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Best Crypto Presale For Short-Term Gains: Exclusive Insights Into The Best Presale Tokens Of The Year


發布: 2024/07/02 00:06 閱讀: 612

原文作者:Crypto News Flash



7 Best Crypto Presales for Short-Term Gains in 2024

2024 年 7 個最佳加密貨幣預售可帶來短期收益

Are you seeking quick and substantial short-term returns? Discover the top crypto presale tokens of 2024.

您是否正在尋求快速而豐厚的短期回報?發現 2024 年頂級加密貨幣預售代幣。

1. 5thScape (5SCAPE)


5thScape, a VR gaming coin, has launched a highly anticipated presale, raising over $6.7 million. 5thScape offers immersive VR experiences and hosts a diverse library including 3D VR games, movies, and interactive learning sessions, all accessible via its native token, 5SCAPE.

VR 遊戲幣 5thScape 已啟動備受期待的預售,籌集了超過 670 萬美元。 5thScape 提供身臨其境的 VR 體驗,並託管多樣化的圖書館,包括 3D VR 遊戲、電影和互動學習課程,所有這些都可以透過其原生代幣 5SCAPE 存取。

Investing in 5SCAPE aligns with the rapid growth of VR technology and promises short-term and long-term wealth creation. Available at $0.00376, the price is projected to increase by 166% post-listing on exchanges. Secure discounted tokens and enjoy additional benefits, including a free lifetime subscription to the 5thScape VR hub for investments exceeding $500.

投資 5SCAPE 符合 VR 技術的快速發展,並有望創造短期和長期財富。售價為 0.00376 美元,預計在交易所上市後價格將上漲 166%。獲得折扣代幣並享受額外優惠,包括投資超過 500 美元即可終身免費訂閱 5thScape VR 中心。

2. DarkLume (DLUME)


DarkLume is a game-changer in digital interaction. It offers virtual citizenship in virtual countries, allowing users to immerse themselves fully through owning digital citizenship facilitated by its native token, DLUME. DarkLume enables social activities, fun interactions, and making virtual friends in the digital landscape. Join the DLUME presale and seize the opportunity.

DarkLume 是數位互動領域的遊戲規則改變者。它在虛擬國家提供虛擬公民身份,允許用戶透過擁有由其原生代幣 DLUME 推動的數位公民身份來完全沉浸其中。 DarkLume 支援社交活動、有趣的互動以及在數位環境中結交虛擬朋友。加入DLUME預售並抓住機會。

3. Mallconomy (WOOT)

3. 馬爾經濟(WOOT)

Mallconomy redefines the intersection of community, commerce, and creativity. It has evolved into a Browse-to-Earn Multidevice Metaverse Hub, providing a fulfilling digital experience for users worldwide. The platform prioritizes collaboration and artistic expression, inviting individuals to engage, earn, and interact within its innovative digital ecosystem.

Mallconomy 重新定義了社區、商業和創造力的交集。它已發展成為一個瀏覽賺取多設備 Metaverse 中心,為全球用戶提供令人滿意的數位體驗。該平台優先考慮協作和藝術表達,邀請個人在其創新的數位生態系統中參與、賺錢和互動。

4. Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

4. 被解放的佩佩 (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained combines the iconic Pepe legacy with advanced Layer-2 technology. It offers double staking rewards for increased excitement and significantly enhances transaction speeds. Currently in phase 1 of its presale, Pepe Unchained has already raised $5.5K and invites early entry into the dynamic world of Pepe-inspired meme coins.

Pepe Unchained 將標誌性的 Pepe 傳統與先進的 Layer-2 技術相結合。它提供雙重質押獎勵以增加興奮度並顯著提高交易速度。目前,Pepe Unchained 正處於預售第一階段,已籌集 5,500 美元,並邀請您儘早進入以 Pepe 為靈感的 meme 硬幣的動態世界。

5. Insanity Bets

5. 瘋狂的賭注

Insanity Bets is generating buzz with its presale, delivering impressive results in phase 1. The coin's price soared by 1,700% and has attracted attention. Insanity Bets has announced a $1,000,000 giveaway to a lucky presale investor, further boosting interest. With plans for IBET holders to earn passive income post-launch, this presale is gaining popularity.

Insanity Bets 的預售引起熱議,第一階段取得了驕人的成績。 Insanity Bets 宣布向一位幸運的預售投資者贈送 1,000,000 美元的贈品,進一步提高了興趣。由於 IBET 持有者計劃在推出後賺取被動收入,因此預售越來越受歡迎。

6. Crudo Protocol (CRUDO)


Crudo Protocol focuses on trading and acquiring crude oil through blockchain technology. It aims to eliminate issues associated with traditional ownership structures and high costs. Currently in its initial presale stage, Crudo Protocol has already raised $267,218 by selling 33.4 million coins out of a total supply of 1 billion CRUDO tokens.

Crudo Protocol 專注於透過區塊鏈技術交易和獲取原油。它旨在消除與傳統所有權結構和高成本相關的問題。目前處於初始預售階段,Crudo Protocol 已透過出售 10 億枚 CRUDO 代幣中的 3,340 萬枚代幣籌集了 267,218 美元。

7. Betix Casino (BETX)


Betix Casino integrates cryptocurrency into its platform, allowing BETX token holders to earn daily earnings from bets and prize winnings. It marks the start of a promising venture in online gambling, where everyone has a chance to win. Betix has raised $90,692.46 toward its goals, and experts view it as a promising investment opportunity.

Betix 賭場將加密貨幣整合到其平台中,允許 BETX 代幣持有者透過投注和獎金賺取每日收入。它標誌著在線賭博領域充滿希望的冒險的開始,每個人都有機會獲勝。 Betix 已為實現其目標籌集了 90,692.46 美元,專家認為這是一個有前途的投資機會。

Seizing the Moment


Prepare for the anticipated bull run in the crypto market and explore fresh investment prospects. Presale tokens offer a gateway to potential short-term gains and represent some of the most compelling investment opportunities available today.



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