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Next Crypto Bull Run in 2024: How to Make the Most of It

2024 年的下一次加密貨幣牛市:如何充分利用它

發布: 2024/02/12 06:06 閱讀: 856

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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2024 年的下一次加密貨幣牛市:如何充分利用它的貼文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Cryptocurrencies are a hot topic in the financial world, with Bitcoin leading the way and other altcoins gaining attention. The previous bull run in 2021 saw Bitcoin reach an all-time high of nearly $69,000, however since then, the market has experienced ups and downs, leaving investors wondering when the next bull run will occur.

加密貨幣是金融界的熱門話題,其中比特幣處於領先地位,其他山寨幣也受到關注。 2021 年的上一次多頭市場中,比特幣創下了近 69,000 美元的歷史新高,但此後,市場經歷了起起落落,讓投資者想知道下一次牛市何時會發生。

This article explores the onset of the next bull run by examining the factors that might initiate it. We will highlight the top cryptocurrencies under $1 with the greatest potential and offer tips and strategies to capitalise on such a scenario.

本文透過研究可能引發下一次多頭市場的因素來探討下一次多頭市場的開始。我們將重點介紹最具潛力的 1 美元以下的頂級加密貨幣,並提供利用這種情況的技巧和策略。

So, without further ado, let’s dive in!


Key Takeaways


  • Crypto bull runs are driven by increased demand, adoption, innovation, and speculation in the crypto space.
  • 加密貨幣牛市是由加密貨幣領域的需求、採用、創新和投機增加所推動的。

  • The 2021 bull run was caused by institutional adoption, DeFi, and NFTs.
  • 2021 年的多頭市場是由機構採用、DeFi 和 NFT 引發的。

  • Bitcoin halving – expected in April 2024 – has historically been a catalyst for bull runs that could push Bitcoin price over $100,000.
  • 比特幣減半(預計 2024 年 4 月)一直是牛市的催化劑,可能推動比特幣價格超過 10 萬美元。

  • Pick your portfolio wisely by including Bitcoin and Ethereum, then diversify with promising altcoins with tangible utility, such as $PIKA.
  • 明智地選擇您的投資組合,包括比特幣和以太坊,然後透過有前途且具有實際效用的山寨幣(例如 $PIKA)進行多元化投資。

  • Among other altcoin contenders, $PIKA stands out as a crypto that’s expected to skyrocket thanks to its low barriers to entry and 30x smaller market cap compared to rival GameFi projects.
  • 在其他山寨幣競爭者中,$PIKA 作為一種加密貨幣脫穎而出,由於其進入門檻較低且市值比競爭對手 GameFi 項目小 30 倍,因此有望飆升。

What is a Crypto Bull Run, and What are its Impacts?


A crypto bull run is a period of sustained and rapid growth in the prices and market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others. A crypto bull run is often driven by increased demand, adoption, innovation, and speculation in the crypto space, attracting more investors and enthusiasts to join the market. A crypto bull run can offer significant profit opportunities, as well as challenges and risks.


Crypto bull runs attract more users, investors, developers, and media attention to the crypto ecosystem, which leads to more innovation, adoption, and regulation. They also create wealth, opportunities, challenges for the crypto community, risks, volatility, and competition for the traditional financial system. Crypto bull runs are exciting, unpredictable, and influential phenomena that shape the history and future of cryptocurrencies.


Before we speculate about the future, let’s take a look back at how the crypto bull runs transpired in the recent past.


A Brief History of the Bull Market for Cryptocurrencies


There have been three major crypto price appreciations in the recent past. Let’s discuss their impacts below:


Crypto Bull Run Of 2013

2013 年加密貨幣多頭市

The first major Bitcoin bull run came in 2013 when the price of BTC exceeded $1,000 for the first time. This was fueled by the growing popularity of Bitcoin among tech enthusiasts, media attention, and the launch of the first Bitcoin ATM. 

比特幣第一次大牛市發生在 2013 年,當時 BTC 的價格首次突破 1000 美元。比特幣在科技愛好者中的日益普及、媒體的關注以及第一台比特幣 ATM 的推出推動了這一趨勢。

However this bull run was short-lived, as BTC crashed after the Mt. Gox hack, which resulted in the loss of 850,000 BTC. The 2013 bull run also sparked the emergence of other cryptocurrencies, such as Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and Dogecoin (DOGE).

