首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於加密貨幣的掙扎令 Ripple (XRP) 投資者感到沮喪,Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 InQubeta (QUBE) 預計將出現史詩般的上漲

As Crypto Struggles Frustrate Ripple (XRP) Investors, Epic Pump Predicted for Dogecoin (DOGE) and InQubeta (QUBE)

由於加密貨幣的掙扎令 Ripple (XRP) 投資者感到沮喪,Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 InQubeta (QUBE) 預計將出現史詩般的上漲

發布: 2023/12/24 06:05 閱讀: 572

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post As Crypto Struggles Frustrate Ripple (XRP) Investors, Epic Pump Predicted for Dogecoin (DOGE) and InQubeta (QUBE) appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News


The crypto market has witnessed various ongoing changes, with most projects experiencing volatility. Although 2023 started on a good note for most assets like Bitcoin (BTC), ushering in a new bullish era with growing anticipation for its spot ETF approval, many projects still struggle to gain momentum. Ripple (XRP) prices have declined, by 9%, due to a price correction. Following the project’s decline, investors switched focus to InQubeta (QUBE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) to experience massive price pumps.

加密市場經歷了各種持續的變化,大多數項目都經歷著波動。儘管對於比特幣(BTC) 等大多數資產來說,2023 年開局良好,迎來了一個新的看漲時代,人們對其現貨ETF 批准的預期越來越高,但許多項目仍難以獲得動力。由於價格調整,瑞波幣 (XRP) 價格下跌了 9%。隨著該項目的衰落,投資者將注意力轉向 InQubeta (QUBE) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE),以經歷巨大的價格上漲。

InQubeta is among the best coins to invest in due to its high growth potential. The project has gained the attention of whales due to its distinctive artificial intelligence (AI) and crypto crowdfunding platform. The platform powers unique offerings like a popular non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, smart contracts, and governance features. Analysts have also predicted Dogecoin’s imminent surge due to the project’s bullish sentiment among investors.

由於其高成長潛力,InQubeta 是最值得投資的代幣之一。該項目因其獨特的人工智慧(AI)和加密眾籌平台而獲得了鯨魚的關注。該平台支援獨特的產品,例如流行的不可替代代幣(NFT)市場、智慧合約和治理功能。分析師也預測,由於投資者對該項目的看漲情緒,狗狗幣即將飆升。

This article examines the reasons behind the predicted epic pumps for InQubeta and Dogecoin.

本文探討了 InQubeta 和 Dogecoin 預測的史詩級暴漲背後的原因。

InQubeta (QUBE): Contributing to the Success of AI Startups by Easing Access to Capital

InQubeta (QUBE):透過簡化融資管道為人工智慧新創企業的成功做出貢獻

InQubeta allows easy investment in AI startups, breaking the limitations of traditional investments through its crypto crowdfunding platform. The project redefines how investors engage with and support AI startups. QUBE gives these businesses access to funding and democratizes access to top-notch investment opportunities. This project is one of the best coins to invest in for investors seeking a gateway to the future of emerging AI technology.

InQubeta允許輕鬆投資人工智慧新創公司,透過其加密眾籌平台打破傳統投資的限制。該項目重新定義了投資者如何參與和支持人工智慧新創公司。 QUBE 為這些企業提供融資管道,並使獲得一流投資機會的機會更加民主化。對於尋求通往新興人工智慧技術未來大門的投資者來說,該項目是最好的投資代幣之一。

Because of QUBE’s innovative approach to empowering AI startups, experts predict an epic pump for this token, and its ongoing presale bears this out. The QUBE presale consists of ten stages and is currently in stage six. The QUBE token price is $0.01925, with sales of over 653 million tokens. Experts call InQubeta the best ICO token because it has raised over $7.4 million in its ongoing presale, pushing it closer to the $10 million mark. The project’s presale performance is indicative of the project’s potential for long-term growth in the market.

由於 QUBE 為人工智慧新創公司提供創新方法,專家預測該代幣將出現史詩般的上漲,其正在進行的預售也證實了這一點。 QUBE 預售分為十個階段,目前處於第六階段。 QUBE 代幣價格為 0.01925 美元,代幣銷售超過 6.53 億枚。專家稱 InQubeta 是最好的 ICO 代幣,因為它在正在進行的預售中籌集了超過 740 萬美元,使其接近 1000 萬美元大關。該項目的預售表現顯示了該項目在市場上的長期成長潛力。

InQubeta’s outstanding presale performance is due to the project’s promising features, one of which is its popular NFT marketplace. The platform’s NFT marketplace is one of the reasons why investors can’t overlook this token. The marketplace is the bridge that connects AI startups with interested investors. The marketplace mints AI projects into NFTs, offering a budget-friendly, secure, and seamless process for purchasing assets. This raises funding for the AI startups while allowing investors to invest in profitable projects.

