首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 除了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 STEPN (GMT) 受到名人青睞之外,2024 年還將出現一個看不見的加密貨幣競爭者

Beyond Celebrity Favor for Dogecoin (DOGE) and STEPN (GMT), an Unseen Crypto Contender Emerges for 2024

除了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 STEPN (GMT) 受到名人青睞之外,2024 年還將出現一個看不見的加密貨幣競爭者

發布: 2023/11/30 06:39 閱讀: 484

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


除了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 STEPN (GMT) 受到名人青睞之外,2024 年還將出現一個看不見的加密貨幣競爭者

The cryptocurrency market is no stranger to the power of celebrity shout-outs. Take Dogecoin (DOGE) for example – it was just a mere meme coin until big names like Elon Musk and Snoop Dogg jumped on the bandwagon. Suddenly, it wasn't so funny anymore when its price skyrocketed 10 times over in 2021. Fast forward to now, and DOGE has come back down to earth, losing about 89% of its peak value. But for those who love a bit of a gamble, it's still looking like a tempting deal, even at under $0.1. Similarly, STEPN (GMT) has been basking in the excitement generated by its latest collaboration with DJ Steve Aoki. Following the announcement GMT saw a nice boost in October, though it seems to be catching its breath a bit recently.

加密貨幣市場對名人喊話的力量並不陌生。以狗狗幣 (DOGE) 為例,它只是一種迷因幣,直到 Elon Musk 和史努比狗狗 (Snoop Dogg) 等大牌紛紛加入這股潮流。突然間,當它的價格在 2021 年飆升 10 倍時,事情就不再那麼有趣了。快進到現在,DOGE 已經回到了現實,損失了峰值的 89% 左右。但對於那些喜歡賭博的人來說,即使價格低於 0.1 美元,這看起來仍然是一筆誘人的交易。同樣,STEPN (GMT) 也一直沉浸在與 DJ Steve Aoki 的最新合作帶來的興奮之中。消息公佈後,GMT 在 10 月出現了不錯的成長,不過最近似乎稍稍稍稍喘了口氣。

And when you have a legend like Usain Bolt backing you, you know you're doing something right. Step App (FITFI) is quickly making a name for itself in the move-to-earn (M2E) scene with its strong economy and some seriously good returns. This performance is not just in celebrity praise, but also in tangible market gains, outpacing a 15% monthly increase of Dogecoin (DOGE) and now eyeing the recent successes of STEPN (GMT). With a 23% growth this month, FITFI is the dark horse that might just have a few surprises up its sleeve for both its users and the broader market.

當你有像尤塞恩博爾特這樣的傳奇人物支持你時,你就知道你正在做正確的事情。 Step App (FITFI) 憑藉其強勁的經濟和相當不錯的回報,在行動賺錢 (M2E) 領域迅速聲名鵲起。這一表現不僅體現在名人的讚揚上,還體現在有形的市場收益上,超過了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 15% 的月漲幅,現在正關注 STEPN (GMT) 最近的成功。 FITFI 本月成長了 23%,成為一匹黑馬,可能會給用戶和更廣泛的市場帶來一些驚喜。

Step App (FITFI): Cash In with AI-driven Workouts

Step App (FITFI):透過人工智慧驅動的鍛鍊賺錢

Imagine a world where your daily run or walk not only boosts your health, but also your virtual wallet. With Step App, your regular jog can net you anywhere from 5$ to 50$ per session! As the first move-to-earn application that empowered fitness with AI-assisted workouts, Step sets a new standard in the FitFi realm. Bolstered by its stable economy and lucrative ROI for users, the project caters to health enthusiasts and crypto fans alike, regardless of their experience with Web3. Injecting a burst of star-studded excitement, Step App basks in the glowing endorsements of legendary athletes like Usain Bolt, propelling its esteemed market reputation to even greater acclaim.

想像一個世界,您的日常跑步或步行不僅可以增強您的健康,還可以增強您的虛擬錢包。透過 Step App,您的定期慢跑每次訓練可為您帶來 5 美元到 50 美元的收益!作為第一個透過 AI 輔助鍛鍊增強健身能力的「行動賺錢」應用程序,Step 在 FitFi 領域樹立了新標準。憑藉其穩定的經濟和豐厚的用戶投資回報率,該計畫迎合了健康愛好者和加密貨幣愛好者的需求,無論他們對 Web3 的體驗如何。 Step App 注入了一陣明星雲集的興奮感,得到了尤塞恩·博爾特 (Usain Bolt) 等傳奇運動員的大力支持,使其備受推崇的市場聲譽贏得了更大的讚譽。

Transform Your Steps into Tangible Rewards with Step App

使用 Step 應用程式將您的步數轉化為有形獎勵

In Step, managing your earnings is effortless and subscriptions are available to further personalize your in-app experience and amplify rewards. Here, the magic lies in the FITFI and KCAL tokens – central to the app’s vibrant, contest-filled community and its continuous innovation, they hold potential for appreciation over time. Whether it's upgrading your workout gear with KCAL or unlocking exclusive features with FITFI, these tokens are ready to enhance your fitness journey. In the run-up of 2024, Step is gearing up to unveil even more exciting features and airdrops, ensuring that both the community and the value of its tokens keep thriving.

