首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 3 月 9 日,6 種價格低於 1 美元的最便宜加密貨幣

6 Best Cheap Crypto to Buy Now Under 1 Dollar March 9

3 月 9 日,6 種價格低於 1 美元的最便宜加密貨幣

發布: 2024/03/10 06:44 閱讀: 963



With the Bitcoin Halving set to begin in 41 days, the overall Fear/Greed score has moved to 89 as transaction rates increase. This uptick in activity has also led to increased trading volumes, with the positive market outlook pushing inventors to update their portfolios.

隨著比特幣減半將於 41 天後開始,隨著交易率的增加,恐懼/貪婪的總體得分已升至 89。活動的增加也導致交易量增加,正面的市場前景促使發明人更新其投資組合。

Moreover, traders seek cost-effective market entry points and promising investment opportunities, mainly focusing on affordable tokens. However, identifying the most promising low-priced crypto assets requires significant time and effort. This article compiles a list of cryptocurrencies priced under one Dollar to streamline this process. 

此外,交易者尋求具有成本效益的市場切入點和有前景的投資機會,主要關注價格實惠的代幣。然而,識別最有前途的低價加密資產需要大量的時間和精力。本文編制了價格低於 1 美元的加密貨幣列表,以簡化此過程。

6 Best Cheap Crypto to Buy Now Under 1 Dollar

6 種價格低於 1 美元的最便宜加密貨幣

This review provides valuable insights for traders looking to assess the growth potential of various tokens. Several tokens, some priced below $1, are currently on upward trends, presenting opportunities for investors to enter the market. Additionally, Bitcoin Minetrix is showing promising results as it approaches the conclusion of its presale stage 30. Furthermore, the first leveraged Bitcoin ETF is nearing $1 billion in assets.

該評論為尋求評估各種代幣成長潛力的交易者提供了寶貴的見解。一些代幣(其中一些價格低於 1 美元)目前呈上升趨勢,為投資者提供了進入市場的機會。此外,隨著第 30 階段預售階段的結束,Bitcoin Minetrix 也顯示出了可喜的成果。此外,第一個槓桿式比特幣 ETF 的資產接近 10 億美元。

1. Sei (SEI)


With the current Altcoin surge, the SEI token has quickly gained attention with its recent rise in price. Over the past 24 hours, SEI has seen a remarkable rally of 14%, peaking at $0.9577. This surge in price has been accompanied by an 80% increase in trading volume, signaling a growing interest among traders.

隨著當前山寨幣的飆升,SEI代幣因其最近的價格上漲而迅速受到關注。在過去 24 小時內,SEI 大幅上漲 14%,最高達到 0.9577 美元。價格飆升伴隨著交易量增加 80%,顯示交易者的興趣日益濃厚。

Moreover, SEI’s announcement of its v2 upgrade has boosted the bullish sentiment surrounding it. This upgrade will introduce support for both CosmWasm and the EVM execution environments simultaneously. Equally, it promises to enhance transaction speed and increase the network’s capacity to handle thousands of transactions per second, ultimately leading to faster time to finality.

此外,SEI 宣布 v2 升級也提振了圍繞其的看漲情緒。此次升級將同時引入對 CosmWasm 和 EVM 執行環境的支援。同樣,它有望提高交易速度並提高網路每秒處理數千筆交易的能力,最終縮短最終確定時間。

Furthermore, SEI has quickly climbed to become a top-100 token project by market cap, indicating increased adoption. With SEI trading near its cycle high and boasting high liquidity based on its market cap, investors are closely watching the project’s trajectory. As the community shows increasing interest and investment in SEI, there is potential for the token to reach new heights in the market.

此外,SEI 已迅速攀升至市值排名前 100 名的代幣項目,這表明採用率增加。隨著 SEI 交易接近其週期高點,並且基於其市值而擁有高流動性,投資者正在密切關注該項目的發展軌跡。隨著社區對 SEI 表現出越來越大的興趣和投資,該代幣有可能在市場上達到新的高度。

2. Conflux CFX

2.Conflux CFX

Conflux Network recently partnered with AnchorX, a fintech company in Hong Kong. Together, the aim is to launch a stablecoin called axHKD, pegged 1:1 to the Hong Kong Dollar. The stability of the stablecoin will be ensured by backing it with liquid assets held in trust arrangements. These arrangements are supervised by regulated financial institutions, including Hony Capital, a major private equity firm with assets totaling 13 billion USD.

Conflux Network 最近與香港金融科技公司 AnchorX 合作。雙方的目標是推出一種名為 axHKD 的穩定幣,與港元 1:1 掛鉤。穩定幣的穩定性將透過信託安排中持有的流動資產的支持來確保。這些安排受到受監管的金融機構的監管,其中包括資產總額達 130 億美元的大型私募股權公司弘毅投資。

This announcement is driving CFX’s price upwards and its overall positive outlook. CFX, Conflux Network’s native cryptocurrency, has grown significantly as market adoption increases. Its price is currently at $0.335479, up 4.71% in the last 24 hours and 81% in the past year.

