首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在 Solana ETF 首次亮相和 PEPE 價格波動中,加密貨幣分析師紛紛支持 BlockDAG 股價上漲 5,350 萬美元

Crypto Analysts Rally Behind BlockDAG’s $53.5M Jump Amidst Solana ETF Debut & PEPE Price Fluctuations

在 Solana ETF 首次亮相和 PEPE 價格波動中,加密貨幣分析師紛紛支持 BlockDAG 股價上漲 5,350 萬美元

發布: 2024/06/26 12:03 閱讀: 899



在 Solana ETF 首次亮相和 PEPE 價格波動中,加密貨幣分析師紛紛支持 BlockDAG 股價上漲 5,350 萬美元

Solana and Pepe Coin Navigate Market Dynamics, While BlockDAG Emerges as a Contender

Solana 和 Pepe Coin 駕馭市場動態,而 BlockDAG 成為競爭者

Solana ETF Aims to Enhance Market Liquidity

Solana ETF 旨在增強市場流動性

Following Ethereum's ETF launch, Solana prepares to release its own, targeting institutional investors to increase market liquidity. This move could significantly alter Solana's market position by facilitating easier investments.

繼以太坊 ETF 推出後,Solana 準備推出自己的 ETF,針對機構投資者以增加市場流動性。此舉可能會促進更輕鬆的投資,從而顯著改變 Solana 的市場地位。

Pepe Coin Undergoes Market Correction, But Bullish Outlook Remains

Pepe Coin 經歷市場調整,但看漲前景依然存在

Pepe Coin has experienced a significant price decline, falling 42.8% from its peak. However, the coin displays a bullish flag pattern, indicating the possibility of an impending recovery. Despite the current downturn, Pepe Coin retains a cautiously optimistic outlook.

Pepe Coin 價格大幅下跌,較高峰下跌 42.8%。然而,該代幣顯示出看漲旗形圖案,顯示即將復甦的可能性。儘管目前經濟低迷,Pepe Coin 仍保持謹慎樂觀的前景。

BlockDAG Presale Soars with Influencer Endorsements

BlockDAG 預售因影響者認可而飆升

BlockDAG's presale has garnered $53.5 million, largely driven by endorsements from prominent influencers. Crypto Revolution's video review highlighted BlockDAG's ambitious plans for its mainnet launch and ecosystem growth, propelling presale value by 1120%.

BlockDAG 的預售已獲得 5,350 萬美元,這主要得益於知名影響者的認可。 Crypto Revolution 的影片評論強調了 BlockDAG 對其主網啟動和生態系統發展的雄心勃勃的計劃,將預售價推高了 1120%。

BlockDAG Mainnet Launch Accelerated

BlockDAG 主網加速啟動

BlockDAG's mainnet launch has been moved forward by four months, demonstrating rapid progress and development momentum. This move signals BlockDAG's commitment to maximizing blockchain technology's potential.

BlockDAG主網上線提前了四個月,展現出快速的進展和發展動能。此舉標誌著 BlockDAG 致力於最大限度地發揮區塊鏈技術的潛力。

BlockDAG Mining Innovations Impress

BlockDAG 挖礦創新令人印象深刻

BlockDAG's advanced X-Miners series offers powerful hashing capabilities, eco-friendly mining solutions, and hybrid consensus protocols. These mining rigs compete with the top Bitcoin miners, ensuring sustainable and effective mining operations.

BlockDAG 先進的 X-Miners 系列提供強大的雜湊能力、環保的挖礦解決方案和混合共識協議。這些礦機與頂級比特幣礦商競爭,確保可持續和有效的採礦作業。



While Solana and Pepe Coin navigate market challenges, BlockDAG emerges as a strong contender with its booming presale, influential endorsements, and innovative mining technologies. This positions BlockDAG as a major market player with the potential to transform the cryptocurrency arena.

在 Solana 和 Pepe Coin 應對市場挑戰的同時,BlockDAG 憑藉其蓬勃發展的預售、有影響力的背書和創新的挖礦技術成為強有力的競爭者。這使得 BlockDAG 成為一個有潛力改變加密貨幣領域的主要市場參與者。


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