首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣分析師預測 $DOGE 可能會模仿 $XRP 的大幅上漲

Crypto Analyst Predicts $DOGE Could Mimic $XRP’s Massive Rally

加密貨幣分析師預測 $DOGE 可能會模仿 $XRP 的大幅上漲

發布: 2023/07/21 20:00 閱讀: 217



Renowned cryptocurrency analyst Michaël van de Poppe has shared his belief that Dogecoin ($DOGE), the meme-inspired cryptocurrency, could experience a remarkable rally akin to the one witnessed by XRP earlier this month.

著名加密貨幣分析師 Michaël van de Poppe 分享了他的信念,即狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 這種受模因啟發的加密貨幣可能會經歷類似於本月初 XRP 所見證的顯著反彈。

The recent ruling by a federal judge in New York, which determined that XRP is “not necessarily a security on its face,” propelled the price of XRP to surge by over 65% in the past week. This ruling prompted major exchanges like Coinbase, Kraken, and Gemini to relist the token. Many analysts, including Thomas Kralow, founder and manager of Kralow Capital, anticipate XRP reaching $30 in the future.

紐約聯邦法官最近做出的裁決認為,XRP“表面上不一定是證券”,推動 XRP 價格在過去一周飆升超過 65%。這項裁決促使 Coinbase、Kraken 和 Gemini 等主要交易所重新上線該代幣。包括 Kralow Capital 創始人兼經理 Thomas Kralow 在內的許多分析師預計 XRP 未來將達到 30 美元。

In his latest strategic forecast, shared with his substantial YouTube following of 162,000 subscribers, Van de Poppe drew attention to the striking similarities between Dogecoin’s market architecture and the trajectory observed in XRP’s recent ascent.

Van de Poppe 在與 YouTube 上 162,000 名訂閱者的大量粉絲分享的最新戰略預測中,提請人們注意狗狗幣的市場架構與 XRP 最近上漲軌跡之間的驚人相似之處。

By superimposing XRP’s 12-hour chart over Dogecoin’s line chart, Van de Poppe demonstrated the close resemblance in market structure between the two tokens. Based on this observation, he suggests that Dogecoin could potentially experience a significant rally, possibly surging by 157% from its current price. This rally could potentially push DOGE’s value to $0.15 to $0.18 per token.

透過將 XRP 的 12 小時圖表與狗狗幣的折線圖疊加,Van de Poppe 證明了兩種代幣之間的市場結構非常相似。基於這項觀察,他認為狗狗幣可能會經歷大幅上漲,可能較當前價格飆升 157%。這次反彈可能會將 DOGE 的價值推至每枚 0.15 美元至 0.18 美元。

Presently, one DOGE token is trading at $0.068, having witnessed a rise of over 5% in the past week. While Dogecoin has outperformed major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, it has fallen short in comparison to the likes of Solana and Cardano.

目前,一枚 DOGE 代幣的交易價格為 0.068 美元,過去一周漲幅超過 5%。雖然狗狗幣的表現優於比特幣和以太幣等主要加密貨幣,但與 Solana 和 Cardano 等加密貨幣相比,它的表現卻不足。

Van de Poppe has recently shared a series of optimistic forecasts for various altcoins, including XRP, Chainlink ($LINK), and Polygon ($MATIC), with his 600,000 followers on the microblogging platform.

Van de Poppe 最近在微博平台上與他的 60 萬粉絲分享了一系列對各種山寨幣的樂觀預測,包括 XRP、Chainlink ($LINK) 和 Polygon ($MATIC)。

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, investors eagerly watch for potential opportunities, and Dogecoin’s resemblance to XRP’s previous rally has captured the attention of market observers. While predictions provide insights, it is important for investors to conduct thorough research and exercise caution in their decision-making.

隨著加密貨幣市場的不斷發展,投資者熱切地尋找潛在的機會,而狗狗幣與 XRP 之前上漲的相似之處引起了市場觀察人士的注意。雖然預測提供了見解,但投資者進行徹底的研究並在決策時保持謹慎也很重要。



加密分析師預測 $DOGE 可能模仿 $XRP 的大規模反彈一文首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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