首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今年 7 月最值得投資的加密貨幣預售 ICO:6 種可能實現登月計畫的代幣

Best Crypto Presale ICOs to Invest in This July: 6 Tokens That Could Moonshot

今年 7 月最值得投資的加密貨幣預售 ICO:6 種可能實現登月計畫的代幣

發布: 2024/07/03 21:07 閱讀: 708

原文作者:CoinPedia News


今年 7 月最值得投資的加密貨幣預售 ICO:6 種可能實現登月計畫的代幣

Best Crypto Presale ICOs for July: 6 Tokens with Potential Moonshot Opportunities

7 月最佳加密貨幣預售 ICO:6 種具有潛在登月機會的代幣

Following months of price consolidation, the crypto market is poised for an upswing in July. Presale investments offer an unparalleled chance for high returns. These tokens are available at fixed, pre-market prices, allowing investors to acquire them at their inception.

經過幾個月的價格整合,加密貨幣市場預計在 7 月上漲。預售投資提供了無與倫比的高回報機會。這些代幣以固定的上市前價格提供,允許投資者在發行之初獲得它們。

1. Pepe Unchained

1. 被解放的佩佩

Inspired by the iconic Pepe the Frog meme, Pepe Unchained is a revolutionary concept: the first Pepe-themed cryptocurrency with its own blockchain. As an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, it offers increased speed and lower costs with unwavering decentralization and security. Pepe Unchained has already raised an impressive $2 million in its presale, demonstrating its potential.

受標誌性 Pepe the Frog meme 的啟發,Pepe Unchained 是一個革命性的概念:第一個以 Pepe 為主題的加密貨幣,擁有自己的區塊鏈。作為以太坊第 2 層解決方案,它提供了更高的速度和更低的成本,同時具有堅定不移的去中心化和安全性。 Pepe Unchained 已經在預售中籌集了 200 萬美元,證明了它的潛力。

2. WienerAI


Like Pepe Unchained, WienerAI combines meme coin appeal with technological prowess. However, its true purpose lies in its AI-powered trading bot, which resembles ChatGPT for trading. Users can leverage the bot's AI capabilities to identify optimal trading opportunities, execute trades automatically, and enjoy instant, fee-free, and MEV-resistant transactions. WienerAI's presale has raised $6.9 million so far.

與 Pepe Unchained 一樣,WienerAI 將 meme coin 的吸引力與技術實力結合在一起。然而,其真正目的在於其人工智慧驅動的交易機器人,類似於用於交易的 ChatGPT。用戶可以利用機器人的人工智慧功能來識別最佳交易機會,自動執行交易,並享受即時、免費且抗 MEV 的交易。 WienerAI 的預售迄今已籌集 690 萬美元。

3. PlayDoge

3. 玩狗

PlayDoge is a hybrid meme coin that combines the nostalgia of Tamagotchi with a Play-to-Earn (P2E) twist. Players nurture 8-bit pet companions, earning crypto for completing tasks and advancing on the leaderboard. In addition to P2E rewards, PlayDoge offers staking incentives that currently yield 111% APY. Its presale price is increasing gradually, so early adoption is recommended.

PlayDoge 是一種混合模因幣,將電子寵物蛋的懷舊情懷與玩即賺 (P2E) 風格結合在一起。玩家培育 8 位寵物夥伴,透過完成任務並在排行榜上前進來賺取加密貨幣。除了 P2E 獎勵之外,PlayDoge 還提供質押激勵,目前年化報酬率為 111%。其預售價格正在逐漸上漲,建議儘早採用。

4. Base Dawgz

4. 道格茲基地

Base Dawgz is a meme coin presale exclusive to the Base network, which has gained remarkable popularity due to the Coinbase Smart Wallet's seamless integration. Notably, Base Dawgz differs by being a multichain project with utilities across Ethereum, Solana, BSC, and Avalanche. It also features a referral-and-earn mechanism and staking rewards to foster community growth.

Base Dawgz 是 Base 網路獨家預售的 meme 幣,由於與 Coinbase 智慧錢包的無縫整合而獲得了非凡的人氣。值得注意的是,Base Dawgz 的不同之處在於它是一個多鏈項目,其公用事業涵蓋以太坊、Solana、BSC 和 Avalanche。它還具有推薦和賺取機制以及賭注獎勵,以促進社區發展。

5. Mega Dice Token

5. Mega Dice 代幣

GameFi remains a highly promising sector, and Mega Dice Token is positioned to capitalize on this trend. Mega Dice, a long-standing crypto casino with over 50K players, is launching its token to power a new gamification layer. Users can earn daily crypto rewards based on the casino's success, a groundbreaking feature in the industry. Additional token utilities include NFTs, early bird bonuses, and a referral program.

GameFi 仍然是一個非常有前途的領域,Mega Dice Token 正準備利用這一趨勢。 Mega Dice 是一家歷史悠久的加密賭場,擁有超過 5 萬名玩家,正在推出其代幣來支援新的遊戲化層。用戶可以根據賭場的成功獲得每日加密貨幣獎勵,這是業內的一項開創性功能。其他代幣實用程式包括 NFT、早鳥獎勵和推薦計劃。

6. 99Bitcoins Token

6. 99Bitcoins 代幣

Backed by 99Bitcoins, a reputable crypto news outlet, the 99Bitcoins token is part of the platform's Learn-to-Earn initiative. Users can earn tokens by acquiring knowledge about cryptocurrency. The platform's vast subscriber base and strong support for the initiative suggest significant growth potential. Holding 99BTC grants access to the platform, driving demand for the token.

在著名的加密新聞媒體 99Bitcoins 的支持下,99Bitcoins 代幣是該平台 Learn-to-Earn 計畫的一部分。用戶可以透過獲取有關加密貨幣的知識來賺取代幣。該平台龐大的用戶群和對該計劃的大力支持表明了巨大的成長潛力。持有 99BTC 即可存取該平台,從而推動了對該代幣的需求。


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