首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣價格暴跌-狗狗幣百萬富翁預測下跌 30%,逢低買進的最佳山寨幣

Crypto Prices Crash – Dogecoin Millionaire Predicts 30% Down, Best Altcoins To Buy The Dip

加密貨幣價格暴跌-狗狗幣百萬富翁預測下跌 30%,逢低買進的最佳山寨幣

發布: 2023/12/12 20:14 閱讀: 298

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


The post Crypto Prices Crash – Dogecoin Millionaire Predicts 30% Down, Best Altcoins To Buy The Dip appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

加密貨幣價格暴跌後—狗狗幣百萬富翁預測下跌 30%,買入下跌的最佳山寨幣首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

The cryptocurrency market has endured a steep sell-off in the past 24 hours, with Bitcoin’s (BTC) price tumbling nearly 6% from Friday’s high.

在過去 24 小時內,加密貨幣市場經歷了大幅拋售,比特幣 (BTC) 價格較週五高點下跌近 6%。

Over $47 billion was wiped from the crypto market’s value, prompting dire warnings from prominent voices like “Dogecoin millionaire” Glauber Contessoto.

超過 470 億美元的加密貨幣市場價值被抹去,引發了「狗狗幣百萬富翁」Glauber Contessoto 等知名人士的可怕警告。

However, amid the volatility, some speculative investors are questioning which altcoins offer the best value for the remainder of 2023 and beyond.

然而,在市場波動的背景下,一些投機投資者質疑哪些山寨幣在 2023 年剩餘時間及以後能夠提供最佳價值。

Crypto Crash Triggers Breakdown in Bitcoin’s Price


Since Friday, Bitcoin’s price has slumped from $44,730 to just above $42,000, abruptly ending a period of bullishness and new yearly highs.

自周五以來,比特幣的價格已從 44,730 美元跌至略高於 42,000 美元,突然結束了看漲期和年度新高。

The sell-off has been driven by a combination of overbought technical indicators, profit-taking from BTC miners, and liquidations in the futures market.


Bitcoin’s daily relative strength index (RSI) recently surged above 70, signalling overvalued conditions that usually occur before a correction.

比特幣的每日相對強弱指數 (RSI) 最近飆升至 70 以上,顯示通常在回檔之前出現估值過高的情況。

Additionally, an article from Cointelegraph highlighted that traders have become heavily biased toward profit, with Bitcoin’s net unrealized profit/loss metric exceeding 0.5 – increasing the risk of mass selling.

此外,Cointelegraph 的一篇文章強調,交易者已經變得嚴重偏向利潤,比特幣的未實現淨損益指標超過 0.5,這增加了大規模拋售的風險。

Miners appear to be among those securing gains, with wallet balances and exchange inflows spiking as these companies brace for the 2024 BTC halving.

礦商似乎是獲得收益的人之一,隨著這些公司為 2024 年 BTC 減半做好準備,錢包餘額和交易流入激增。

These factors have combined to create the perfect conditions for a price correction in Bitcoin.


However, most altcoins have followed Bitcoin’s lead, with the likes of Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), and XRP (XRP) all experiencing a sharp drop in value.

然而,大多數山寨幣都追隨了比特幣的腳步,以太幣 (ETH)、Solana (SOL) 和 XRP (XRP) 等都經歷了價值大幅下跌。

Dogecoin Millionaire Presents Warning of Impending Market Pullback


The plunge in crypto prices prompted a clear warning from prominent retail trader Glauber Contessoto, better known as the “Dogecoin millionaire,” for his early investment in DOGE.

加密貨幣價格的暴跌引發了著名零售交易商 Glauber Contessoto 的明確警告,他因早期對 DOGE 的投資而被稱為「狗狗幣百萬富翁」。

Contessoto took to Twitter on Sunday evening to sound the alarm on broad-based selling across the crypto sector, stating that “everything is dumping.”

Contessoto 週日晚上在 Twitter 上對整個加密貨幣行業的廣泛拋售敲響了警鐘,稱「一切都在傾銷」。

His tweet received over 140,000 views as the crypto community sought insights from high-profile names on social media.

隨著加密貨幣社群從社群媒體上的知名人士那裡尋求見解,他的推文獲得了超過 14 萬次瀏覽。

Contessoto doubled down on his bearish call in a follow-up tweet, stating that a “bull trap” is ongoing, and investors can expect a “20% to 30% retracement.”

Contessoto 在後續推文中進一步強調了他的看跌觀點,並表示「多頭陷阱」正在持續,投資者可以預期「20% 至 30% 的回調」。

The reference to a bull trap, a false breakout to new highs before a significant reversal, shows that Contessoto expects the crash to deepen in the near term.

提到牛市陷阱,即在重大逆轉之前錯誤突破新高,表明 Contessoto 預計近期崩盤將會加深。

As one of crypto’s most prominent success stories, his warnings could create a negative sentiment in the market and drive further panic selling.  


Which Altcoins Could Be the Best to Buy During the Dip?


While the market is dipping, certain altcoins with innovative models or strong communities could defy the bearishness and perform well long-term.


One such project is Meme Kombat (MK), an Ethereum-based platform featuring P2E meme battles where users can bet on fight outcomes between 11 meme characters to earn rewards.

其中一個項目是 Meme Kombat (MK),這是一個基於以太坊的平台,以 P2E meme 戰鬥為特色,用戶可以在 11 個 meme 角色之間的戰鬥結果上下注以獲得獎勵。

With a dynamic staking protocol currently offering yields of 300% per year, Meme Kombat incentivizes long-term holding, potentially insulating MK’s value during market downturns.

Meme Kombat 的動態質押協議目前提供每年 300% 的收益率,激勵長期持有,有可能在市場低迷期間保護 MK 的價值。

Investors can buy MK tokens through the ongoing presale for $0.235 ahead of the Uniswap listing scheduled for mid-January.

在 Uniswap 於 1 月中旬上市之前,投資者可以透過正在進行的預售以 0.235 美元的價格購買 MK 代幣。

Another altcoin to watch is Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX), which lets users “Stake-to-Mine” by staking tokens to earn BTC without expensive hardware.

另一種值得關注的山寨幣是 Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX),它允許用戶透過質押代幣來“質押挖礦”,無需昂貴的硬體即可賺取 BTC。

By tapping into demand for passive income and exposure to the crypto mining sector, Bitcoin Minetrix empowers holders to keep earning, regardless of the state of the market.

透過利用對被動收入的需求和對加密貨幣挖礦領域的投資,Bitcoin Minetrix 使持有者能夠持續獲利,無論市場狀況如何。

Like Meme Kombat, Bitcoin Minetrix is still in its presale phase, yet early investors can buy BTCMTX tokens at the discounted price of $0.0121.

與 Meme Kombat 一樣,Bitcoin Minetrix 仍處於預售階段,但早期投資者可以以 0.0121 美元的折扣價購買 BTCMTX 代幣。

Lastly, ApeCoin (APE), the token underpinning the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT ecosystem, has one of the market’s most committed communities.

最後,ApeCoin (APE) 是 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT 生態系統的基礎代幣,擁有市場上最忠誠的社群之一。

As other top meme coins have demonstrated, hype-driven demand can propel APE’s value higher, even while major cryptos are struggling.

正如其他頂級 meme 代幣所證明的那樣,即使主要加密貨幣陷入困境,炒作驅動的需求也可以推高 APE 的價值。

Although APE has pulled back recently, it is still up a whopping 65% from October’s low, highlighting the resilience of the token.

儘管 APE 最近有所回落,但仍較 10 月低點上漲了 65%,凸顯了該代幣的彈性。


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