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Why is the Cardano price up today?


發布: 2023/12/10 06:17 閱讀: 975




Today’s surge in the Cardano price can be attributed to a combination of fundamental factors, market sentiment, and broader industry trends. Crypto markets are known for their volatility, and Cardano, with its unique features and active development, is no exception. 


Cardano’s price skyrockets


As of this writing, Cardano (ADA) is trading at a price of $0.584578, with a 24-hour volume of $2,284,805,117.55. This corresponds to a price increase of 50.95% over the past week and 8.93% over the last twenty-four hours. 

截至撰寫本文時,卡爾達諾 (ADA) 的交易價格為 0.584578 美元,24 小時交易量為 2,284,805,117.55 美元。這相當於過去一週價格上漲 50.95%,過去 24 小時價格上漲 8.93%。

The current valuation of cryptocurrencies on a global scale is $1.72 trillion, representing a change of 0.68% over the past twenty-four hours and 92.94% to date. Bitcoin (BTC) currently holds a market capitalization of $860 billion, signifying a dominance of 50.13%. Stablecoins, meanwhile, have a market capitalization of $131 billion, or 7.61% of the total crypto market capitalization.

目前全球加密貨幣的估值為1.72兆美元,過去24小時內變化了0.68%,迄今變動了92.94%。比特幣(BTC)目前的市值為 8,600 億美元,佔 50.13% 的主導地位。同時,穩定幣的市值為 1,310 億美元,佔加密貨幣總市值的 7.61%。

Recent gains in Cardano were not accompanied by any revolutionary fundamentals. Conversely, they emerged on the cryptocurrency market this month, closing the gap with Bitcoin.


Significantly, since its local peak on December 6, Bitcoin’s dominance in the crypto market has decreased by 3.5%, suggesting that numerous traders have redirected capital away from Bitcoin in pursuit of profitable prospects in alternative cryptocurrencies. 

值得注意的是,自 12 月 6 日達到當地高峰以來,比特幣在加密貨幣市場的主導地位下降了 3.5%,這表明許多交易者已將資金從比特幣轉向其他加密貨幣的獲利前景。

Since December 6, this has benefited Cardano, whose market share has increased by more than 46%. Such capital movements are typical in the crypto market. 


After a substantial price increase, Bitcoin is commonly sold by traders who opt to reallocate their gains to more modest yet precarious cryptocurrency assets. Similar to the performance of altcoins in early November, when Bitcoin’s market share also declined, this is the case.


The price hike of Cardano corresponds to a significant upsurge in the aggregate quantity of ADA deposited throughout its blockchain ecosystem.

卡爾達諾的價格上漲對應於整個區塊鏈生態系統中儲存的 ADA 總量的顯著增加。

The total value locked (TVL) in decentralized applications (dApps) on Cardano surpassed 765.22 million ADA on December 9. This increase was led by Lenfi, a lending and borrowing protocol on the Cardano blockchain, whose ADA reserves increased by 90%.

12 月9 日,卡爾達諾去中心化應用程式(dApp) 中鎖定的總價值(TVL) 超過7.6522 億ADA。這一增長由卡爾達諾區塊鏈上的借貸協議Lenfi 帶動,其ADA 儲備增加了90%。

The price increases of Cardano on December 9 correspond with the liquidation of short positions valued at approximately $5 million, in contrast to long liquidations worth $2.30 million. The ADA market liquidated short positions worth $6.91 million the day prior, compared to long positions worth $1.27 million.

卡爾達諾 12 月 9 日的價格上漲對應於價值約 500 萬美元的空頭部位清算,而多頭部位清算則價值 230 萬美元。 ADA 市場前一天清算了價值 691 萬美元的空頭頭寸,而多頭頭寸則價值 127 萬美元。

Overall  crypto market performance


The value of Bitcoin (BTC) currently stands at $43,930.03, accompanied by a 24-hour trading volume of $18,414,025,353.36. This corresponds to a price increase of 0.44% over the last twenty-four hours and 13.39% over the last seven days. 

比特幣(BTC)目前的價值為 43,930.03 美元,24 小時交易量為 18,414,025,353.36 美元。這相當於過去 24 小時內價格上漲 0.44%,過去 7 天內價格上漲 13.39%。

The value of Ethereum (ETH) currently stands at $2,350.44, accompanied by a 24-hour trading volume of $14,865,618,028.27. This signifies a price decrease of -0.03% over the last twenty-four hours and a surge of 12.00% over the last seven days. 

以太坊(ETH)目前的價值為 2,350.44 美元,24 小時交易量為 14,865,618,028.27 美元。這意味著過去 24 小時內價格下跌了 -0.03%,過去 7 天內價格上漲了 12.00%。

As of today, Solana (SOL) is trading at $73.61, representing a 24-hour trading volume of $3,190,450,064.50. This reflects a price increase of 0.01% over the last twenty-four hours and 19.33% over the last seven days.

截至今日,Solana (SOL) 交易價格為 73.61 美元,24 小時交易量為 3,190,450,064.50 美元。這反映了過去 24 小時內價格上漲了 0.01%,過去 7 天內價格上漲了 19.33%。

At present, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is trading at a price of $0.00001017, with a 24-hour volume of $346,991,585.56. This reflects a price increase of 21.06% over the last week and 0.63% over the last twenty-four hours.

目前,柴犬(SHIB)的交易價格為0.00001017美元,24小時交易量為346,991,585.56美元。這反映出價格較上週上漲 21.06%,較過去 24 小時上漲 0.63%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently trading at $0.099514, with a 24-hour volume of $1,775,281,790.50 in volume. This corresponds to a price increase of 1.31% over the last twenty-four hours and 18.77% over the last seven days.

狗狗幣(DOGE)目前交易價格為 0.099514 美元,24 小時交易量為 1,775,281,790.50 美元。這相當於過去 24 小時內價格上漲 1.31%,過去 7 天內價格上漲 18.77%。


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