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Here’s How Crypto Investors Buy Dogecoin on eToro for Profits

以下是加密貨幣投資者如何在 eToro 上購買狗狗幣以獲取利潤

發布: 2024/01/02 08:02 閱讀: 422



Those who have a little knowledge about crypto know about meme coins too. Besides, if they’ve heard about meme coins, they are familiar with dogecoin as well. It is the first and the most valuable meme coin in the world. Due to being the original, it enjoys a huge support of the community. 


So, investing this this coin is not something one doubts over. However, like all the cryptos, dogecoin is also exposed to volatility. Thus, traders need to be careful before putting their hard-earned money into any crypto. Before starting to do the analysis, it’s probably better to choose the platform to buy the coin. 


eToro is one of the prominent trading platforms that makes buying cryptos very easy. On this platform, investors could finish the buying process of dogecoin in just a few steps. So, let’s go ahead and check the simple procedure.

eToro 是著名的交易平台之一,讓購買加密貨幣變得非常容易。在這個平台上,投資者只需幾個步驟即可完成狗狗幣的購買過程。那麼,讓我們繼續檢查一下簡單的過程。

Steps to Buy Dogecoin on eToro With Easy Steps

透過簡單的步驟在 eToro 上購買狗狗幣

Following these instructions, traders can buy Dogecoin or many other cryptos quickly on eToro.

按照這些說明,交易者可以在 eToro 上快速購買狗狗幣或許多其他加密貨幣。

Step 1: First of all, users are required to create an account on the platform. They can do it eToro website or its mobile app using the “sign up” button. Users must remember that eToro is a centralized portal and KYC is mandatory here. So, they have to provide their email address, name, and a govt-issues ID too.

第一步:首先,使用者需要在平台上建立一個帳戶。他們可以使用「註冊」按鈕在 eToro 網站或其行動應用程式上進行註冊。使用者必須記住,eToro 是一個集中式門戶,而 KYC 在這裡是強制性的。因此,他們還必須提供電子郵件地址、姓名和政府頒發的 ID。

Step 2: Once the account is verified and created, users will need to bankroll it. They just have to click on “Deposit” and choose their preferred mode of money transfer to do it. The most commonly used options available here are credit/debit cards, e-wallets, wire transfers, etc. 

步驟 2: 驗證並建立帳戶後,使用者需要為其提供資金。他們只需點擊“存款”並選擇他們喜歡的匯款方式。這裡最常用的選項是信用卡/金融卡、電子錢包、電匯等。

Step 3: After enabling the account to purchase, it’s time to make one. Users need to click on the search bar at the top and type “Dogecoin” in it. Once it appears, they have to click on it to select the token. 


Step 4: Next, they need to place the order by choosing either “market order” or “limit order”. Market order shows the current price of the asset in the market. Limit order is something that the users set themselves. For example, Dogecoin is selling at US$2 right now. A user wants to buy it at US$1.20, so he sets it as the limit order. Whenever the market price reaches that limit, the order is placed. Market orders are executed then and there. 

第四步:接下來,他們需要選擇「市價單」或「限價單」下單。市價訂單顯示了市場上資產的當前價格。限價單是用戶自己設定的。例如,狗狗幣目前售價為 2 美元。用戶想以1.20美元的價格買入,因此將其設定為限價單。每當市場價格達到該限制時,就會下訂單。市價訂單即刻執行。

Step 5: Users must review their order before finalizing it. They should check if the number of tokens and type of order is exactly what they have selected. Once satisfied, they can proceed with it.

第 5 步:使用者必須在最終確定訂單之前檢查其訂單。他們應該檢查代幣數量和訂單類型是否正是他們選擇的。一旦滿意,他們就可以繼續進行。

That’s it, the purchasing is done and investors can now monitor their investments. They can do it by clicking/tapping the “portfolio” button. Otherwise, they can check the daily/weekly/monthly charts of the coins on the platform. eToro makes tracking fairly easy even for beginners.

就這樣,購買完成了,投資者現在可以監控他們的投資。他們可以透過點擊/點擊「投資組合」按鈕來完成此操作。或者,他們可以查看平台上幣的日/週/月圖表。即使對於初學者來說,eToro 也能讓追蹤變得相當容易。

Here’s an Alternate Method for Buying Dogecoin on eToro

這是在 eToro 上購買狗狗幣的另一種方法

The existing users of eToro can use this method as well for buying Dogecoin or other cryptos. It comes in handy for those who’d like to invest right after seeing the token’s performance.

eToro 的現有用戶也可以使用此方法購買狗狗幣或其他加密貨幣。對於那些想在看到代幣表現後立即投資的人來說,它會派上用場。

Step 1: On the home page, users need to click on the “Discover” option among the others on the left-hand side.


Step 2: Then, click on “Crypto” from the options shown at the top of the page.


Step 3: Upon clicking “crypto” an auto-populated list of “daily movers” appears on the screen. Dogecoin may or may not be here. If it’s not, they need to click on “View All” highlighted in the image. 

步驟 3: 點選「加密貨幣」後,螢幕上會出現自動填入的「每日移動者」清單。狗狗幣可能在這裡,也可能不在這裡。如果不是,他們需要單擊圖像中突出顯示的“查看全部”。

Step 4: When they see “Doge” in the list, they can click on it and see its analytics. On this page, they get full information on the token’s performance on many fronts. 

步驟 4:當他們在列表中看到“Doge”時,他們可以單擊它並查看其分析。在此頁面上,他們可以獲得有關代幣在許多方面表現的完整資訊。

Step 5: Users need to check all the details about the token’s performance before they hit the “invest” button. 


Is Dogecoin a Good Investment Option for 2024?

狗狗幣是 2024 年不錯的投資選擇嗎?

Dogecoin is one of the most popular investment options in the entire crypto domain. Does that mean it would reap profits for its investors in the future? Well, investors will have to do a little homework to find that out. As per the forecast, 2024 is going to be bearish for Dogecoin.

狗狗幣是整個加密領域最受歡迎的投資選擇之一。這是否意味著它未來將為投資者帶來利潤?好吧,投資者需要做一些功課才能找到答案。根據預測,2024 年對狗狗幣來說將是利空的。

Users, who want to buy Dogecoin, may have ample time to do it next year. The next few years may give some positive results on these investments. Yet, it is recommended to do a full evaluation of the asset and the market before taking any step.



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