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Crypto.com To Give Away $15,000 Bitcoin To Shiba Inu Traders

Crypto.com 將向柴犬交易者贈送 15,000 美元比特幣

發布: 2023/12/21 22:33 閱讀: 961



In a strategic move aimed at harnessing the increasing popularity of memecoins, Crypto.com has unveiled an exciting $15,000 Bitcoin giveaway campaign that seeks to engage Shiba Inu (SHIB) traders.

為了利用 memecoin 日益流行的趨勢,Crypto.com 推出了一項激動人心的 15,000 美元比特幣贈品活動,旨在吸引柴犬 (SHIB) 交易者。

Bitcoin Up For Grabs


As part of this initiative, Crypto.com is set to distribute a substantial reward of $15,000 worth of Bitcoin to participants who buy and sell selected meme coins between now and December 25. 

作為該計劃的一部分,Crypto.com 將向從即日起至 12 月 25 日期間買賣選定 Meme 幣的參與者分發價值 15,000 美元的比特幣的豐厚獎勵。

The reward will be distributed to 2,000 users based on badges collected during the campaign.

獎勵將根據活動期間收集的徽章分發給 2,000 名用戶。

This campaign not only highlights the platform’s proactive approach in adapting to the evolving trends within the cryptocurrency market but also underscores the rising significance of memecoins as a unique and captivating subset of digital assets.


Frequently relegated to the realm of seemingly whimsical investments, memecoins such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have defied initial skepticism, establishing a surprisingly substantial presence in the cryptocurrency landscape.


What was once perceived as a niche or fleeting trend has evolved into a formidable market segment, with the combined market capitalization of these memecoins now surpassing an impressive $28 billion.

曾經被視為利基市場或轉瞬即逝的趨勢已發展成為一個強大的細分市場,這些迷因幣的總市值現已超過令人印象深刻的 280 億美元。

See Also: Ethereum’s FRAME Launched A Token Airdrop On Tuesday. Here’s How To Claim It

另請參閱:以太坊的 FRAME 於週二推出了代幣空投。以下是如何領取它

Daily trading volumes, a key indicator of sustained interest and liquidity, have surged beyond $2 billion, underscoring the enduring popularity and engagement these digital assets enjoy.

每日交易量是持續興趣和流動性的關鍵指標,已飆升至 20 億美元以上,凸顯了這些數位資產的持久受歡迎程度和參與度。

The undeniable traction gained by memecoins has not gone unnoticed by major cryptocurrency exchanges, as industry giants like Binance and Coinbase have acknowledged their significance.

主要加密貨幣交易所並沒有忽視模因幣所獲得的不可否認的吸引力,而幣安和 Coinbase 等行業巨頭已經承認了它們的重要性。

These platforms, traditionally home to more established and conventional digital assets, have adapted to the shifting dynamics of the market by embracing memecoins.


Notably, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu find themselves listed alongside their more established counterparts on these major exchanges, further legitimizing their standing within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.


By specifically targeting Shiba Inu and other canine-themed tokens, Crypto.com aims to foster increased participation and enthusiasm among its user base, creating an engaging and dynamic environment for traders.

透過專門針對柴犬和其他以犬類為主題的代幣,Crypto.com 旨在提高用戶群的參與度和熱情,為交易者創造一個有吸引力且充滿活力的環境。

Crypto.com’s newest campaign sees memecoin fans as a business opportunity and wants to capitalize on this growing trend. 

Crypto.com 的最新活動將 memecoin 粉絲視為商機,並希望利用這一不斷增長的趨勢。

It works out well for everyone. The traders get Bitcoin awards, and the exchange gets more trades and more active users.


SHIB Price Soars


Meanwhile, the company’s campaign timing is more than just a matter of timing. SHIB has been rising at a very outstanding rate; in the previous month, it has increased by more than 20%

同時,該公司的競選時機不僅僅是時間問題。 SHIB一直以非常驚人的速度成長;較上月上漲20%以上

The market’s recovery and important advancements within the Shiba Inu ecosystem—most notably the introduction of Layer-2 scaling solution Shibarium—are also responsible for this upward momentum.

市場的復甦和 Shiba Inu 生態系統內的重要進展(最引人注目的是第 2 層擴展解決方案 Shibarium 的引入)也是這種上升勢頭的原因。

Shiba Inu traders are eager to take part, and Crypto.com’s goodwill shows not only in the Bitcoin awards they give out, but also in their commitment to building a strong community in the constantly changing crypto world.

柴犬交易者渴望參與,Crypto.com 的善意不僅體現在他們頒發的比特幣獎項上,還體現在他們致力於在不斷變化的加密世界中建立強大社區的承諾。

The rising price of Shiba Inu is also partly due to the recent announcement of its partnership with D3 Global.

柴犬價格上漲的部分原因還在於最近宣布與 D3 Global 建立合作關係。

Disclaimer: The information provided is not trading advice. Bitcoinworld.co.in holds no liability for any investments made based on the information provided on this page. We strongly recommend independent research and/or consultation with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

免責聲明:所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 Bitcoinworld.co.in 對根據本頁提供的資訊進行的任何投資不承擔任何責任。我們強烈建議在做出任何投資決定之前進行獨立研究和/或諮詢合格的專業人士。

The post Crypto.com To Give Away $15,000 Bitcoin To Shiba Inu Traders appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

Crypto.com 向柴犬交易者贈送 15,000 美元比特幣的貼文首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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