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Crypto rumors heat up following enigmatic posts on X

X 上神秘貼文引發加密貨幣謠言升溫

發布: 2023/10/28 22:32 閱讀: 753



In the enigmatic realm of cryptocurrency discussions, the X community finds itself in a state of high anticipation, all thanks to the enigmatic pronouncements from Ripple’s chief technology officer and the platform itself.

在加密貨幣討論的神秘領域中,X 社群發現自己處於高度期待的狀態,這一切都歸功於 Ripple 首席技術長和平臺本身的神秘聲明。

The X crypto community (formerly known as Twitter aficionados) has been thrust into a whirlwind of cryptic revelations, leaving them to decipher a series of perplexing riddles and speculations. One such puzzling proclamation has been issued by none other than David Schwartz, the mastermind behind Ripple’s technological advancements. His cryptic message took the form of an image portraying a frog perched gracefully on a lily pad, flanked by water lily blossoms on either side. This enigmatic image sent shockwaves throughout the cryptocurrency community, with particular fervor among the XRP enthusiasts and fervent Pepecoin devotees.

X 加密貨幣社群(以前稱為 Twitter 愛好者)已被捲入神秘揭露的旋風中,讓他們破解一系列令人費解的謎語和猜測。發布這樣令人費解的聲明的不是別人,正是 Ripple 技術進步背後的策劃者 David Schwartz。他的神秘信息以圖像的形式呈現,描繪了一隻青蛙優雅地棲息在睡蓮花上,兩側是睡蓮花。這個神秘的圖像在整個加密貨幣社群中引起了衝擊,尤其是 XRP 愛好者和狂熱的 Pepecoin 愛好者。

The XRP enthusiasts, gripped by this enigma, expressed their hopes for a transformative surge in XRP’s price and an eagerness for a major paradigm shift. Meanwhile, a PEPE-themed X account, known as xPEPE, suggested that Schwartz’s cryptic revelation may signify a bullish trajectory for frog enthusiasts worldwide. One X user, by the name of Juan Martinez, welcomed this revelation with open arms and accompanied their response with an image depicting two frogs on the moon, adorned with the iconic PondX logo.

被這個謎團所困擾的 XRP 愛好者表達了他們對 XRP 價格革命性飆升的希望,並渴望發生重大的範式轉移。同時,一個以 PEPE 為主題的 X 帳戶(稱為 xPEPE)表明,施瓦茨的神秘啟示可能預示著全球青蛙愛好者的看漲軌跡。一位名叫胡安·馬丁內斯 (Juan Martinez) 的 X 用戶張開雙臂歡迎這一消息,並附上了一張描繪月球上兩隻青蛙的圖像,上面裝飾著標誌性的 PondX 徽標。

While the X community grappled with these inscrutable messages, another enigmatic post emerged from the depths of X itself, sharing a meme that featured a dog answering a telephone call. This latest revelation ignited a frenzy of speculation within the crypto Dogecoin community and beyond.

當 X 社群努力應對這些難以理解的消息時,另一個神秘的貼文從 X 本身的深處出現,分享了一隻狗接電話的表情包。這項最新消息引發了加密狗幣社群內外的猜測狂潮。

Despite the lack of explicit details, some ardent Dogecoin enthusiasts have put forth the theory that X, closely associated with the enigmatic Elon Musk, might be embarking on a journey of Dogecoin adoption within their platform. It is noteworthy that similar conjectures have circulated in the past, adding to the complexity of the situation. However, a segment of observers has posited an alternative hypothesis, suggesting that the post could be indicative of an impending audio calling feature. An X user by the name of Alx ventured to inquire about the potential arrival of such a feature but received no definitive response from the enigmatic X.

儘管缺乏明確的細節,但一些熱心的狗狗幣愛好者提出了這樣的理論:與神秘的伊隆馬斯克密切相關的 X 可能正在其平台上開啟狗狗幣採用之旅。值得注意的是,類似的猜想過去也曾流傳過,這增加了情況的複雜性。然而,一部分觀察家提出了另一種假設,表明該帖子可能表明即將推出音訊通話功能。一位名叫 Alx 的 X 用戶冒險詢問此類功能是否可能到來,但沒有收到神秘 X 的明確答案。

Notwithstanding the enigma surrounding this situation, it is important to acknowledge the fact that Elon Musk’s prior endorsements and favorable comments regarding Dogecoin have consistently stoked the flames of excitement within the Dogecoin community for quite some time. The enigma deepens, and the community watches with bated breath.


The post Crypto rumors heat up following enigmatic posts on X appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

在 X 上神秘的帖子首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上之後,加密貨幣謠言開始升溫。


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