在 Step 中,您可以輕鬆管理收入,並且可以透過訂閱進一步個人化您的應用程式內體驗並增加獎勵。在這裡,魔力在於 FITFI 和 KCAL 代幣——它們是該應用程式充滿活力、充滿競爭的社群及其持續創新的核心,隨著時間的推移,它們具有升值的潛力。無論是使用 KCAL 升級您的健身裝備,還是使用 FITFI 解鎖專屬功能,這些代幣都可以增強您的健身之旅。在 2024 年即將到來之際,Step 正準備推出更多令人興奮的功能和空投,以確保社群及其代幣的價值不斷蓬勃發展。

Source: TradingView


The Step App (FITFI) is presently at a pivotal point in its market trajectory, with its recent price hovering close to an imminent resistance threshold at $0.007027. Support lines are established at $0.003168 and $0.001231, offering a safeguard against possible downturns. Optimism is fueled by technical analyses: the 10-day SMA has marginally increased to $0.007366, suggesting sustained positive movement, while the 100-day SMA at $0.004574 reflects a favorable market sentiment. The MACD index at 0.000703, coupled with the RSI of 53.72, indicates robust, yet balanced investor interest. This positive outlook is further strengthened by the nearing conclusion of the FITFI public vesting on January 26, an event that could further propel bullish trends. If this momentum continues, forthcoming resistance levels at $0.008949 and a more challenging $0.012808 seem within reach, particularly considering the app's expected features and planned initiatives for 2024.

Step App (FITFI) 目前正處於其市場軌蹟的關鍵點,其最近的價格徘徊在接近迫在眉睫的阻力閾值 0.007027 美元。支撐線設定在 0.003168 美元和 0.001231 美元,為應對可能的經濟衰退提供保障。技術分析推動了樂觀情緒:10 日移動平均線小幅升至 0.007366 美元,表明持續的積極走勢,而 100 日移動平均線為 0.004574 美元則反映了有利的市場情緒。 MACD 指數為 0.000703,加上 RSI 為 53.72,顯示投資者興趣強勁且平衡。 1 月 26 日 FITFI 公開兌現即將結束,這一積極前景進一步得到加強,這一事件可能進一步推動看漲趨勢。如果這種勢頭持續下去,即將到來的阻力位 0.008949 美元和更具挑戰性的 0.012808 美元似乎觸手可及,特別是考慮到該應用程序的預期功能和 2024 年計劃的舉措。

Step Up Your Game – Join Now!

升級您的遊戲 – 立即加入!

Dogecoin (DOGE) Technical Analysis

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 技術分析

Dogecoin (DOGE) is sitting in a pretty intriguing spot right now, playing a game of tug-of-war between the support level at $0.0722 and the resistance point at $0.0839. It's like DOGE is trying to decide whether to take the plunge or play it safe. The 10-day SMA is hovering around $0.0799, almost teasing the current price, while the 100-day SMA at $0.078 looks back at where Dogecoin (DOGE) has been hanging out these past few months. The MACD, sitting at a humble 0.0008, whispers hints of an uptick, and the RSI at 58.78 is like that friend who's optimistic, but not getting their hopes too high.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前處於一個非常有趣的位置,在 0.0722 美元的支撐位和 0.0839 美元的阻力位之間進行著一場拉鋸戰。就像 DOGE 正在試圖決定是冒險還是謹慎行事。 10 日移動平均線徘徊在 0.0799 美元附近,幾乎考驗著當前價格,而 0.078 美元的 100 日移動平均線則回顧了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在過去幾個月的走勢。 MACD 位於不起眼的 0.0008,有上升的跡象,而 RSI 位於 58.78,就像那位樂觀的朋友,但沒有抱太大希望。

Source: TradingView


If DOGE decides to show off and leap over that $0.0839 resistance, we could be in for a treat. It could sprint all the way up to $0.089 and even beyond, to the $0.1007 target. This bullish dream isn't too far-fetched, especially with the trading volume pumping up to $856 million recently – a solid 8% jump. Coupled with an 8% price hike over the last week, this boost seems like Dogecoin (DOGE) has some cheerleaders rallying behind it. But to really kick it up a notch, the meme coin needs to break free from its current resistance and draw in more buyers to keep the party going.

如果 DOGE 決定炫耀並跨越 0.0839 美元的阻力位,我們可能會大飽口福。它可能一路衝刺至 0.089 美元,甚至更高,達到 0.1007 美元的目標。這個看漲的夢想並不是太牽強,尤其是最近交易量飆升至 8.56 億美元,大幅增加了 8%。再加上上週價格上漲 8%,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的上漲似乎得到了一些啦啦隊的支持。但要真正提升一個檔次,迷因幣需要擺脫當前的阻力,吸引更多買家,讓派對繼續下去。

Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves as there is always the chance that DOGE might take a step back. If it slips below $0.0722, we could see it sliding down towards $0.0656 and even lower, to $0.0539. The MACD isn't exactly shouting 'go big or go home', so there's a chance the bulls might not have enough steam. But considering that Dogecoin (DOGE) is still holding strong above $0.08 and boasts a hefty $11.4 billion market cap, a major nosedive seems a bit unlikely unless something major shakes up the market or throws a curveball specifically at DOGE.