然而,這次多頭市場是短暫的,因為 Mt. Gox 黑客攻擊後 BTC 崩潰,導致 850,000 BTC 損失。 2013 年的多頭市場也引發了其他加密貨幣的出現,例如萊特幣 (LTC)、瑞波幣 (XRP) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE)。

Crypto Bull Run of 2017


The second major Bitcoin bull run occurred in 2017 when the price of BTC reached a new all-time high of around $20,000. This was driven by the increasing adoption of Bitcoin by institutional investors, retailers, and celebrities and the introduction of Bitcoin futures contracts. 

第二次比特幣大牛市發生在 2017 年,當時 BTC 的價格達到了 20,000 美元左右的歷史新高。這是由於機構投資者、零售商和名人越來越多地採用比特幣以及比特幣期貨合約的推出。

The 2017 bull run also marked the rise of the initial coin offering (ICO) craze, which saw hundreds of new projects and tokens launched on the Ethereum platform. However, this bull run ended with a massive correction, as the price of BTC dropped by 85% in 2018 amid regulatory uncertainty, security breaches, and market manipulation.

2017 年的多頭市場也標誌著首次代幣發行 (ICO) 熱潮的興起,數百個新項目和代幣在以太坊平台上推出。然而,由於監管不確定性、安全漏洞和市場操縱,比特幣價格在 2018 年下跌了 85%,本次牛市以大幅回調結束。

Crypto Bull Run of 2020-2021

2020-2021 年加密貨幣多頭市

The third and most recent Bitcoin bull run started in late 2020. It saw the price of BTC break previous records and surge to over $67,000 in November 2021. 

第三次也是最近一次比特幣牛市始於 2020 年底。比特幣的價格打破了先前的記錄,並於 2021 年 11 月飆升至 67,000 美元以上。

Increasing adoption of Bitcoin by mainstream institutions drove this, by the likes of PayPal, MicroStrategy, Tesla, and Square, as well as the growing interest in decentralised finance (DeFi) and non fungible tokens (NFTs). The 2020-2021 bull run also witnessed the emergence of new innovations, such as stablecoins and layer-2 solutions.

PayPal、MicroStrategy、Tesla 和 Square 等主流機構越來越多地採用比特幣,以及人們對去中心化金融 (DeFi) 和不可替代代幣 (NFT) 的興趣日益增長,推動了這一趨勢。 2020-2021年的多頭市場也見證了穩定幣和第二層解決方案等新創新的出現。

What Could Trigger The Next Crypto Bull Run?


Below are four main catalysts that could cause a bullish trend in digital assets this year.


1. The Bitcoin Halving Event

1. 比特幣減半事件

One of the most anticipated events in the crypto space is the Bitcoin halving, which occurs every four years and reduces the block reward for miners by 50%. 

加密貨幣領域最令人期待的事件之一是比特幣減半,每四年發生一次,礦工的區塊獎勵減少 50%。

The next Bitcoin halving will happen in April 2024, when the block reward will decrease from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. This will reduce the annual inflation rate of Bitcoin from around 1.74% to around 1.1%, making it one of the scarcest assets in the world.

下一次比特幣減半將於 2024 年 4 月發生,屆時區塊獎勵將從 6.25 BTC 減少至 3.125 BTC。這將使比特幣的年通膨率從1.74%左右降低至1.1%左右,使其成為世界上最稀缺的資產之一。

The Bitcoin halving event has historically been a catalyst for a crypto bull run, as it creates a supply shock that increases the demand and price of Bitcoin. According to the stock-to-flow model, which quantifies the scarcity of Bitcoin by comparing its existing supply to its new production, the halving event could push the price of Bitcoin to over $100,000 by 2024. Moreover, halving events often have a positive spillover effect on the rest of the crypto market, as Bitcoin is the dominant and most influential cryptocurrency.

從歷史上看,比特幣減半事件一直是加密貨幣牛市的催化劑,因為它造成了供應衝擊,增加了比特幣的需求和價格。根據庫存流量模型(透過將現有供應量與新產量進行比較來量化比特幣的稀缺性),減半事件可能會將比特幣的價格推至2024 年超過10 萬美元。此外,減半事件通常會產生正面的溢出效應對加密市場其他部分的影響,因為比特幣是主導和最有影響力的加密貨幣。

However, the Bitcoin halving event is not a guarantee for a crypto bull run, as there are other factors that could affect the supply and demand dynamics of Bitcoin – such as mining difficulty, network hash rates, transaction fees, market sentiment, and external events.


