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Cardano price ‘seeing most bearishness’ as altcoins rebound


發布: 2024/07/17 21:02 閱讀: 220




Cardano Rebounds Amid Market Pressure


Cardano (ADA) has experienced a 40% rebound from its monthly low of $0.3174, but still remains 45% below its highest point of the year. Despite being a leading cryptocurrency, Cardano has faced significant pressure, with its market capitalization plummeting from over $90 billion in 2021 to $15.9 billion at the time of writing.

卡爾達諾(ADA)從月度低點 0.3174 美元反彈了 40%,但仍比今年最高點低 45%。儘管是領先的加密貨幣,卡爾達諾仍面臨著巨大的壓力,其市值從 2021 年的 900 億美元以上暴跌至撰寫本文時的 159 億美元。

Indicators suggest a decline in developer and investor interest. According to DeFi Llama, monthly developer commits have fallen to under 2,000 this month, compared to 3,380 in May and 3,300 in June.

指標顯示開發商和投資者的興趣下降。據 DeFi Llama 稱,本月開發者每月承諾數量已降至 2,000 以下,而 5 月為 3,380,6 月為 3,300。

Cardano's DeFi applications have also seen a decrease in total value locked (TVL), with ADA deposits declining from a record high of 633 million in December 2023 to 538 million currently. This TVL of $247 million is notably lower than newer blockchains.

卡爾達諾的 DeFi 應用程式鎖定總價值(TVL)也有所下降,ADA 存款從 2023 年 12 月的歷史新高 6.33 億下降至目前的 5.38 億。 2.47 億美元的 TVL 明顯低於較新的區塊鏈。

Unlike other major cryptocurrencies, Cardano lacks the presence of a significant meme coin or decentralized exchange (DEX). Its largest DEX, Minswap, processed less than $1 million in transactions over the past 24 hours, compared to Solana's Raydium with $851 million.

與其他主要加密貨幣不同,卡爾達諾缺乏重要的迷因硬幣或去中心化交易所(DEX)。其最大的 DEX Minswap 在過去 24 小時內處理的交易額不到 100 萬美元,而 Solana 的 Raydium 處理的交易額為 8.51 億美元。

Sentiment towards Cardano is waning, with daily volume remaining below $500 million since July 5th. Despite this, smaller meme coins are experiencing higher trading activity.

人們對卡爾達諾的信心正在減弱,自 7 月 5 日以來,每日交易量一直低於 5 億美元。儘管如此,較小的模因幣正在經歷更高的交易活動。

Data from Santiment reveals that trader interest has reached its lowest point in months, with concerns expressed over Cardano's underperformance and limited developer activity.

Santiment 的數據顯示,交易者的興趣已降至幾個月來的最低點,人們對卡爾達諾表現不佳和開發者活動有限表示擔憂。

Additionally, Cardano's staking yield is among the lowest in the market, at less than 3%, according to StakingRewards.

此外,根據 StakeRewards 的數據,卡爾達諾的質押殖利率是市場上最低的之一,不到 3%。

Technically, Cardano remains below its 200-day moving average, indicating a potential vulnerability in its current recovery.

從技術上講,卡爾達諾仍低於 200 日移動平均線,表明其當前復甦存在潛在脆弱性。

However, the crypto fear and greed index suggests a potential shift towards optimism, fueled by hopes of a Federal Reserve rate cut. If Bitcoin sustains its rally and surpasses its year-to-date high of $73,400, ADA price may follow suit.

然而,加密貨幣恐懼和貪婪指數表明,在聯準會降息的希望推動下,可能會轉向樂觀。如果比特幣維持漲勢並突破今年迄今的高點 73,400 美元,ADA 價格可能會跟進。


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