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Crypto: The Hemorrhage of Memecoins on Solana Continues to Worsen

加密貨幣:Solana 上 Memecoin 的流失持續惡化

發布: 2024/08/03 16:46 閱讀: 513

原文作者:Cointribune EN


加密貨幣:Solana 上 Memecoin 的流失持續惡化

Memecoins on Solana: A Tale of Low Success Rates

Solana 上的 Memecoin:成功率低的故事

Memecoins, often likened to fads, are showing signs of fizzling out, especially on the Solana platform. Recent statistics paint a bleak picture for these tokens on this blockchain, with Solana's Pump Fun platform failing to propel these ephemeral creations into sustainable successes. Let's delve into the details to understand what is truly happening in this evolving realm.

通常被比作時尚的 Memecoin 正顯示出消亡的跡象,尤其是在 Solana 平台上。最近的統計數據為該區塊鏈上的這些代幣描繪了一幅黯淡的景象,Solana 的 Pump Fun 平台未能推動這些短暫的創作取得可持續的成功。讓我們深入研究細節,並了解這個不斷發展的領域中真正發生的事情。

Memecoins and Solana: A History of Failure Rates

Memecoin 和 Solana:失敗率的歷史

It's another tale of crypto meme fails! On Solana's Pump Fun platform, memecoins are overwhelmingly failing to make a mark. According to data from Dune Analytics, only 1.41% of tokens created through Pump Fun ever make it to Raydium, a Solana-based DeFi platform.

這是加密迷因失敗的另一個故事!在 Solana 的 Pump Fun 平台上,絕大多數迷因幣都未能留下痕跡。根據 Dune Analytics 的數據,透過 Pump Fun 創建的代幣中只有 1.41% 進入了基於 Solana 的 DeFi 平台 Raydium。

This figure has fluctuated between 1.21% and 1.41% since May, with an all-time high of 2.56% last February. These statistics do not bode well for memecoins, which seem unable to sustain any lasting value in the market.


Adam Cochran, a partner at Cinneamhain Ventures, revealed in a Twitter post that approximately 1.4% of projects listed on a DEX reach a valuation of $69,000.

Cinneamhain Ventures 合夥人 Adam Cochran 在 Twitter 貼文中透露,在 DEX 上上市的項目中約有 1.4% 的估值達到 69,000 美元。

Moreover, no new token has truly surpassed the $20 million Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) mark. This suggests that the memecoin cycle appears to be winding down, despite the resilience of Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and their ilk.

此外,還沒有新的代幣真正超過 2000 萬美元的完全稀釋估值 (FDV) 大關。這表明,儘管狗狗幣(DOGE)、柴犬幣(SHIB)等具有彈性,但模因幣週期似乎正在逐漸結束。

As Cochran puts it, "We're starting to flush out the meme cycle."


Memecoins: A Rare Success Story


Despite these disheartening figures, there are still a few memecoins managing to rise above the noise. Bread, a Web3 developer and crypto commentator, highlighted that of the 1.58 million tokens created, only 22,300 have made it to Raydium.

儘管這些數字令人沮喪,但仍有一些模因幣成功超越了噪音。 Web3 開發者兼加密貨幣評論員 Bread 強調,在創建的 158 萬個代幣中,只有 22,300 個進入了 Raydium。

It's important to note, however, that the ease with which projects can be created on Pump Fun may contribute to this low success rate. Launching a token on this platform incurs a 1% transaction fee until the market cap reaches a certain threshold.

然而,值得注意的是,在 Pump Fun 上建立專案的便利性可能是導致成功率較低的原因之一。在該平台上推出代幣需要支付 1% 的交易費,直到市值達到一定門檻。

Some key statistics reveal:


  • Out of 1.58 million tokens created, only 22,300 have made it to Raydium.
  • In July, Pump Fun accrued roughly $864,000 in 24 hours.
  • This outpaced Ethereum's $550,000 during the same time period.

These rare successes demonstrate that despite the vast majority of failures, memecoins do contribute to the platform's revenue.

在創建的158 萬個代幣中,只有22,300 個進入了Raydium。大多數失敗,memecoins為平台的收入做出貢獻。

Despite the overall negative outlook for memecoins on Solana, there are positive data points, particularly due to DEX platforms such as Raydium. The crypto market remains unpredictable, but these figures offer a glimmer of hope for savvy investors.

儘管 Solana 上的 memecoin 整體前景不佳,但也有積極的數據點,特別是由於 Raydium 等 DEX 平台。加密貨幣市場仍然難以預測,但這些數據為精明的投資者帶來了一線希望。


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