2. The Ethereum Dencun Upgrade

2. 以太坊Dencun升級

Another major event that could trigger the next crypto bull run is the Ethereum Dencun upgrade, which is the final phase of the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap. 

另一個可能引發下一次加密貨幣牛市的重大事件是以太坊 Dencun 升級,這是以太坊 2.0 路線圖的最後階段。

Ethereum 2.0 is a series of upgrades that aim to improve the scalability, security, and efficiency of the leading platform for smart contracts, decentralised applications, and DeFi.

以太坊 2.0 是一系列升級,旨在提高智慧合約、去中心化應用程式和 DeFi 領先平台的可擴展性、安全性和效率。

Moreover, the Dencun upgrade could impact the crypto market through essentially increasing the scalability and throughput of the Ethereum network, enabling it to process thousands of transactions per second and support more users and applications.

此外,Dencun 升級可能會透過本質上提高以太坊網路的可擴展性和吞吐量來影響加密市場,使其能夠每秒處理數千筆交易並支援更多用戶和應用程式。

In turn, the Dencun upgrade could then boost innovation and adoption in Ethereum, as it will enable new features and functionalities, such as sharding, rollups, and cross-shard communication. According to some experts, these technologies could increase the throughput of Ethereum by 100x or more.

反過來,Dencun 升級可以促進以太坊的創新和採用,因為它將啟用新的功能和功能,例如分片、總和和跨分片通訊。一些專家表示,這些技術可以將以太坊的吞吐量提高 100 倍或更多。

3. Web3, Interoperability, and DeFi Upgrades

3. Web3、互通性和 DeFi 升級

Web3, interoperability, and DeFi are three key concepts that can collectively drive innovation and adoption in the crypto space, potentially igniting the next crypto bull run. These concepts are interrelated, as they enable and enhance each other, causing a positive feedback loop that fuels the growth and development of the crypto ecosystem.

Web3、互通性和 DeFi 是三個關鍵概念,可以共同推動加密貨幣領域的創新和採用,並有可能引發下一次加密貨幣牛市。這些概念是相互關聯的,因為它們相互促進和增強,從而形成積極的反饋循環,推動加密生態系統的成長和發展。

Web3 lays the foundation and the vision for a more open, transparent, and democratic Internet, where users have greater control over their data, identity, and assets and where applications are secure, resilient, and interoperable. Web3 also enables the emergence and expansion of new sectors and paradigms, such as the metaverse, NFT games or GameFi, fan tokens, and NFTs, which offer new opportunities and experiences for users and new sources of income and value creation for developers and creators.

Web3 為更開放、透明和民主的網路奠定了基礎和願景,使用者可以更好地控制自己的資料、身分和資產,並且應用程式安全、有彈性且可互通。 Web3 也促進了新領域和範式的出現和擴展,例如元宇宙、NFT 遊戲或GameFi、粉絲代幣和NFT,這為用戶提供了新的機會和體驗,為開發者和創作者提供了新的收入來源和價值創造。

Interoperability amplifies the network effects of the crypto ecosystem, as it enables users to access a broader range of services and applications across various networks and allows developers to build more complex and innovative applications that leverage the strengths and features of each network. Interoperability also fosters innovation and competition, lowering the barriers to entry and exit for new projects and participants and encouraging the development of new solutions and paradigms.


DeFi provides open and permissionless access to financial services without relying on intermediaries or centralised authorities. DeFi offers several advantages over traditional finance, such as lower costs, higher returns, transparency, and enhanced privacy. DeFi also gives users more autonomy and control over their financial decisions, as they can choose from various services and platforms that suit their needs and preferences. DeFi also empowers users to become more involved and active in the financial system, as they can contribute to the governance and development of the platforms and protocols they use and benefit from the value creation and distribution of the network.

