


In a recent interview on The Thinking Crypto Podcast, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson sparked speculation about the extent of Elon Musk's Dogecoin holdings. Since its inception in 2013, Dogecoin has emerged as the leading meme coin, securing a spot in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

在最近接受 The Thinking Crypto Podcast 採訪時,卡爾達諾創始人查爾斯·霍斯金森 (Charles Hoskinson) 引發了人們對 Elon Musk 持有狗狗幣規模的猜測。自 2013 年推出以來,狗狗幣已成為領先的迷因幣,在市值排名前 10 的加密貨幣中佔有一席之地。

During a discussion with Tony Edward, Hoskinson raised the question of whether Musk might hold as much as 20% of the Dogecoin supply. This speculative remark has ignited curiosity about Musk's actual DOGE holdings.

在與東尼愛德華的討論中,霍斯金森提出了馬斯克是否可能持有多達 20% 的狗狗幣供應量的問題。這一投機性言論引發了人們對馬斯克實際持有的 DOGE 的好奇心。

The Intrigue Surrounding Musk's Dogecoin Holdings


The speculation surrounding Musk's DOGE holdings has intensified the intrigue surrounding his involvement in cryptocurrencies. Musk has previously confirmed owning significant amounts of Dogecoin, while his company, SpaceX, holds Bitcoin. Musk's close association with Dogecoin has earned him the nickname "Dogefather." However, the precise amount of his DOGE holdings remains unknown, fueling speculation like Hoskinson's 20% figure.

圍繞馬斯克持有 DOGE 的猜測加劇了圍繞他參與加密貨幣的陰謀。馬斯克先前已確認擁有大量狗狗幣,而他的公司 SpaceX 則持有比特幣。馬斯克與狗狗幣的密切聯繫為他贏得了「狗狗之父」的綽號。然而,他持有的 DOGE 的確切數量仍然未知,這引發了霍斯金森 20% 的數字等猜測。

Potential Collaboration with Cardano


The Cardano ecosystem is poised for significant changes with the upcoming Voltairse upgrade. As Cardano continues to evolve, the potential for collaboration with influential figures like Musk remains a topic of interest, especially given Musk's prominent role in the cryptocurrency market.

隨著即將到來的 Voltairse 升級,卡爾達諾生態系統將發生重大變化。隨著卡爾達諾的不斷發展,與馬斯克等有影響力人物合作的潛力仍然是一個令人感興趣的話題,特別是考慮到馬斯克在加密貨幣市場中的突出作用。



Hoskinson's comments have reignited discussions about Musk's involvement in the cryptocurrency market, particularly his potential stake in Dogecoin. While the 20% figure is speculative, it underscores the significant influence Musk has on the crypto space. As Cardano continues to develop, the possibility of collaboration with high-profile figures like Musk offers an exciting prospect for the future of blockchain technology.

霍斯金森的言論重新引發了有關馬斯克參與加密貨幣市場的討論,特別是他在狗狗幣中的潛在股份。雖然 20% 的數字是推測性的,但它強調了馬斯克對加密貨幣領域的重大影響。隨著卡爾達諾的不斷發展,與馬斯克等知名人士合作的可能性為區塊鏈技術的未來提供了令人興奮的前景。


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