首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣分析師揭示了關鍵的 Ripple 與 SEC 更新:XRP 價格預測

Crypto Analyst Reveals Critical Ripple vs SEC Update: XRP Price Prediction

加密貨幣分析師揭示了關鍵的 Ripple 與 SEC 更新:XRP 價格預測

發布: 2024/09/01 23:30 閱讀: 508



Cilinix Crypto Analyzes Ripple vs. SEC Case and XRP Price Prospects

Cilinix Crypto 分析 Ripple 與 SEC 案例以及 XRP 價格前景

Cilinix Crypto has published a video featuring a crypto analyst's insights on the ongoing Ripple vs. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lawsuit. The analyst also discusses potential price movements for XRP.

Cilinix Crypto 發布了一段視頻,其中介紹了加密貨幣分析師對正在進行的 Ripple 與美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 訴訟的見解。該分析師也討論了 XRP 的潛在價格走勢。

Recent Developments and Slow Price Action

Recent Developments and Slow Price Action

The analyst acknowledges the positive news of XRP's victory on August 7th, but notes that the subsequent price action has been underwhelming. The lackluster response suggests that a bullish scenario for XRP depends on a complete resolution of the case, which would grant Ripple full freedom.

該分析師承認 XRP 於 8 月 7 日獲勝的積極消息,但指出隨後的價格走勢並不令人印象深刻。平淡的反應表明,XRP 的看漲前景取決於案件的徹底解決,這將賦予 Ripple 充分的自由。

Critical Date: October 7th

關鍵日期:10 月 7 日

The key upcoming date is October 7th, the deadline for the SEC to appeal the court's ruling. If no appeal is filed, Ripple will be fully exonerated. This outcome could serve as a significant bullish catalyst for XRP's price.

即將到來的關鍵日期是 10 月 7 日,即 SEC 對法院裁決提出上訴的最後期限。如果沒有提出上訴,Ripple 將完全無罪。這一結果可能成為 XRP 價格的重要看漲催化劑。

XRP Price Technical Analysis

XRP 價格技術分析

On the weekly timeframe, the analyst suggests a potential bullish trend with XRP gradually rising above $0.65. However, current price action and open interest remain flat, indicating a lack of immediate bullish momentum.

在每週時間範圍內,分析師認為 XRP 逐漸升至 0.65 美元上方,可能會出現看漲趨勢。然而,目前的價格走勢和持倉量仍然持平,顯示缺乏立即的看漲動能。

While the analyst anticipates short-term consolidation, he identifies the $0.54 to $0.55 level as a suitable buying zone. He suggests that bullish momentum may gather as the October 7th deadline approaches, although he does not expect a major spike until the deadline itself.

雖然分析師預計短期盤整,但他認為 0.54 至 0.55 美元的水平是合適的買入區域。他表示,隨著 10 月 7 日截止日期的臨近,看漲勢頭可能會聚集,但他預計在截止日期之前不會出現大幅上漲。


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