DeFi 提供開放且無需許可的金融服務訪問,無需依賴中介機構或中央機構。與傳統金融相比,DeFi 具有多種優勢,例如更低的成本、更高的回報、透明度和增強的隱私性。 DeFi 也賦予使用者更多的財務決策自主權和控制權,因為他們可以從適合自己需求和偏好的各種服務和平台中進行選擇。 DeFi 也使用戶能夠更多地參與和活躍於金融體系,因為他們可以為他們使用的平台和協議的治理和開發做出貢獻,並從網路的價值創造和分配中受益。

4. Regulatory Events and Institutional Involvement Worldwide

4. 全球監管事件和機構參與

Regulatory events are the actions and decisions of the governments and regulators that affect the legal and operational status of the crypto space, such as laws, rules, guidelines, and enforcement. Institutional involvement is the participation and engagement of established and reputable entities and organisations that operate in the traditional financial and business sectors, such as banks, corporations, funds, and media.


Ultimately, regulations and institutions could boost market confidence and legitimacy in the crypto space by reducing the uncertainty and risk surrounding it. More clarity and guidance could also be on offer, as the rights and obligations of market participants can be defined and established, as well as the best practices for the industry. 


Moreover, regulatory events and institutional involvement could lead to more recognition and acknowledgment for crypto’s potential, meaning more integration and adoption could take place. 


Here are some examples of how regulation and institutional involvement could trigger the next crypto bull run:


  • The approval and launch of the spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US could provide a more convenient and accessible way for investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin – therefore increasing the liquidity and demand for BTC.
  • 美國批准和推出現貨比特幣 ETF 可以為投資者提供更方便、更容易獲得比特幣的方式,從而增加比特幣的流動性和需求。

  • The adoption and implementation of crypto-friendly legal frameworks and initiatives in various countries and regions. For instance, El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law made Bitcoin a legal tender. Likewise, the European Union’s Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) Regulation, aims to create a harmonised and comprehensive regulatory regime for the crypto space.
  • 各國和地區採用和實施加密友善的法律框架和措施。例如,薩爾瓦多的比特幣法使比特幣成為法定貨幣。同樣,歐盟的加密資產市場(MiCA)監管旨在為加密領域創建一個統一且全面的監管制度。

  • The involvement and investment of major financial and corporate institutions means that companies such as PayPal, MicroStrategy, Tesla, Square, and JPMorgan now have Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on their balance sheets, services, or products.
  • 主要金融和企業機構的參與和投資意味著 PayPal、MicroStrategy、Tesla、Square 和摩根大通等公司現在的資產負債表、服務或產品上都包含了比特幣和其他加密貨幣。

Top 3 Cryptocurrencies Under 1$ to Watch Out For 

值得關注的 3 種低於 1 美元的加密貨幣

With a bull run on the horizon, below are the three cryptocurrencies showing the most potential for maximum growth.


1. Pikamoon (PIKA)


PIKA is the ERC-20 token that powers Pikamoon, an upcoming Web3 gaming phenomenon that offers gamers an immersive and rewarding experience. You can buy, earn, sell, and spend PIKA within the Pikamoon Game Store, as well as access exclusive NFTs with premium play-to-earn features.

PIKA 是為 Pikamoon 提供支援的 ERC-20 代幣,Pikamoon 是一種即將到來的 Web3 遊戲現象,為遊戲玩家提供身臨其境且有益的體驗。您可以在 Pikamoon 遊戲商店內購買、賺取、出售和消費 PIKA,還可以存取具有高級即玩即賺功能的獨家 NFT。

PIKA is still in its Presale stage, with 15 billion of its 50 billion total supply on offer (however only 23% of this is actually left). This is a golden opportunity to get PIKA at a discounted price and support the game’s development. 

PIKA 仍處於預售階段,其 500 億枚總發行量中的 150 億枚已發售(但實際僅剩 23%)。這是以折扣價獲得 PIKA 並支持遊戲開發的絕佳機會。

As Web3 gaming gains momentum in the lead up to the next bull run, PIKA is poised to skyrocket. And with a launch market cap that’s 30x less than rival metaverse gaming projects, PIKA gains are set to offer some of the most lucrative profit margins in the altcoin game. 