這項公告正在推動 CFX 的價格上漲及其整體積極的前景。 CFX 是 Conflux Network 的原生加密貨幣,隨著市場採用率的增加而顯著成長。目前其價格為 0.335479 美元,過去 24 小時內上漲 4.71%,過去一年上漲 81%。

Meanwhile, CFX trades well above its 200-day moving average, indicating a bullish trend. Furthermore, Conflux has consistently performed well, with 19 out of the last 30 days being green. Its high liquidity indicates strong trading activity, as its market capitalization shows.

同時,CFX 的交易價格遠高於 200 日移動均線,顯示看漲趨勢。此外,Conflux 一直表現良好,過去 30 天中有 19 天是綠色的。正如其市值所示,其高流動性表明交易活動強勁。

3. Pyth Network (PYTH)


Laser Digital, Nomura’s digital arm, has partnered with Pyth Network. This collaboration signifies Laser Digital’s commitment to improving DeFi’s accessibility of financial market data.

野村證券的數位部門 Laser Digital 已與 Pyth Network 合作。此次合作標誌著 Laser Digital 致力於提高 DeFi 對金融市場數據的可近性。

To start, Laser Digital will supply crypto pricing data to Pyth Network. The latter currently hosts over 400 price feeds spanning various asset classes such as digital assets, stocks, ETFs, foreign exchange, and commodities. This strategic move aligns with the industry’s shift towards blockchain technology, which demands high-frequency, low-latency on-chain data to support advanced DeFi applications.

首先,Laser Digital 將向 Pyth Network 提供加密定價資料。後者目前擁有 400 多個價格信息,涵蓋數位資產、股票、ETF、外匯和大宗商品等各種資產類別。這項策略舉措與產業向區塊鏈技術的轉變相一致,區塊鏈技術需要高頻、低延遲的鏈上數據來支援先進的 DeFi 應用。

Meanwhile, Pyth Network is in the green, with its price hitting $0.708357. This rally marks a 7.27% increase in the past 24 hours as buying pressure begins to mount. The sentiment surrounding Pyth Network’s price prediction is bullish, with the Fear & Greed Index indicating an Extreme Greed level of 81. 

與此同時,Pyth Network 處於上漲狀態,其價格達到 0.708357 美元。隨著購買壓力開始增加,這次反彈標誌著過去 24 小時內上漲了 7.27%。圍繞 Pyth Network 價格預測的情緒是看漲的,恐懼與貪婪指數顯示極端貪婪水準為 81。

Over the last 30 days, there have been 17 green days, accounting for 57% of the period, signaling a trading environment near its cycle high. Furthermore, Pyth Network demonstrates high liquidity based on its market capitalization. Overall, Laser Digital and Pyth Network collaboration holds a promising outlook for crypto investors.

過去30天裡,有17個綠色日,佔該週期的57%,顯示交易環境接近週期高點。此外,Pyth Network 基於其市值表現出高流動性。總體而言,Laser Digital 和 Pyth Network 的合作為加密貨幣投資者帶來了光明的前景。

4. Cronos (CRO)


The Cronos has witnessed an upturn recently, departing from its earlier downtrend. Since January 24, when it plummeted to $0.076, the token has surged by a staggering 81.5%, hitting  $0.138 on March 4. Furthermore, It has moved by 41.93% in the last seven days, reaching $0.1636.This remarkable turnaround aligns with the current rally engulfing the market and Cronos’ continued growth.

克羅諾斯最近出現了好轉,擺脫了先前的下降趨勢。自1 月24 日暴跌至0.076 美元以來,該代幣已飆升81.5%,於3 月4 日達到0.138 美元。此外,在過去7 天內,該代幣已上漲41.93%,達到0.1636 美元。這一顯著的轉變與當前的情況相符。反彈席捲了市場,克羅諾斯持續成長。

Notably,  Fulcrom Finance on the Cronos network exceeded $1 billion in TVL on February 1. Additionally, on February 22, Cronos unveiled version 1.0 of its lite paper, outlining plans for the upcoming zkEVM launch. This release outlined key Features such as scalability, shared liquidity among hyperchains, yield-bearing crypto-assets, and native account abstraction. 

值得注意的是,2 月 1 日,Cronos 網路上的 Fulcrom Finance 的 TVL 超過 10 億美元。此外,2 月 22 日,Cronos 發布了其精簡版論文的 1.0 版本,概述了即將推出的 zkEVM 的計劃。此版本概述了主要功能,例如可擴展性、超鏈之間的共享流動性、產生收益的加密資產和本機帳戶抽象化。

In addition, it highlighted upcoming initiatives like testnet quests and proof of participation for early adopters of #CROFam. Therefore, experts are bullish about CRO, expecting the coin to sustain its upward trend. Hence, CRO is predicted to rise above $0.200 soon. 

