首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣勢頭被點燃:貝萊德修改 SEC 文件後,比特幣、以太坊、InQubeta 和狗狗幣飆升

Crypto Momentum Ignited: Bitcoin, Ethereum, InQubeta & Dogecoin Soar After BlackRock’s SEC Filing Modification

加密貨幣勢頭被點燃:貝萊德修改 SEC 文件後,比特幣、以太坊、InQubeta 和狗狗幣飆升

發布: 2023/12/27 19:30 閱讀: 832



Bitcoin (BTC), InQubeta (QUBE), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Ethereum (ETH) are being dubbed some of the best coins to invest in right now as their prices rise following news of financial behemoth BlackRock modifying its pending spot Bitcoin ETF with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 

比特幣(BTC)、InQubeta (QUBE)、狗狗幣(DOGE) 和以太坊(ETH) 被稱為目前最值得投資的加密貨幣,金融巨頭貝萊德(BlackRock) 修改其待定現貨比特幣ETF 的消息傳出後,它們的價格不斷上漲。美國證券交易委員會(SEC)。

InQubeta, in particular, is generating lots of attention across the crypto space as its presale generates over $7.5 million in token sales as it prepares to enter its seventh stage. Early investors have earned 175% profits so far and newcomers get to grow their investments by 60% before tokens launch on exchanges. 

尤其是 InQubeta,在加密貨幣領域引起了廣泛關注,其預售產生了超過 750 萬美元的代幣銷售,並準備進入第七階段。到目前為止,早期投資者已經獲得了 175% 的利潤,而新投資者在代幣在交易所推出之前可以將投資增加 60%。

BTC prices have grown considerably in the past few months, and it recently broke the $44,000 resistance level before prices came back down. ETH and DOGE haven’t kept up with BTC’s growth, but both projects have enjoyed considerable growth in 2023. 

過去幾個月,BTC 價格大幅上漲,最近突破了 44,000 美元的阻力位,然後價格回落。 ETH 和 DOGE 未能跟上 BTC 的成長,但這兩個項目在 2023 年都實現了可觀的成長。

InQubeta (QUBE) emerges as one of the
best coins to invest in 

InQubeta (QUBE) 成為最值得投資的代幣之一

InQubeta plans to provide a more accessible way for people to invest in artificial intelligence (AI). The project has the promise to be one of the top DeFi projects in the cryptocurrency space thanks to the creative way it creates a seamless investment process that’s more transparent and accessible than mainstream investment channels. 

InQubeta 計劃為人們提供一種更方便的方式投資人工智慧 (AI)。該項目有望成為加密貨幣領域的頂級 DeFi 項目之一,因為它以創造性的方式創建了比主流投資管道更透明、更容易訪問的無縫投資流程。

2023 has been an excellent year for AI-focused cryptos as many of them enjoy considerable growth. The same can be said about mainstream corporations like Nvidia, which became a trillion-dollar company earlier in the year thanks to its AI-driving computer chips. 

對於專注於人工智慧的加密貨幣來說,2023 年是極好的一年,因為其中許多加密貨幣都實現了可觀的成長。對於像英偉達這樣的主流公司來說也是如此,由於其人工智慧驅動的電腦晶片,英偉達在今年早些時候成為了一家價值數萬億美元的公司。

Investments in AI have grown exponentially as the technology becomes more viable, leading to an exponential influx in investment capital. More than $120 billion is currently invested in AI, and over $1.5 trillion is expected to pour into the space by 2030. 

隨著技術變得更加可行,人工智慧的投資呈指數級增長,導致投資資本呈指數級湧入。目前人工智慧領域的投資已超過 1,200 億美元,預計到 2030 年該領域將投入超過 1.5 兆美元。

Investing on the InQubeta network

投資 InQubeta 網路

Investors don’t have to worry about unreasonable requirements when investing via InQubeta’s ecosystem. These investors use the project’s native token, QUBE, to buy ERC20 coins with investment opportunities minted into them. 

投資者透過InQubeta的生態系統進行投資時不必擔心不合理的要求。這些投資者使用該專案的原生代幣 QUBE 購買帶有投資機會的 ERC20 代幣。

Also known as non-fungible tokens, these ERC20 coins are made by AI startups looking for funding and serve as alternatives to stocks in the ecosystem. These tokens rise in value as the firms that make them expand their market shares. 

這些 ERC20 代幣也被稱為不可替代代幣,是由尋求資金的人工智慧新創公司製造的,並作為生態系統中股票的替代品。隨著製造這些代幣的公司擴大市場份額,這些代幣的價值也會上升。

Investors buy tokens on the NFT marketplace, and they can resell them anytime they choose for some QUBE. 

投資者在 NFT 市場上購買代幣,然後可以隨時轉售以獲得 QUBE。

Investors can also back the InQubeta network by holding and staking QUBE. Tokens are undervalued at $0.01925, and the project would only need a $1.5 billion market capitalization for them to be valued at over a dollar. 

投資者還可以透過持有和質押 QUBE 來支持 InQubeta 網路。代幣被低估為 0.01925 美元,而該項目只需要 15 億美元的市值就能使代幣估值超過 1 美元。

Blackrock’s SEC filing modification sending crypto prices up


Blackrock, the cryptocurrency investment firm and asset manager, recently filed amended S1 forms with the SEC, providing answers to questions that were asked by regulators during earlier conversations about their pending Bitcoin ETF. 

加密貨幣投資公司和資產管理公司貝萊德 (Blackrock) 最近向 SEC 提交了修訂後的 S1 表格,回答了監管機構在早些時候就其待決的比特幣 ETF 進行對話時提出的問題。

These modifications are generally viewed as positive developments since they indicate the SEC and the firms seeking spot Bitcoin ETFs are working together to sort things out. Other corporations with pending applications like Wisdom Tree and Franklin will likely modify some of their filings in the coming weeks. 

這些修改通常被視為積極的進展,因為它們表明 SEC 和尋求現貨比特幣 ETF 的公司正在共同努力解決問題。 Wisdom Tree 和 Franklin 等其他正在等待申請的公司可能會在未來幾週內修改他們的一些文件。

A Bitcoin ETF being approved is expected to send BTC prices surging upward. Even developments that suggest an ETF is close to being approved often increase bullish attitudes in the crypto space. Bitcoin and Ethereum have been the biggest beneficiaries of these developments so far, but less popular projects like Dogecoin have also enjoyed small boosts. 

比特幣 ETF 的批准預計將推動 BTC 價格飆升。即使是表明 ETF 即將獲得批准的進展也常常會增加加密貨幣領域的看漲態度。到目前為止,比特幣和以太坊是這些發展的最大受益者,但像狗狗幣這樣不太受歡迎的項目也獲得了小幅成長。



QUBE, BTC, and ETH are three of the best coins to invest in right now to earn considerable profits in 2024. QUBE has the potential to be the fastest-growing cryptocurrency next year as it helps to funnel over $1.5 trillion to AI startups. 

QUBE、BTC 和ETH 是目前最值得投資的三種代幣,可在2024 年賺取可觀的利潤。QUBE 有潛力成為明年成長最快的加密貨幣,因為它有助於為人工智慧新創公司帶來超過1.5 兆美元的資金。

Visit InQubeta Presale 

訪問 InQubeta 預售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社區

Keywords: best coins to invest in, erc20 coins, top defi projects



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