隨著 Web3 遊戲在下一輪牛市前夕勢頭強勁,PIKA 有望飆升。由於 PIKA 的發行市值比競爭對手的 Metaverse 遊戲項目低 30 倍,因此 PIKA 的收益將在山寨幣遊戲中提供一些最豐厚的利潤率。

PIKA has many utilities that make it a valuable asset, such as:

PIKA 擁有許多實用程序,使其成為寶貴的資產,例如:

  • Appreciating asset – With Pikamoon’s AAA gaming experience attracting the masses, PIKA demand will soar as the game launches in full. As whales have already acknowledged, this will boost PIKA’s network effects, utility, and value.
  • 資產增值-隨著Pikamoon的AAA遊戲體驗吸引大眾,隨著遊戲的全面上線,PIKA的需求將會激增。正如鯨魚已經承認的那樣,這將提升 PIKA 的網路效應、效用和價值。

  • Governance token – As a PIKA holder, you have a say in the future of Pikamoon. You can vote on important decisions, propose ideas, and generally shape the future of the game to ensure its success.
  • 治理代幣 – 身為 PIKA 持有者,您對 Pikamoon 的未來擁有發言權。您可以對重要決策進行投票、提出想法並整體塑造遊戲的未來以確保其成功。

  • Staking – You can stake your PIKA and earn passive income from the rewards pool. The rewards pool is funded by a portion of the transaction fees generated through PIKA transactions. 
  • 質押 – 您可以質押您的 PIKA 並從獎勵池中賺取被動收入。獎勵池的資金來自 PIKA 交易產生的部分交易費用。

2. Shiba Inu (SHIB)


Shiba Inu (SHIB) is one of the most popular cryptocurrency projects. It is a meme coin with a loyal fan base and a strong community. SHIB has a total supply of 1 quadrillion tokens, of which 50% was burned by its creator, and 50% was locked in Uniswap.

Shiba Inu(SHIB)是最受歡迎的加密貨幣項目之一。它是一種具有忠實粉絲基礎和強大社區的模因幣。 SHIB 的總供應量為 1 兆個代幣,其中 50% 被其創建者銷毀,50% 被鎖定在 Uniswap 中。

During the last bull run, SHIB went from around $0.000007 to an all-time high of $0.00008616 within about one month. The surge was a growth of over 1130%. A similar pattern could be anticipated from the popular meme coin in the next bull run as well.

在上一次多頭市場中,SHIB 在大約一個月內從 0.000007 美元左右升至歷史新高 0.00008616 美元。增幅超過 1130%。在下一次多頭市場中,流行的迷因代幣也可能會出現類似的模式。

Moreover, many analysts expect popular assets to hit new all-time highs. Hence, we could see a growth of over 1500% for SHIB during the next bull run.

此外,許多分析師預計熱門資產將創下歷史新高。因此,我們可以看到 SHIB 在下一次多頭期間成長超過 1500%。

SHIB has some unique features that make it stand out from other cryptocurrencies, such as:

SHIB 具有一些獨特的功能,使其從其他加密貨幣中脫穎而出,例如:

  • ShibaSwap – This decentralised exchange allows users to swap, stake, and farm SHIB and other tokens. Users can also earn Bone and Leash tokens, part of the Shiba Inu ecosystem.
  • ShibaSwap – 這種去中心化交易所允許用戶交換、質押和耕種 SHIB 和其他代幣。用戶還可以獲得 Bone 和 Leash 代幣,這是 Shiba Inu 生態系統的一部分。

  • Shiba Inu Rescue – This charitable initiative supports the rescue and adoption of Shiba Inu dogs. A portion of the SHIB transaction fees is donated to this cause, which shows the social responsibility of the SHIB community.
  • 柴犬救援 – 這項慈善活動支持柴犬的救援和收養。 SHIB交易費用的一部分捐贈給了這項事業,體現了SHIB社群的社會責任。

  • Shiba Inu NFTs – This collection of 10,000 unique NFTs based on the Shiba Inu breed. Each NFT has its traits and rarity. Users can buy, sell, and trade these NFTs on the ShibaSwap marketplace.
  • 柴犬 NFT – 該集合包含 10,000 個基於柴犬品種的獨特 NFT。每個 NFT 都有其特點和稀有性。用戶可以在 ShibaSwap 市場上購買、出售和交易這些 NFT。

3. Dogecoin (DOGE)


Dogecoin (DOGE) is another popular cryptocurrency that has turned many investors into multi-millionaires. It was a meme coin created as a joke but became a global phenomenon. DOGE has a total supply of 129 billion tokens, of which 113 billion are in circulation.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是另一種流行的加密貨幣,它已使許多投資者成為百萬富翁。這是一種作為玩笑而創建的迷因硬幣,但後來成為一種全球現象。 DOGE 的總供應量為 1,290 億枚,其中 1,130 億枚處於流通狀態。

The meme coin hit an all-time high of $0.73 just before the previous bull run started. Many analysts expect DOGE to hit the $1 mark in the next bull run. Moreover, there is a lot of talk about DOGE’s inclusion in X’s upcoming payment feature. However, there is no official confirmation of DOGE’s role in the payment tool.