現在,我們不要操之過急,因為 DOGE 總是有可能退後一步。如果它跌破 0.0722 美元,我們可能會看到它跌向 0.0656 美元,甚至更低,跌至 0.0539 美元。 MACD 並不是在喊“要么做大,要么回家”,所以多頭可能沒有足夠的動力。但考慮到狗狗幣 (DOGE) 仍堅守在 0.08 美元上方,並擁有 114 億美元的巨額市值,除非發生重大事件撼動市場或專門針對 DOGE 拋出曲線球,否則大幅暴跌似乎不太可能。

STEPN (GMT) Technical Analysis

STEPN (GMT) 技術分析

STEPN (GMT) is right now caught between its first support level at $0.259393 and the first resistance at $0.383513. The SMAs are throwing some mixed signals our way: the 10-day SMA at $0.281227 is just a touch above the current price and the 100-day SMA is almost whispering to it at $0.271312. It's a bit of a stand-off situation, with the market seemingly holding its breath to see what's next. The MACD Level at -0.006209 and the RSI at 37.94 are also playing it cool, suggesting that investors are in the wait-and-see mode.

STEPN (GMT) 目前處於第一支撐位 0.259393 美元和第一個阻力位 0.383513 美元之間。 SMA 向我們發出了一些複雜的信號:10 日 SMA 位於 0.281227 美元,僅略高於當前價格,而 100 日 SMA 幾乎在 0.271312 美元附近耳語。這有點僵持,市場似乎屏住呼吸,想看看接下來會發生什麼事。 MACD 水準為 -0.006209 ,RSI 為 37.94 ,也表現得很冷靜,顯示投資者處於觀望狀態。

Source: TradingView


Looking at the brighter side, GMT could really take off and punch through that first resistance level of $0.383513. The hype from its collaboration with DJ Steve Aoki has already given it a leg up. With a market cap of $375.5 million and a healthy circulation of 1.4 billion GMT tokens, any spark of buying interest could send it climbing up to the next resistances at $0.441237 and $0.565357. But, this rosy picture needs a continuation of the present momentum and maybe a little extra push from the broader market mood.

從好的方面來看,GMT 確實可能會起飛並突破 0.383513 美元的第一個阻力位。與 DJ Steve Aoki 的合作所帶來的炒作已經為其帶來了優勢。憑藉 3.755 億美元的市值和 14 億枚 GMT 代幣的健康流通,任何購買興趣的火花都可能使其攀升至下一個阻力位 0.441237 美元和 0.565357 美元。但是,這種樂觀的前景需要當前動能的延續,或許還需要來自更廣泛市場情緒的額外推動。

However, there's a flip side too: the recent 4% slide in the STEPN (GMT) price and an 8.5% drop in trading volume are signals that might point towards a downward trend. If this slowdown sticks around, GMT could find itself inching closer to its second support level at $0.192997 and to the third line of defense at $0.068877. It would need a significant shift in market dynamics to slide that far, but that's not out of the question. Now all eyes are on the excitement post-Aoki collaboration that either stays its power, or starts to fade.

然而,也有不利的一面:最近 STEPN (GMT) 價格下跌 4% 和交易量下降 8.5% 是可能指向下降趨勢的訊號。如果這種放緩持續下去,GMT 可能會發現自己正在慢慢接近第二支撐位 0.192997 美元和第三道防線 0.068877 美元。市場動態需要發生重大轉變才能下滑到如此程度,但這並非不可能。現在,所有人的目光都集中在青木合作後的興奮上,這種興奮要么保持其力量,要么開始消退。

Final Thoughts


In the world of crypto, where celebrity nods can send coins to the moon or back down to earth, it's all about the hype and the hope. Dogecoin (DOGE), once just a meme, soared with a little star power, but has since come down a bit. Meanwhile, STEPN (GMT) is riding the wave of its cool collab with DJ Steve Aoki, and Step App (FITFI) is mixing celebrity endorsements with solid performance, making a splash in the M2E scene. Looking forward, the big question is: what's next for these tokens? With DOGE and GMT, there's a hint of optimism, but the market's still playing hard to get. And as for FITFI, it's the new kid on the block with potential for much more surprising gains.

在加密世界中,名人的點頭可以將硬幣發送到月球或返回地球,這一切都與炒作和希望有關。狗狗幣(DOGE)曾經只是一個迷因,憑藉一點明星力量而飆升,但此後有所回落。與此同時,STEPN (GMT) 正乘著與 DJ Steve Aoki 的酷炫合作浪潮,Step App (FITFI) 則將名人代言與紮實的表演融為一體,在 M2E 場景中引起轟動。展望未來,最大的問題是:這些代幣的下一步是什麼?狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和格林尼治標準時間 (GMT) 的走勢顯示出一絲樂觀情緒,但市場仍然難以獲得。至於 FITFI,它是新來的,有潛力獲得更多令人驚訝的收益。

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一篇贊助文章,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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