首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣分析師 JD 強調 XRP 的看漲歷史模式;幣安幣和 KangaMoon 支援看漲預測

Crypto Analyst JD Highlights Bullish Historical Pattern for XRP; Binance Coin and KangaMoon Support Bullish Prediction

加密貨幣分析師 JD 強調 XRP 的看漲歷史模式;幣安幣和 KangaMoon 支援看漲預測

發布: 2024/02/05 17:06 閱讀: 565

原文作者:CoinPedia News


加密貨幣分析師 JD 強調 XRP 的看漲歷史模式;幣安幣和 KangaMoon 支援看漲預測

The post Crypto Analyst JD Highlights Bullish Historical Pattern for XRP; Binance Coin and KangaMoon Support Bullish Prediction appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

加密貨幣分析師 JD 強調了 XRP 的看漲歷史模式; Binance Coin 和 KangaMoon 支持看漲預測首先出現在 Coinpedia 上

One of the leading crypto analysts, JD, has claimed that the altcoin Ripple (XRP) is following a historical pricing trend and might experience big increases soon. Meanwhile, researchers foresee a bullish price movement for Binance Coin and KangaMoon meme coin. Let’s look at the bullish predictions.

領先的加密貨幣分析師之一京東 (JD) 聲稱,山寨幣瑞波幣 (XRP) 正在遵循歷史定價趨勢,並且可能很快就會大幅上漲。同時,研究人員預計幣安幣和 KangaMoon meme 幣的價格走勢將看漲。讓我們看看看漲的預測。

Ripple (XRP) Forms a Historic Bullish Pattern 


JD, a cryptocurrency expert, has discovered a symmetrical triangle in Ripple’s (XRP) present chart. He noted that this pattern appeared in Ripple’s chart between late 2013 and early 2017.

加密貨幣專家 JD 在 Ripple (XRP) 目前圖表中發現了一個對稱三角形。他指出,這種模式出現在 2013 年底至 2017 年初的 Ripple 圖表中。

Afterwards, the Ripple coin saw a significant increase in 2017. Before the surge, Ripple saw resistance after sliding from its high in December 2013. 


This led to the formation of a symmetrical triangle, and Ripple emerged victorious in March 2017. The breakout from the symmetrical triangle pushed the Ripple coin from a low of $0.005 to a peak of $3.31 in January 2018.

這導致了對稱三角形的形成,瑞波幣在 2017 年 3 月取得了勝利。對稱三角形的突破將瑞波幣從 0.005 美元的低點推至 2018 年 1 月的 3.31 美元的峰值。

Such an increase translated to a 66,100% rise. Now, the analyst has seen a similar pattern on the Ripple price chart, which means the token could rise soon. Meanwhile, the Ripple coin has pumped 5.4% on the weekly chart, rising from $0.4994 to $0.5387.

這一增幅相當於 66,100% 的增幅。現在,分析師在瑞波幣價格圖表上看到了類似的模式,這意味著該代幣可能很快就會上漲。與此同時,瑞波幣在周線圖上上漲了 5.4%,從 0.4994 美元上漲至 0.5387 美元。

Binance Coin (BNB) Price Prediction 

幣安幣 (BNB) 價格預測

Binance Coin (BNB) price has been consolidating within a descending parallel channel after recording a local top of around $338.3. Data from CoinMarketCap showed the altcoin trading between $288.16 and $312.34 on the weekly price chart.

幣安幣 (BNB) 價格在創下 338.3 美元左右的局部高點後,一直在下降的平行通道內盤整。 CoinMarketCap 的數據顯示,山寨幣在每週價格圖表上的交易價格在 288.16 美元至 312.34 美元之間。

The token has recorded a weekly gain of 4.9% after a period of consolidation. The next target for Binance Coin price is the $320 mark. 

經過一段時間的盤整後,該代幣每週上漲 4.9%。幣安幣價格的下一個目標是 320 美元大關。

Binance Coin is currently surrounded by bullish sentiment. Firstly, it recorded 15 (50%) green days out of 30. Secondly, it trades above the 50-day SMA ($291.38) and the 200-day SMA ($250.64).

幣安幣目前被看漲情緒所包圍。首先,它在 30 天中錄得 15 個(50%)綠色。其次,它的交易價格高於 50 天移動平均線(291.38 美元)和 200 日移動平均線(250.64 美元)。

There is also the bullish Relative Strength Index that is above the 50-mark average, which means bulls have the upper power. Due to the bullish sentiment surrounding the token, analysts have predicted a DeFi coin price of $340.10 for Binance Coin.

還有看漲的相對強弱指數位於50關口均線之上,這意味著多頭擁有上風。由於圍繞該代幣的看漲情緒,分析師預測 Binance Coin 的 DeFi 代幣價格為 340.10 美元。

Analysts Give Bullish Prediction for KangaMoon (KANG) Meme Coin

分析師對 KangaMoon (KANG) Meme 幣做出看漲預測

Aside from Ripple and Binance Coin, KangaMoon (KANG) is another altcoin that has shown potential for a bullish price increase in 2024. Analysts have evaluated the memecoin and predicted the value of KANG will increase by 35x after it is listed on top exchanges. 

除了Ripple 和幣安幣之外,KangaMoon (KANG) 是另一種在2024 年顯示出看漲價格上漲潛力的山寨幣。分析師對memecoin 進行了評估,並預測KANG 在頂級交易所上市後,其價值將增加35 倍。

KangaMoon is a futuristic memecoin project that has the potential to outperform popular meme coins like Dogecoin and Pepe. Its primary goal is to build a strong community of meme coin fans while also allowing users to earn rewards for spending time on the platform.

KangaMoon 是一個未來派 memecoin 項目,有潛力超越 Dogecoin 和 Pepe 等流行的 meme coin。其主要目標是建立一個強大的模因幣粉絲社區,同時允許用戶透過在平台上花費時間來獲得獎勵。

The KangaMoon ecosystem includes a native token known as $KANG. The KANG memecoin is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token. One advantage of the KangaMoon project is that there are no buy or sell taxes, allowing investors to maximize their returns.

KangaMoon 生態系統包括一個名為 $KANG 的原生代幣。 KANG memecoin 是一種基於以太坊的 ERC-20 代幣。 KangaMoon 專案的優勢之一是沒有買賣稅,使投資者能夠最大化回報。

Interestingly, the KangaMoon coin has good tokenomics. It has a total supply of just 1 billion tokens, unlike other projects whose token supply runs into trillions. Presently, the KANG DeFi coin price is $0.005. Only 60% of the 1 billion tokens are available for sale in the presale. Join the next best blue chip project in the crypto space.

有趣的是,KangaMoon 幣具有良好的代幣經濟學。與其他項目的代幣供應量高達數兆個不同,它的總供應量僅為 10 億個代幣。目前,KANG DeFi 幣價​​格為 0.005 美元。 10 億枚代幣中只有 60% 可以在預售中出售。加入加密貨幣領域下一個最佳藍籌計畫。



Analysts’ bullish prediction for Ripple, KangaMoon and Binance Coin shows that they have huge potential. As a result, they are a worthy addition for any investor looking for top coins to invest in.

分析師對 Ripple、KangaMoon 和 Binance Coin 的樂觀預測表明它們擁有巨大的潛力。因此,對於任何尋求頂級代幣投資的投資者來說,它們都是值得的補充。

Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the Kangamoon (KANG) Presale Today!

立即探索袋鼠 (KANG) 預售的令人興奮的機會!

Website: https://Kangamoon.com/


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加入我們的 Telegram 社群:https://t.me/Kangamoonofficial


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