首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣分析師預測狗狗幣價格將大幅上漲至 0.7 美元,具體時間如下

Crypto Analyst Predicts Dogecoin Price Pump Of Epic Proportions To $0.7, Here’s When

加密貨幣分析師預測狗狗幣價格將大幅上漲至 0.7 美元,具體時間如下

發布: 2023/12/07 06:06 閱讀: 316



A crypto analyst has shared his projections on the future trajectory of the foremost meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE). He also hinted as to when DOGE would experience this tremendous rally that would make it rise to $0.7.

一位加密貨幣分析師分享了他對最重要的迷因貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)未來軌蹟的預測。他還暗示 DOGE 何時會經歷如此巨大的反彈,使其升至 0.7 美元。

When DOGE Will Hit $0.7

當 DOGE 達到 0.7 美元時

In a post shared on his X (formerly Twitter) platform, crypto analyst Captain Faibik stated that an “epic pump” is not far for Dogecoin. From the accompanying chart he shared, this projected rally would see the meme coin rise to $0.7. This move, which will see DOGE gain over 900%, is expected to happen in the first half of 2024.  

加密貨幣分析師 Captain Faibik 在他的 X(以前的 Twitter)平台上分享的一篇貼文中表示,對於狗狗幣來說,「史詩般的暴漲」並不遙遠。從他分享的隨附圖表來看,這次預計的反彈將使 meme 幣上漲至 0.7 美元。這項措施預計將在 2024 年上半年發生,屆時 DOGE 的漲幅將超過 900%。

Source: X


There seems to be a general bullish sentiment around Dogecoin from a technical analysis perspective. Recently, crypto analyst MonoCoinSignal highlighted how DOGE’s price had entered an important zone. He noted that this zone, alongside other indicators, suggests a bullish momentum as the meme coin could be on its way up. 

從技術分析的角度來看,狗狗幣似乎普遍存在著看漲情緒。最近,加密貨幣分析師 MonoCoinSignal 強調了 DOGE 的價格如何進入一個重要區域。他指出,該區域與其他指標一起表明了看漲勢頭,因為模因代幣可能正在上漲。

Another crypto analyst who goes by Jhonnybrah on Tradingview had also hinted that a god candle might be incoming for DOGE’s price. Unlike MoonCoinSignal, Jhonnybrah provided potential price targets that DOGE could hit. The first target for the god candle happens to be just below $0.14, with the second target above the $0.22 mark. 

Tradingview 上另一位名為 Jhonnybrah 的加密貨幣分析師也暗示,DOGE 的價格可能會出現一根神燭。與 MoonCoinSignal 不同,Jhonnybrah 提供了 DOGE 可能達到的潛在價格目標。神燭的第一個目標恰好低於 0.14 美元,第二個目標高於 0.22 美元。

A Dogecoin Parabolic Move In 2024 Confirmed?

狗狗幣 2024 年拋物線走勢已確認?

Crypto analyst JD also recently shared his thoughts on DOGE’s price action. The crypto analyst suggested that the charts were properly set up for a significant rally in the meme coin’s price. He stated that the “King of Memcoins” had a “beautiful chart structure” based on the monthly chart he shared. 

加密貨幣分析師 JD 最近也分享了他對 DOGE 價格走勢的看法。這位加密貨幣分析師表示,圖表的設定是為了使迷因幣的價格大幅上漲。他表示,根據他分享的月度圖表,「記憶幣之王」有一個「美麗的圖表結構」。

JD noted that the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) was on the verge of having another bullish cross. The last two times this happened are said to be in 2017 and 2021, when DOGE saw a 62x and 370x, respectively, in its price. Based on the chart he shared, 2024 could be when DOGE experiences this bullish cross again. 

JD 指出,MACD(移動平均線趨同分歧)即將出現另一個看漲交叉。據說最近兩次發生這種情況是在 2017 年和 2021 年,當時 DOGE 的價格分別上漲了 62 倍和 370 倍。根據他分享的圖表,2024 年 DOGE 可能會再次經歷這種看漲交叉。

There seems to be no doubt about Dogecoin’s incoming pump, especially considering that the meme coin’s price has trended low for a while now. Several macro factors are also aligning toward this upward trend. Recently, Bitcoinist reported that the open interest on Dogecoin has crossed the $500 million threshold. 

狗狗幣的湧入似乎毫無疑問,特別是考慮到迷因幣的價格已經有一段時間走低了。一些宏觀因素也與此上升趨勢一致。最近,Bitcoinist 報導稱,狗狗幣的未平倉合約已突破 5 億美元大關。

Meanwhile, Dogecoin recently achieved a new milestone as it was reported that over 5 million addresses now hold DOGE tokens. The belief in the meme coin seems to be growing, and with that in mind, more liquidity could flow into its ecosystem soon enough. 

與此同時,狗狗幣最近實現了一個新的里程碑,據報道,現在有超過 500 萬個地址持有 DOGE 代幣。人們對迷因幣的信心似乎正在增強,考慮到這一點,更多的流動性可能很快就會流入其生態系統。

At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at around $0.10, up over 17% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. 

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格約為 0.10 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 17% 以上。


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