首頁 > 資訊新聞 > ChatGPT:這就是狗狗幣、XRP 和 Everlodge 成為趨勢的原因

ChatGPT: here’s why Dogecoin, XRP, and Everlodge are trending

ChatGPT:這就是狗狗幣、XRP 和 Everlodge 成為趨勢的原因

發布: 2023/11/07 18:50 閱讀: 471



Dogecoin (DOGE), XRP, and Everlodge (ELDG) are trending higher, drawing attention from the crypto community.

狗狗幣 (DOGE)、XRP 和 Everlodge (ELDG) 呈現走高趨勢,引起了加密社群的關注。

With their recent price action, ChatGPT hints of a possible bull market. Let’s find out more.

ChatGPT 最近的價格走勢暗示了可能的牛市。讓我們了解更多。

ChatGPT: Dogecoin might retrace


According to market data, Dogecoin’s trading volume and market cap have decreased. 


Dogecoin surged in October, rising to $0.071415. However, the bullish run didn’t last long, as the coin has retraced in November, reaching $0.067390. 

狗狗幣 10 月飆升,升至 0.071415 美元。然而,看漲行情並沒有持續太久,代幣在 11 月回撤,達到 0.067390 美元。

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Coinciding with the drop in DOGE prices is a retracement of market cap and trading volume. 

與 DOGE 價格下跌同時發生的是市值和交易量的回撤。

Despite these changes, ChatGPT remains bullish on Dogecoin, as the RSI indicator is in oversold territory. 

儘管有這些變化,ChatGPT 仍然看好狗狗幣,因為 RSI 指標處於超賣區域。

ChatGPT predicts DOGE to reach $0.073478 in the coming weeks.

ChatGPT 預測 DOGE 在未來幾週內將達到 0.073478 美元。

Ripple partners with the National Bank Of Georgia 

Ripple 與格魯吉亞國家銀行合作

Ripple Labs and the National Bank of Georgia have joined forces to create Georgia’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the Digital Lari. 

Ripple Labs 和格魯吉亞國家銀行聯手創建了格魯吉亞中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)-Digital Lari。

The partnership will develop and launch a pilot program for the Digital Lari using the Ripple CBDC Platform. The objective is to investigate the potential applications of Digital Lari for enterprises and government. 

該合作夥伴關係將使用 Ripple CBDC 平台開發並啟動 Digital Lari 試點計劃。目的是調查 Digital Lari 對企業和政府的潛在應用。

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The recent withdrawal of accusations against Ripple executives by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lifted XRP prices.

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 最近撤銷了對 Ripple 高層的指控,提振了 XRP 價格。

Based on CoinMarketCap data, XRP rose 14.2% in the last 30 days, reaching $0.604733. 

根據 CoinMarketCap 數據,XRP 在過去 30 天內上漲了 14.2%,達到 0.604733 美元。

ChatGPT predicts XRP to retest $0.689733 in the coming weeks.

ChatGPT 預測 XRP 將在未來幾週內重新測試 0.689733 美元。

Everlodge: users can earn rewards from staking 


Everlodge is a new player in crypto, joining Dogecoin and XRP. The team is building a platform for people to invest in luxury vacation properties easily. 

Everlodge 是加密貨幣領域的新玩家,加入了狗狗幣和 XRP 的行列。該團隊正在建立一個平台,讓人們輕鬆投資豪華度假房產。

A key feature in Everlodge is non-fungible token (NFT) technology and fractionalization. In this setup, they plan to integrate NFTs to represent shares in these properties, then split them into smaller parts that people can buy for as little as $100. This would enable more people to own a piece of high-end real estate. 

Everlodge 的關鍵特性是不可取代代幣 (NFT) 技術和碎片化。在這種設置中,他們計劃整合 NFT 來代表這些財產的份額,然後將它們分成更小的部分,人們可以以低至 100 美元的價格購買。這將使更多的人能夠擁有一塊高端房產。

Everlodge also allows property developers to connect with the community and get project funding. Investors who position themselves in these projects can benefit. 

Everlodge 還允許房地產開發商與社區建立聯繫並獲得專案資金。參與這些項目的投資者可以受益。

ELDG is the main currency in the Everlodge system, and it can be staked, diversifying income streams.

ELDG 是 Everlodge 系統中的主要貨幣,它可以質押,使收入來源多樣化。

Currently, ELDG is available for $0.23 in the ongoing presale. At the end of the crowdfunding activity, ELDG will be listed in leading exchanges. For this reason, experts maintain a bullish outlook on ELDG. 

目前,ELDG 正在進行預售,售價為 0.23 美元。眾籌活動結束後,ELDG將在主流交易所上市。因此,專家對ELDG的前景保持看好。

For more information about the Everlodge presale, visit their website or join their community here.

有關 Everlodge 預售的更多信息,請訪問他們的網站或在此處加入他們的社區。

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披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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