首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 聲稱馬斯克正在採取加密貨幣行動——狗狗幣支付會出現在 X 上嗎?這是索賠的真相

Claims That Elon Musk Is Making A Cryptocurrency Move – Will Dogecoin Payments Come On X? Here is the Truth of the Claims

聲稱馬斯克正在採取加密貨幣行動——狗狗幣支付會出現在 X 上嗎?這是索賠的真相

發布: 2024/06/19 02:41 閱讀: 352

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN


聲稱馬斯克正在採取加密貨幣行動——狗狗幣支付會出現在 X 上嗎?這是索賠的真相

Elon Musk, the visionary behind the social media phenomenon X, is embarking on a transformative journey to elevate the platform into an all-encompassing ecosystem. An integral component of this audacious vision is the seamless integration of a payment infrastructure within the core social networking experience.

伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 是社群媒體現象 X 背後的遠見卓識者,他正在踏上變革之旅,將平台提升為全方位的生態系統。這一大膽願景的一個組成部分是將支付基礎設施無縫整合到核心社交網路體驗中。

While concrete details of this project remain elusive, a treasure-trove of documents recently submitted to regulatory authorities has shed unprecedented light on the company's strategic direction. These hitherto unrevealed documents unveil ambitious plans to introduce a payment feature akin to the popular Venmo service. This feature will empower users to seamlessly deposit funds into their X accounts, facilitate peer-to-peer payments, and even enable the purchase of goods and services in physical stores.

儘管該專案的具體細節仍難以捉摸,但最近提交給監管機構的大量文件為該公司的策略方向提供了前所未有的啟示。這些迄今尚未公開的文件揭示了引入類似於流行的 Venmo 服務的支付功能的雄心勃勃的計劃。該功能將使用戶能夠無縫地將資金存入他們的 X 帳戶,促進點對點支付,甚至可以在實體店購買商品和服務。

Musk has repeatedly emphasized the need for X to transcend its reliance on advertising revenue, which has traditionally accounted for an overwhelming majority of its sales. He has boldly asserted that X has the potential to evolve into the preeminent financial institution globally. Notably, the documents indicate that X harbors no intention of imposing substantial fees for its payment services. Instead, the company has conveyed to regulators its belief that offering payment services is a strategic move to foster "increased participation and interaction" within the platform.

馬斯克一再強調 X 需要超越對廣告收入的依賴,傳統上廣告收入佔其銷售額的絕大多數。他大膽斷言X有潛力發展成為全球卓越的金融機構。值得注意的是,這些文件表明 X 無意對其支付服務收取高額費用。相反,該公司已向監管機構表達了其信念,即提供支付服務是促進平台內「增加參與和互動」的策略性舉措。

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The financial disclosures shared with regulatory bodies also provide a sobering glimpse into the business challenges that X has grappled with since Musk assumed control in late 2022. The documents reveal a significant decline in revenue, with X generating a mere $1.48 billion in the first half of 2023, a stark contrast to the $2.48 billion earned during the same period in 2022, prior to Musk's acquisition. Furthermore, the company incurred a substantial loss of $456 million in the first quarter of 2023.

與監管機構分享的財務揭露也讓人清醒地看到,自 2022 年底馬斯克掌權以來,X 所面臨的業務挑戰。 2023 年,與馬斯克收購前2022 年同期的收入24.8 億美元形成鮮明對比。此外,該公司在 2023 年第一季出現了 4.56 億美元的巨額虧損。

Musk's longstanding affinity for cryptocurrencies is well-documented. Tesla, the automotive behemoth he leads, once maintained approximately $1.5 billion in Bitcoin on its balance sheet and briefly experimented with allowing customers to purchase vehicles using the digital currency. However, this option was swiftly discontinued, and Tesla has since offloaded a significant portion of its Bitcoin holdings.

馬斯克對加密貨幣的長期熱愛是有據可查的。他領導的汽車巨頭特斯拉曾在其資產負債表上保留了約 15 億美元的比特幣,並短暫嘗試過允許客戶使用數位貨幣購買汽車。然而,這項選擇很快就被終止,特斯拉此後拋售了其持有的很大一部分比特幣。

Moreover, Musk has expressed a tongue-in-cheek fondness for Dogecoin, even playfully referring to it as a "scam." Nonetheless, X users yearning to transfer their Dogecoin assets into their X wallets will be left disappointed for the time being. The company has explicitly stated to regulators in Maine that it currently has no plans to support the sending or receiving of virtual currencies.

此外,馬斯克還半開玩笑地表達了對狗狗幣的熱愛,甚至開玩笑地將其稱為「騙局」。儘管如此,渴望將狗狗幣資產轉移到 X 錢包中的 X 用戶暫時感到失望。該公司已向緬因州監管機構明確表示,目前沒有計劃支援發送或接收虛擬貨幣。

*Disclaimer: This article does not constitute financial advice.
Continue Reading: Exploring the Rumors: Elon Musk's Cryptocurrency Ambitions - Will X Embrace Dogecoin Payments? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Claims



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