就在上一次牛市開始之前,Meme 幣創下了 0.73 美元的歷史新高。許多分析師預計 DOGE 將在下一輪牛市中觸及 1 美元大關。此外,關於 DOGE 納入 X 即將推出的支付功能的討論也很多。不過,官方尚未確認 DOGE 在支付工具中的作用。

Nonetheless, DOGE is one of the most popular cryptocurrency assets and has significant potential for a new all-time high during the next bull run.

儘管如此,DOGE 是最受歡迎的加密貨幣資產之一,並且在下一次牛市期間具有創下歷史新高的巨大潛力。

DOGE has some advantages that make it an interesting option for the next bull run, such as:

DOGE 具有一些優勢,使其成為下一次牛市的有趣選擇,例如:

  • Fast and cheap transactions – DOGE has a block time of 1 minute and a transaction fee of less than a cent. This makes it ideal for microtransactions and tipping. DOGE is also widely accepted by many online platforms and merchants.
  • 交易快速且便宜——DOGE的出塊時間為1分鐘,交易費用不到一分。這使其成為微交易和小費的理想選擇。 DOGE也被許多線上平台和商家廣泛接受。

  • Strong community and support – DOGE has a loyal and passionate fan base that supports the coin and its development. DOGE also has some influential backers, such as Elon Musk, who often tweets about the coin and its potential. 
  • 強大的社群和支持——DOGE 擁有忠實而熱情的粉絲群,支持該貨幣及其發展。 DOGE 也有一些有影響力的支持者,例如 Elon Musk,他經常在推特上談論該代幣及其潛力。

  • Fun and friendly image – DOGE has a cute and humorous mascot based on the Shiba Inu dog. This gives the coin a fun and friendly image that appeals to many people. DOGE also has an optimistic vibe that reflects the spirit of the internet.
  • 有趣而友善的形象——DOGE有一個以柴犬為原型的可愛而幽默的吉祥物。這給硬幣帶來了有趣和友好的形象,吸引了很多人。 DOGE 也具有體現網路精神的樂觀氛圍。

Practical Tips & Strategies to Profit from The Next Crypto Bull Run


  1. Understand the cycle
  2. 了解週期

Crypto bull markets tend to occur approximately every four years following Bitcoin halving events, which reduce the supply of new bitcoins entering the market. The next halving is expected to happen in April 2024, which could trigger a new wave of price appreciation for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

在比特幣減半事件之後,加密貨幣牛市往往大約每四年發生一次,這減少了進入市場的新比特幣的供應。下一次減半預計發生在 2024 年 4 月,這可能會引發比特幣和其他加密貨幣的新一波價格升值。

  1. Pick your crypto portfolio.
  2. 選擇您的加密貨幣投資組合。

Bitcoin and Ethereum should be the backbone of your portfolio, as they are the market’s most dominant and established cryptocurrencies. You can also allocate a percentage of your portfolio to some promising altcoins, cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, with strong fundamentals, innovative features, or high growth potential. 


Some examples of altcoins that could perform well in the next bull run are Cardano, Polkadot, Solana, Chainlink, and Uniswap.

在下一輪牛市中可能表現良好的山寨幣包括 Cardano、Polkadot、Solana、Chainlink 和 Uniswap。

  1. Protect Your Investment
  2. 保護您的投資

In a bull market, hackers and scammers are more active and try to exploit the vulnerabilities of crypto users. To safeguard your investment, you should use a secure and reputable platform to buy and store your crypto, such as Coinbase, YouHodler, or OKX.

