首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Cilinix Crypto 評論增長最快的 Layer-2 Meme 硬幣預售 – 您應該購買 $PEPU 代幣嗎?

Cilinix Crypto Reviews Fastest-Growing Layer-2 Meme Coin Presale – Should You Buy $PEPU Token?

Cilinix Crypto 評論增長最快的 Layer-2 Meme 硬幣預售 – 您應該購買 $PEPU 代幣嗎?

發布: 2024/07/15 00:03 閱讀: 459

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Cilinix Crypto 評論增長最快的 Layer-2 Meme 硬幣預售 – 您應該購買 $PEPU 代幣嗎?

Pepe Unchained: Revolutionizing Meme Coins with Layer 2 Technology

Pepe Unchained:利用 Layer 2 技術徹底改變 Meme 幣

Crypto Youtube analyst Cilinix Crypto shared an in-depth review of Pepe Unchained and its native token $PEPU to his substantial audience of 65,000 followers.

Crypto Youtube 分析師 Cilinix Crypto 向其 65,000 名粉絲分享了對 Pepe Unchained 及其原生代幣 $PEPU 的深入評論。

Pepe Unchained sets itself apart from traditional meme coins by providing real-world utility and scalability. This innovative project aims to transform the crypto landscape by integrating Layer 2 (L2) blockchain technology with the widespread appeal of meme coins, marking the first instance of a dedicated L2 network specifically tailored for meme coins.

Pepe Unchained 透過提供現實世界的實用性和可擴展性,將自己與傳統的迷因硬幣區分開來。這個創新項目旨在透過將第2 層(L2) 區塊鏈技術與Meme 幣的廣泛吸引力相結合來改變加密貨幣格局,標誌著專門為Meme 幣量身定制的專用L2 網路的第一個實例。

L2 networks alleviate congestion on the Ethereum mainnet by processing transactions off-chain, resulting in significantly reduced costs and faster processing times while maintaining the security and decentralization of Ethereum. Pepe Unchained capitalizes on these advantages, promising transaction speeds up to 100 times faster than Ethereum at a fraction of the cost.

L2 網路透過鏈下處理交易來緩解以太坊主網路上的擁塞,從而顯著降低成本並加快處理時間,同時保持以太坊的安全性和去中心化。 Pepe Unchained 利用這些優勢,承諾交易速度比以太坊快 100 倍,而成本僅為以太坊的一小部分。

This efficiency empowers users to stake, trade, and interact on the Pepe Chain far more effectively than with conventional ERC-20 tokens. Moreover, Pepe Unchained offers remarkably high staking rewards, with current annual percentage yields (APYs) reaching 536%. Nearly 300 million $PEPU tokens are already staked, highlighting the project's strong community support.

這種效率使用戶能夠比傳統的 ERC-20 代幣更有效地在 Pepe 鏈上進行質押、交易和互動。此外,Pepe Unchained 提供非常高的質押獎勵,目前年收益率 (APY) 達到 536%。近 3 億美元的 PEPU 代幣已經質押,凸顯了該項目得到了社群的大力支持。

It's important to note that these substantial returns are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and will gradually decrease as more tokens are staked. Therefore, early investors in the presale stand to reap the greatest rewards.


Discounted Presale Opportunity


Pepe Unchained is currently offering its native token, $PEPU, in an ongoing presale priced at $0.0084261. However, this price will increase after 32 hours. Investors can acquire $PEPU using $ETH, $USDT, $BNB, or a bank card. The presale has garnered significant success, raising over $3.5 million within a short time frame.

Pepe Unchained 目前正在提供其原生代幣 $PEPU,正在進行預售,售價為 0.0084261 美元。不過,32小時後這個價格就會上漲。投資者可以使用$ETH、$USDT、$BNB或銀行卡取得$PEPU。預售取得了巨大成功,在短時間內籌集了超過 350 萬美元。

At this rate, the $PEPU presale may conclude before its scheduled end date. Of the total supply of 8 billion tokens, 20% is allocated for the presale, while 30% is earmarked for staking rewards. Additionally, 20% is designated for marketing incentives, 10% for liquidity, 10% for project finance, and 10% for chain inventory.

以這個速度,$PEPU 預售可能會在預定結束日期之前結束。在 80 億枚代幣的總供應量中,20% 用於預售,30% 用於質押獎勵。此外,20%用於行銷激勵,10%用於流動性,10%用於專案融資,10%用於連鎖庫存。

Tokenomics and Transparency


Pepe Unchained's tokenomics are designed to foster transparency and trust, with no supply reserved for the team or private sales, effectively preventing malicious practices such as rug pulls. After the presale, $PEPU will be listed on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), where its value will be determined by market forces of supply and demand.

Pepe Unchained 的代幣經濟旨在促進透明度和信任,不為團隊或私人銷售保留供應,有效防止諸如地毯拉扯之類的惡意行為。預售後,$PEPU 將在去中心化交易所(DEX)上市,其價值將由市場供需力量決定。

Given the combined market capitalization of meme coins and L2 tokens exceeding $60 billion, Pepe Unchained is well-positioned for substantial growth. To stay abreast of the presale's progress, follow Pepe Unchained's X page or join their Telegram channel. Participate in the $PEPU token presale by visiting pepeunchained.com.

鑑於 Meme 幣和 L2 代幣的總市值超過 600 億美元,Pepe Unchained 處於大幅成長的有利位置。要了解預售進度,請關注 Pepe Unchained 的 X 頁面或加入他們的 Telegram 頻道。造訪 pepeunchained.com 參與 $PEPU 代幣預售。


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