首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年投資者可以探索的 5 個加密貨幣預售項目

5 crypto presales investors can explore in 2024

2024 年投資者可以探索的 5 個加密貨幣預售項目

發布: 2023/12/01 06:01 閱讀: 635



As crypto gears up for what experts expect to be a bullish 2024, pinpointing potent projects can be daunting. This article highlights five cryptos investors can look at next year. Ranking is based on factors such as use cases, market trends, tokenomics, and expert opinions.

隨著加密貨幣行業為專家預計的 2024 年牛市做好準備,確定有效的項目可能會令人畏懼。本文重點介紹了投資者明年可以關注的五種加密貨幣。排名是基於用例、市場趨勢、代幣經濟學和專家意見等因素。

Meme Kombat


Meme Kombat combines meme coins with GambleFi, allowing users to bet on AI-generated battles featuring popular meme characters like PEPE and Dogecoin (DOGE). 

Meme Kombat 將 meme 幣與 GambleFi 相結合,允許用戶在 AI 生成的戰鬥中進行投注,其中包括 PEPE 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等流行的 meme 角色。

MK is the platform’s native token.


Additionally, Meme Kombat has a staking mechanism where users can lock their tokens for rewards. 

此外,Meme Kombat 有一個質押機制,用戶可以鎖定他們的代幣以獲得獎勵。

The current APY stands at 389%. So far, over 10 million MK have been staked and over 1.6 million MK allocated as rewards.

目前APY為389%。迄今為止,已質押超過 1,000 萬 MK,分配獎勵超過 160 萬 MK。

Meme Kombat integrates meme characters into the battle arena and actively engaging with meme culture on social media, enhancing its visibility.

Meme Kombat 將 meme 角色融入戰場,並在社群媒體上積極參與 meme 文化,提高其知名度。

Moreover, the project has an experienced team, and its smart contracts have been audited. 


You might also like: Meme Kombat launches public token presale, staking platform

您可能也喜歡:Meme Kombat 推出公共代幣預售、質押平台

TG Casino


TG Casino is a Telegram-based casino that offers KYC-free gambling with instant deposits and withdrawals. 

TG Casino 是一家以 Telegram 為基礎的賭場,提供無需 KYC 的賭博服務以及即時存款和提款服務。

It has a unique feature of TGC benefits, including free rewards, 25% cashback on losses, access to exclusive games and rooms, and a 185% staking APY. 

它具有 TGC 福利的獨特功能,包括免費獎勵、25% 損失現金返還、訪問獨家遊戲和房間以及 185% 的質押 APY。

Additionally, the casino’s buyback mechanism repurchases TGC from the open market with a portion of its revenue, burning 40% and allocating 60% to staking rewards. 


With its user-friendly platform and hundreds of games and sportsbook events to bet on, investors can explore TG Casino.

憑藉其用戶友好的平台以及數百種可供投注的遊戲和體育博彩賽事,投資者可以探索 TG Casino。

You might also like: Analyst predicts solana to hit $80, traders backing TGC

你可能還喜歡:分析師預測 solana 將觸及 80 美元,交易員支持 TGC

Bitcoin ETF Token

比特幣 ETF 代幣

Bitcoin ETF Token rewards users as spot Bitcoin ETFs get approved. 

當現貨比特幣 ETF 獲得批准時,比特幣 ETF 代幣會獎勵用戶。

The presale has raised over $2 million in three weeks. 

預售三週內籌集了超過 200 萬美元。

Bitcoin ETF Token has three main elements: burning, staking, and news. 


The token’s burning mechanism makes its token deflationary. The team has allocated 25% of tokens to be burned across five key Bitcoin ETF milestones, starting with the first milestone when Bitcoin ETF trading volume hits $100 million. 

代幣的銷毀機制使其通貨緊縮。該團隊已分配 25% 的代幣用於在比特幣 ETF 的五個關鍵里程碑中進行銷毀,從比特幣 ETF 交易量達到 1 億美元的第一個里程碑開始。

At this point, the team will burn 5% of the token. There is also a 5% burn tax on transactions, which will be reduced to 4% after the first milestone.

此時,團隊將銷毀 5% 的代幣。交易還需繳納 5% 的銷毀稅,在第一個里程碑之後將降至 4%。

The second feature is staking, which offers users a 121% APY. Staking is already live, and over 210 million BTCETF have been deposited. 

第二個功能是質押,為用戶提供 121% 的年化收益。質押已經上線,已存入超過 2.1 億枚 BTCETF。

The project also has a news feed that compiles the latest Bitcoin developments from around the web into one dashboard.


You might also like: Bitcoin could rally to $100,000 and beyond, expert predicts

您可能還喜歡:專家預測,比特幣可能會上漲至 100,000 美元甚至更高

Bitcoin Minetrix


Bitcoin Minetrix allows anyone to mine Bitcoin without technical expertise or financial resources. 

Bitcoin Minetrix 允許任何人在沒有技術專業知識或財務資源的情況下開採比特幣。

By staking BTCMTX on Ethereum, users can earn Bitcoin mining credits that can be used for cloud mining power. 

透過在以太坊上質押 BTCMTX,用戶可以獲得比特幣挖礦積分,這些積分可用於雲端算力。

This cloud mining solution is more eco-friendly than traditional Bitcoin mining. It eliminates the risk of scams because of its decentralized and transparent BTCMTX. 

這種雲端挖礦解決方案比傳統的比特幣挖礦更環保。由於其去中心化且透明的 BTCMTX,它消除了詐騙風險。

The presale has raised almost $4.5 million in two months and is ahead of the expected Bitcoin halving event.

預售在兩個月內籌集了近 450 萬美元,並且是在預期的比特幣減半事件之前進行的。

You might also like: Bitcoin Minetrix, a stake-to-mine project, raises over $4m in presale

你可能也喜歡:Bitcoin Minetrix,一個權益挖礦項目,預售籌集了超過 400 萬美元

Launchpad XYZ

啟動板 XYZ

Launchpad XYZ is a web3 trading ecosystem that offers trading signals, an advanced trading terminal, a trading strategy builder, an AI language model, a learning platform, and Launchpad Quotient – an analytics tool for market insights. 

Launchpad XYZ 是一個 web3 交易生態系統,提供交易訊號、進階交易終端、交易策略建構器、AI 語言模型、學習平台和 Launchpad Quotient(市場洞察分析工具)。

The project’s strategies have also been successful on multiple trades. 


Presale investors who buy over $200 of LPX can access the exclusive Telegram group for trading signals. 

購買超過 200 美元 LPX 的預售投資者可以訪問專屬 Telegram 群組以獲取交易訊號。

The presale currently offers a time-limited 6% bonus.

目前預售提供限時 6% 獎勵。

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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