在多頭市場中,駭客和詐騙者更加活躍,試圖利用加密貨幣用戶的漏洞。為了保護您的投資,您應該使用安全且信譽良好的平台來購買和儲存您的加密貨幣,例如 Coinbase、YouHodler 或 OKX。

You should also opt for self-custody using a hardware wallet, such as Ledger, which allows you to control your private keys and access your funds offline.

您還應該選擇使用硬體錢包進行自我託管,例如 Ledger,它允許您控制您的私鑰並離線存取您的資金。

  1. Choose an Entry Strategy
  2. 選擇進入策略

Timing the market is difficult and risky, so you should avoid chasing the price or buying at the peak. A better strategy is to use dollar-cost average, which means purchasing a fixed amount of crypto at regular intervals, regardless of price fluctuations. This way, you can reduce volatility’s impact and average your purchase price over time.


  1. It’s Okay To Take Profit
  2. 獲利也沒關係

The goal of investing is to realise your gains, not just to watch them on paper. Therefore, you should have an exit strategy in advance, deciding at what price levels you will sell your crypto on both the upside and downside. 


You can also use stop-loss orders, which automatically sell your crypto when the price drops below a certain threshold. Alternatively, you can use crypto loans, which allow you to borrow fiat or stablecoins using your crypto as collateral to access liquidity without selling your crypto.


Final Thoughts


All said and done, the next crypto bull run could well be on the horizon based on historical patterns and current developments in the industry.


Investing in crypto in 2024 could be a smart move – especially cheap coins such as PIKA, DOGE, and SHIB –  as the potential rewards potentially outweigh the risks massively.

2024 年投資加密貨幣可能是明智之舉,尤其是 PIKA、DOGE 和 SHIB 等廉價貨幣,因為潛在回報可能遠遠超過風險。

However, investors should also be aware of the volatility and uncertainty that come with crypto and do research before making any decisions. Crypto is not only a financial asset, but a technological and social phenomenon that could transform the world in the coming years. Therefore, staying informed and engaged with the community is essential for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the developments and better predict the future.




Will Crypto Have Another Bull Run?


Yes, most likely. Crypto bull runs are cyclical and follow major events such as Bitcoin halvings, regulatory developments, and technological innovations. The last crypto bull run peaked in late 2021, and many analysts predict that the next one could start in 2024.

是的,很有可能。加密貨幣牛市是週期性的,伴隨著比特幣減半、監管發展和技術創新等重大事件。上一次加密貨幣多頭市場在 2021 年底達到高峰,許多分析師預測下一輪牛市可能會在 2024 年開始。

What is a Crypto Bull Run?


A bull run on crypto is a market period when the prices of any crypto asset are stable and consistently rising. This is driven by a strong demand from investors, who are optimistic about the future of the crypto industry. A crypto bull run can last for months or even years, depending on various factors.


When is the Next Crypto Bull Run?


There is no definitive answer to this question, as crypto bull runs are influenced by many unpredictable events and trends. However, based on our assessment outlined in this article, we’re expecting a bull run in 2024.

這個問題沒有明確的答案,因為加密貨幣牛市受到許多不可預測的事件和趨勢的影響。然而,根據我們在本文中概述的評估,我們預計 2024 年將出現牛市。

Should You Invest Before a Bull Run?


This depends on your risk appetite, investment goals, and market knowledge. Investing before a bull run can be very profitable, as you can buy crypto assets at a low price and sell them at a high price later. However, it also involves a lot of uncertainty, as you may have to wait for a long time before seeing any returns or even face losses if the market goes against your expectations. Therefore, you should only invest what you can afford to lose and do your research before making any decisions.


Which crypto to buy before the next crypto bull run?


This is a personal choice that depends on your preferences and objectives. However, some general tips are: diversify your portfolio with a mix of different types of crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, stablecoins, DeFi tokens, NFTs, etc.; look for crypto assets that have a strong value proposition, a loyal and engaged community, and a clear roadmap; and buy the dips, dollar-cost average, and hold for the long term.

這是個人選擇,取決於您的喜好和目標。然而,一些一般性提示是:透過不同類型的加密資產的組合來實現投資組合多元化,例如比特幣、以太坊、穩定幣、DeFi 代幣、NFT 等;尋找具有強大價值主張、忠誠且積極參與的社區以及清晰的路線圖的加密資產;逢低買入,以美元成本平均線買入,並長期持有。


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