首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今日加密貨幣價格:單射,HBAR 看到牛市,RPL 價格繼續熊市

Crypto Price Today: Injective, HBAR Sees Bull Runs, RPL Price Continues Bears

今日加密貨幣價格:單射,HBAR 看到牛市,RPL 價格繼續熊市

發布: 2023/08/19 15:30 閱讀: 650



Bitcoin’s (BTC) price, was quite bearish today and was still below the $30,000 threshold at $25,955.13,  and down by more than 1% since yesterday. Other well-known altcoins, Dogecoin (DOGE), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and Solana (SOL), also experienced losses on the other side of the border.

比特幣 (BTC) 價格今天相當看跌,仍低於 30,000 美元門檻,為 25,955.13 美元,較昨天下跌超過 1%。其他著名的山寨幣,狗狗幣(DOGE)、瑞波幣(XRP)、萊特幣(LTC)和索拉納(SOL)也在邊界的另一邊經歷了損失。



Ethereum is trading at $1,659.7, with almost 1% decrease in the last 24 hours. Among other prominent cryptocurrencies, the XRP coin price observed over 3% dip. Solana also faced a reduction, with its price plummeting by 0.19%. On the other hand, Polygon (MATIC), which traded on green lines a few days back, is down by more than 14% since the last day. On the contrary, the Polkadot coin price saw an increase of almost 2% in its price, in one day. 

以太坊交易價格為 1,659.7 美元,過去 24 小時內下跌近 1%。在其他著名的加密貨幣中,XRP 幣的價格下跌了 3% 以上。 Solana 也面臨降價,價格暴跌 0.19%。另一方面,幾天前以綠線交易的 Polygon (MATIC) 自最後一天以來下跌了 14% 以上。相反,波卡幣價格一天之內上漲了近 2%。

The realm of meme cryptocurrencies tells a different story. In the past 24 hours, Dogecoin’s price witnessed an increase of more than 4%, while Shiba Inu’s token price is up by almost 5%, in the last 24 hours.

模因加密貨幣領域講述了一個不同的故事。在過去 24 小時內,狗狗幣的價格上漲了 4% 以上,而柴犬的代幣價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了近 5%。

The Crypto Market today is mostly bearish with few exceptions. The global Crypto Market cap stands at $1.05 trillion. The 24-hour Crypto Market volume stands at $40.7 billion, with a 39% decrease.

今天的加密貨幣市場大多看跌,少數例外。全球加密貨幣市值為 1.05 兆美元。 24 小時加密貨幣市場交易量為 407 億美元,下降 39%。

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The top 4 cryptos for today are:

今天排名前 4 名的加密貨幣是:

  • INJ token is up by 5.78%

  • INJ代幣上漲5.78%

Injective" data-role="coin-name">The Injective (INJ) token price is up by almost 6% in the last 24 hours and is now trading at $7.75. It has a global market cap of $649,444,298. Anjela from Tradingview attributes INJ’s relative performance to the growing expectation of major token burns. Network fees are used to progressively remove INJ from circulation as part of Injective’s decentralized governance concept.

Injective" data-role="coin-name">Injective (INJ) 代幣價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了近 6%,目前交易價格為 7.75 美元。其全球市值為 649,444,298 美元。來自 Trajdingview 屬性的 Anjela INJ的相對錶現與日益增長的主要代幣銷毀預期相比。網路費用用於逐步將INJ 從流通中移除,作為Injective 去中心化治理概念的一部分。

  • HBAR token is up by 12%

  • HBAR 代幣上漲 12%

Hedera (HBAR) crypto token price is up by more than 12% in the last 24 hours, and now its price stands at $0.06353. The global market cap is $2,095,678,303. The recent increase followed the addition of Dropp, a micropayments platform built on the Hedera Hashgraph, to the FedNow instant payments system, which is operated by the US Federal Reserve.

Hedera (HBAR) 加密代幣價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 12% 以上,目前價格為 0.06353 美元。全球市值為 2,095,678,303 美元。最近的成長是在將基於 Hedera Hashgraph 構建的小額支付平台 Dropp 添加到由聯準會運營的 FedNow 即時支付系統之後實現的。

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  • RUNE token is up by 7%

  • RUNE代幣上漲7%

THORChain (RUNE) crypto token price is up by more than 7% in the last 24 hours, and the price stands at $1.59. It has a global market cap of $542,515,610. In fact, despite a violent selloff across broader markets, RUNE has increased by nearly 40% this week. On August 18, RUNE reached a four-month high of $1.64.

THORChain (RUNE) 加密代幣價格在過去 24 小時內上漲了 7% 以上,目前價格為 1.59 美元。它的全球市值為 542,515,610 美元。事實上,儘管整個市場遭遇猛烈拋售,RUNE 本週仍上漲了近 40%。 8 月 18 日,RUNE 觸及 1.64 美元的四個月高點。

  • RPL token is down by 4.31%

  • RPL代幣下跌4.31%

Rocket Pool (RPL) token is down by almost 5% in the last 24 hours and the price is trading at $24.56. It has a global market cap of $481,943,288. These bears are present regardless of Coinbase Ventures’ announcement a few days ago that it had made a strategic investment in Rocket Pool by purchasing RPL tokens.

Rocket Pool (RPL) 代幣在過去 24 小時內下跌了近 5%,交易價格為 24.56 美元。它的全球市值為 481,943,288 美元。儘管 Coinbase Ventures 幾天前宣布透過購買 RPL 代幣對 Rocket Pool 進行策略性投資,但這些看空者仍然存在。

Also Read: Injective (INJ) Price Soars By 10% Amid Crypto Crash

另請閱讀:加密貨幣崩潰期間 Injective (INJ) 價格飆升 10%


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