InQubeta 出色的預售表現得益於該項目極具前景的功能,其中之一就是其受歡迎的 NFT 市場。該平台的 NFT 市場是投資者不能忽視該代幣的原因之一。市場是連結人工智慧新創公司與有興趣的投資者的橋樑。該市場將 AI 項目鑄造成 NFT,為購買資產提供預算友好、安全且無縫的流程。這為人工智慧新創公司籌集了資金,同時允許投資者投資於有利可圖的項目。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Leading the Meme Coin Rally With Bullish Momentum

狗狗幣(DOGE):以看漲勢頭引領 Meme 幣反彈

Dogecoin has surged significantly by over 75% recently. This surge is remarkable because the project has struggled since the beginning of 2023. Following the token’s impressive performance despite the various price resistances, crypto experts have predicted DOGE’s potential for an epic spike.

狗狗幣最近大幅飆升超過 75%。這種飆升是引人注目的,因為該項目自 2023 年初以來一直在苦苦掙扎。儘管存在各種價格阻力,但該代幣仍表現出色,加密貨幣專家預測 DOGE 有可能出現史詩般的飆升。

A seasoned crypto expert, Austin Hilton, recently expressed positive sentiment about Dogecoin’s performance. The expert stated that he was impressed by Dogecoin’s price movement and was optimistic about the project’s future. DOGE’s bullish price action has investors wowed; despite the many challenges faced by the project, DOGE is still soaring.

經驗豐富的加密貨幣專家 Austin Hilton 最近對狗狗幣的表現表達了正面的看法。該專家表示,狗狗幣的價格走勢給他留下了深刻的印象,並對該項目的未來感到樂觀。 DOGE 的看漲價格走勢讓投資人驚嘆不已;儘管專案面臨諸多挑戰,DOGE 仍在不斷飆升。

Ripple (XRP): Fostering Instant Digital Payments Across Borders

Ripple (XRP):促進跨境即時數位支付

Ripple’s sudden decline this week has investors seeking alternative projects. Ripple ensures seamless and secure cross-border payments, and XRP’s price decline came due to the reduction in daily trading volume. The continued downward pressure led to XRP’s falling prices, and the project’s price decline can also be attributed to Bitcoin’s recent dip below $42,000.

Ripple 本週的突然下跌促使投資者尋找替代品。 Ripple確保無縫且安全的跨境支付,而XRP的價格下跌是由於每日交易量的減少。持續的下行壓力導致XRP價格下跌,該項目價格下跌也可歸因於比特幣近期跌破42,000美元。

Although XRP struggles to maintain steady prices, the project still needs to attract new investors and maintain existing holders. Ripple investors still anticipate the project’s turnaround, but further decline would lead to the project’s continued downward trajectory. Investors who seek to navigate the bearish circumstances surrounding Ripple are rallying to secure alternatives to rebuild their portfolios.

儘管 XRP 難以維持穩定的價格,但該專案仍需要吸引新投資者並維持現有持有者。 Ripple 投資者仍預期該項目將轉虧為盈,但進一步下跌將導致該項目持續下滑。尋求應對 Ripple 周圍的悲觀環境的投資者正在團結起來尋找替代方案來重建他們的投資組合。



Ripple investors are struggling following XRP’s sharp decline and are rallying around promising projects to overcome the bearish trend. Dogecoin and InQubeta have demonstrated their potential for epic pumps with distinct features. Due to its advanced ecosystem, QUBE is the project traders are eyeing for massive gains. InQubeta is the best ICO token for investors who want to participate in its groundbreaking journey to advance AI. Explore the project’s features by visiting the InQubeta website and participating in the presale to join its vibrant community.

隨著 XRP 的大幅下跌,Ripple 投資者陷入困境,並圍繞有前途的項目集結力量以克服看跌趨勢。 Dogecoin 和 InQubeta 已經展示了其具有獨特功能的史詩級泵的潛力。由於其先進的生態系統,QUBE 是交易者尋求巨額收益的項目。對於想要參與其推動人工智慧發展的開創性旅程的投資者來說,InQubeta 是最好的 ICO 代幣。透過造訪 InQubeta 網站並參與預售來加入其充滿活力的社區,探索此專案的功能。

Visit InQubeta Presale

訪問 InQubeta 預售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社區


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