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Crypto – Dogecoin resists despite Elon Musk’s disinterest


發布: 2024/01/12 22:33 閱讀: 970

原文作者:Cointribune EN



Dogecoin (DOGE) has long been associated with Elon Musk, who has continually praised the meme-inspired crypto on social media. But the billionaire has been quieter on the subject lately. Nonetheless, despite this apparent lack of interest, Dogecoin maintains a loyal community and demonstrates remarkable resilience.

狗狗幣(DOGE)長期以來一直與 Elon Musk)聯繫在一起,他不斷在社群媒體上讚揚這種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣。但這位億萬富翁最近在這個問題上變得更加沉默。儘管如此,儘管明顯缺乏興趣,狗狗幣仍然保持著一個忠誠的社區,並表現出非凡的韌性。

Elon Musk Distances Himself from Dogecoin


Launched in 2013, Dogecoin experienced its moment of glory in 2021 thanks to Elon Musk. His laudatory tweets about the cryptocurrency caused its value to skyrocket. The Tesla CEO did not hesitate to call DOGE his “favorite crypto” and even claimed to be working with the developers to improve the ecosystem.

狗狗幣於 2013 年推出,在 Elon Musk 的推動下,狗狗幣在 2021 年經歷了輝煌時刻。他對加密貨幣的讚美推文導致其價值飆升。這位特斯拉執行長毫不猶豫地稱 DOGE 是他“最喜歡的加密貨幣”,甚至聲稱正在與開發者合作改善生態系統。

But in 2022 and early 2023, Musk has become more silent. While he still admits to owning Dogecoins, his comments no longer have the same effect on the market as in the past. Some see this as a sign of waning interest; others interpret it as a deliberate change in strategy to avoid influencing the markets.


Regardless, Dogecoin no longer enjoys the same media hype driven by the Tesla boss. This situation could have been detrimental, but the cryptocurrency is navigating it with considerable resilience.


A Crypto Community Still Active and Engaged


Despite the spotlight shifting elsewhere, Dogecoin retains a solid fan base. On Reddit, Twitter, or Discord, these users continue to believe in the potential of their favorite cryptocurrency. They applaud its low transaction fees, speed, and the quirky nature inherent to its origin.

儘管焦點轉移到其他地方,狗狗幣仍然擁有堅實的粉絲基礎。在 Reddit、Twitter 或 Discord 上,這些用戶仍然相信他們最喜歡的加密貨幣的潛力。他們對其低廉的交易費用、速度以及其起源固有的古怪本質表示讚賞。

Initiatives are sprouting to promote the adoption of DOGE. Some merchants accept Dogecoin as payment. Most importantly, new projects like Doge-ETH aim to expand the use cases of the canine crypto.

促進 DOGE 採用的措施正在不斷湧現。有些商家接受狗狗幣作為付款方式。最重要的是,像 Doge-ETH 這樣的新項目旨在擴大犬類加密貨幣的用例。

This loyal community keeps Dogecoin within the top 10 cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization, despite the slowdown in recent months. It remains an undeniable asset to ensure the project’s longevity.

儘管近幾個月來增長放緩,但這個忠誠的社區使狗狗幣保持在市值前 10 名的加密貨幣。它仍然是確保專案壽命的不可否認的資產。

Elon Musk seems to be taking his distance from Dogecoin, which he has previously promoted so heavily. But the meme crypto shows remarkable resilience, supported by an ever-active and committed community. Even without Tesla’s CEO’s support, DOGE maintains strong arguments and could hold surprises for the long term.

伊隆馬斯克似乎正在與他之前大力推廣的狗狗幣保持距離。但模因加密貨幣顯示出非凡的彈性,並得到了始終活躍和忠誠的社群的支持。即使沒有特斯拉執行長的支持,DOGE 仍能保持強有力的論據,並可能長期帶來驚喜。


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