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Crypto Analyst Calls Dogecoin Chart ‘Beautiful’, Here’s why


發布: 2024/01/05 07:34 閱讀: 946



Despite a hard week of muted performance and an eventual crash, the bullishness around Dogecoin has not waned, especially among crypto analysts. Expectations for the crypto’s price are still high with crypto analyst JD referring to the Dogecoin price chart as beautiful.

儘管經歷了艱難的一周表現平淡並最終崩盤,但圍繞狗狗幣的看漲情緒並未減弱,尤其是在加密貨幣分析師中。人們對加密貨幣價格的預期仍然很高,加密貨幣分析師 JD 表示狗狗幣價格圖表非常漂亮。

Dogecoin Getting Ready To Breakout


In a recent analysis that was posted on X (formerly Twitter), crypto analyst JD has revealed why he finds the Dogecoin chart to be beautiful. The chart that was shared showed JD’s analysis and the expected price movement of DOGE over the year 2024.

在最近發佈在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上的分析中,加密貨幣分析師 JD 透露了為什麼他認為狗狗幣圖表很漂亮。分享的圖表顯示了京東的分析以及 2024 年 DOGE 的預期價格變動。

The chart shows that the DOGE price has seen a bullish cross on the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). This development, the analyst shows, is bullish because of the coin’s historical performance after the MACD bullish cross was confirmed.

此圖表顯示,DOGE 價格在移動平均線收斂分歧 (MACD) 上出現看漲交叉。分析師表示,這項發展是看漲的,因為在 MACD 看漲交叉確認後,代幣的歷史表現。

Going back on the chart, it shows a bullish cross back in 2017, and in response to this, the DOGE price would end up rising more than 62x in less than a year. Then again in 2021, the same bullish cross on the MACD is confirmed, and this time around, DOGE would go on to mount an impressive 370x breakout in six months.

回顧圖表,它顯示了 2017 年的看漲交叉,為此,DOGE 價格最終在不到一年的時間內上漲了 62 倍以上。然後在 2021 年,MACD 上同樣的看漲交叉得到確認,這一次,DOGE 將在六個月內繼續實現令人印象深刻的 370 倍突破。

In addition to the bullish cross on the MACD, JD identifies another bullish indicator which is the “Price breakout out of multi-year trendline.” This means that two of the three indicators which often signal a Dogecoin breakout are confirmed.


If this historical performance holds this time around, then the resulting breakout could see the Dogecoin price rise an average of 100x over the next year. However, there is one indicator that is yet to be confirmed that could hinder this rally.

如果這次的歷史表現保持不變,那麼由此產生的突破可能會導致狗狗幣價格在明年平均上漲 100 倍。然而,有一個尚未證實的指標可能會阻礙這一反彈。

DOGE ASO Cross Not Confirmed

DOGE ASO 交叉未確認

The only indicator that is yet to be confirmed in JD’s analysis is the ASO Cross, which he identifies as the “Momentum of avg bull/bear percentage. I like using it on a higher timeframe, such as the monthly.” The two lines in this indicator are yet to cross, but over the last two years, have been inching closer.

JD 分析中唯一尚未確認的指標是 ASO Cross,他將其定義為「平均牛/熊百分比動量」。我喜歡在較長的時間範圍內使用它,例如每月。”該指標中的兩條線尚未交叉,但在過去兩年中已經逐漸接近。

Once this is confirmed, then JD’s analysis is complete and the forecast could play out as expected. In such a case, the DOGE price rising an average of 100x would actually put the Dogecoin price as high as $9, ultimately sending it to new all-time highs.

一旦這一點得到證實,京東的分析就完成了,預測也可能如預期的那樣進行。在這種情況下,狗狗幣價格平均上漲 100 倍實際上會使狗狗幣價格高達 9 美元,最終創下歷史新高。

The crypto analyst also warns investors of focusing too much on the hourly and daily timeframes which could cause them to make emotional decisions. Rather, JD advises that investors “Take a step back to the weekly/monthly timeframe and see why I’m so bullish now. Stop looking at the short-term dips/rise. Short term is irrelevant for the move that is coming!”



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