此外,它還強調了即將推出的舉措,例如測試網任務和 #CROFam 早期採用者的參與證明。因此,專家看好CRO,預計該幣將維持上漲趨勢。因此,預計 CRO 很快就會升至 0.200 美元以上。

This optimism is fueled by several factors, including the token’s impressive performance over the past year. The coin outperformed 56% of the top 100 coins on a YTD basis and consistently traded above its 200-day simple moving average. Also, Cronos (CRO) has experienced 20 green trading days out of the last 30, signaling positive momentum.

這種樂觀情緒是由多種因素推動的,其中包括該代幣在過去一年中令人印象深刻的表現。年初至今,該代幣的表現優於 56% 的前 100 種代幣,且交易價格始終高於 200 天簡單移動平均線。此外,Cronos (CRO) 在過去 30 個交易日中經歷了 20 個綠色交易日,顯示了積極的勢頭。

5. Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX)


During the ongoing crypto market rally, Bitcoin Minetrix’s presale has attracted significant attention, raising an impressive $11.9 million. The project aims to improve BTC mining by addressing common concerns such as high hardware costs and fraudulent activities. Through Bitcoin Minetrix, users can stake their BTCMTX tokens to access cloud mining credits, promising a secure and hassle-free mining experience.

在加密貨幣市場持續上漲期間,Bitcoin Minetrix 的預售引起了廣泛關注,籌集了令人印象深刻的 1,190 萬美元。該專案旨在透過解決高硬體成本和詐欺活動等常見問題來改善 BTC 挖礦。透過 Bitcoin Minetrix,用戶可以質押其 BTCMTX 代幣來獲取雲端挖礦積分,從而獲得安全、無憂的挖礦體驗。

Unlike traditional mining methods, Bitcoin Minetrix offers attractive Features, including a low-cost entry point with no minimum purchase requirements. Additionally, the platform emphasizes user-controlled risk management, enabling seamless withdrawal and selling options. 

與傳統的挖礦方法不同,Bitcoin Minetrix 提供了極具吸引力的功能,包括沒有最低購買要求的低成本切入點。此外,該平台強調用戶控制的風險管理,實現無縫取款和出售選項。

Bitcoin Minetrix’s presale has reached Stage 30, witnessing a remarkable 719,958,114 BTCMTX tokens being staked, boasting an impressive APY of 58%. With each token priced at $0.0138, investors can capitalize on the current rate before an expected surge in value within the next day. This presents an enticing window for investors looking to explore innovative solutions in the mining sector.

Bitcoin Minetrix 的預售已進入第 30 階段,質押了 719,958,114 個 BTCMTX 代幣,年化收益率高達 58%。每個代幣的定價為 0.0138 美元,投資者可以在第二天價值預期飆升之前利用當前匯率。這為尋求採礦業創新解決方案的投資者提供了一個誘人的窗口。

Visit Bitcoin Minetrix Presale

造訪比特幣 Minetrix 預售

6. Dogecoin (DOGE)


The recent surge in Dogecoin millionaires has caught the crypto community’s attention. This marks a significant milestone for the meme coin. According to data from IntotheBlock, the number of addresses holding over $1 million worth of DOGE has skyrocketed by a remarkable 76% within just 30 days, surpassing the milestone of 1000 Dogecoin millionaires.

最近狗狗幣百萬富翁的激增引起了加密社群的關注。這標誌著模因幣的一個重要里程碑。根據 IntotheBlock 的數據,持有價值超過 100 萬美元 DOGE 的地址數量在短短 30 天內猛增了 76%,超過了 1000 個狗狗幣百萬富翁的里程碑。

This surge in wealth accumulation among Dogecoin holders coincides with the coin’s impressive market performance. Over the past year, Dogecoin’s price has surged by an impressive 137%. It has outperformed 55% of the top 100 crypto assets. Additionally, Dogecoin is trading well above its 200-day simple moving average at $0.085249, indicating a significant uptrend.

狗狗幣持有者財富累積的激增與該幣令人​​印象深刻的市場表現相吻合。過去一年,狗狗幣的價格飆升了 137%,令人印象深刻。它的表現優於前 100 名加密資產中的 55%。此外,狗狗幣的交易價格遠高於 0.085249 美元的 200 天簡單移動平均線,顯示存在顯著的上升趨勢。

Moreover, Dogecoin has demonstrated its resilience in the market. It has recorded 19 out of the last 30 days as green days. This indicates a positive trading sentiment among investors. Furthermore, Dogecoin boasts high liquidity based on its market capitalization. This adds to its appeal among traders and investors.

此外,狗狗幣也展現了其在市場上的韌性。過去 30 天中有 19 天被記錄為綠色天。這顯示投資者的交易情緒正面。此外,狗狗幣因其市值而擁有高流動性。這增加了它對交易者和投資者的吸引力。

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  • Our Previous Best Cheap Crypto to Buy Now Post
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Source: https://thebittimes.com/6-best-cheap-crypto-to-buy-now-under-1-dollar-march-9-tbt82113.html



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