首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣交易員在十個月不活躍後回歸,在市場崩盤中賺了數百萬美元

Crypto Trader Returns After Ten Months of Inactivity, Making Millions In Market Crash


發布: 2024/07/05 01:03 閱讀: 444




Crypto Market Witnesses Major Price Drops, Meme Coins Take the Biggest Hit

加密貨幣市場價格大幅下跌,Meme 幣受到的打擊最大

Due to a decline in investor sentiment, the cryptocurrency market has plummeted, resulting in significant price drops across all cryptocurrencies. Starting with Bitcoin's fall to $56,382, altcoins have also faced severe challenges.


Amidst the decline, selling pressure has intensified as crypto traders seek to secure any possible gains. The fear of Bitcoin's further decline has sparked concerns of a potential bear market.


In this bear market, meme coins have suffered the most significant losses, with their market cap plummeting by 7.76%. One previously inactive crypto trader has re-entered the market, selling meme coins and generating millions despite the overall market downturn.


Crypto Trader Makes $112K from PEPE

加密貨幣交易員從 PEPE 賺取 11.2 萬美元

Crypto whale 0x4a2 ("dimethyltryptamine.eth") returned to the crypto market after a ten-month absence, exchanging the PEPE token to secure remaining profits. The trader exchanged 10B PEPE, valued at $112K, for 32.73 ETH at a price of $0.0000112118.

加密鯨 0x4a2(「二甲基色胺.eth」)在闊別十個月後重返加密市場,交換 PEPE 代幣以確保剩餘利潤。該交易者以 0.0000112118 美元的價格將價值 112K 美元的 10B PEPE 兌換成 32.73 ETH。

The crypto trader had held these PEPE tokens since April 14, 2023, shortly after their launch.

該加密貨幣交易員自 2023 年 4 月 14 日(即 PEPE 代幣推出後不久)起就持有這些代幣。

Pepe Coin Hype Fades


These recent transactions indicate that the hype surrounding Pepe Coin is waning and may not recover in the near future. The crypto trader still holds 1.99T PEPE, worth $22.35M, representing a staggering 59,600% return on his investment.

最近的這些交易表明,圍繞 Pepe Coin 的炒作正在減弱,並且在不久的將來可能不會恢復。這位加密貨幣交易員仍然持有 1.99T PEPE,價值 2,235 萬美元,這意味著他的投資回報率為驚人的 59,600%。

Crypto Trader's Portfolio


Whale 0x4a2's portfolio consists predominantly of the following five cryptocurrencies: PEPE, WOJAG, MOG, ETH, and USDC. The largest holding is PEPE, with 1.99T worth $22.348M. The second-largest holding is the meme coin WOJAK, with 711.739M ($759.532) held, followed by 147.5B MOG ($238.935K), another popular meme coin. Additionally, the trader holds 2.72 ETH ($9.813) and 6,000 USDC, a stablecoin valued at $6,000.

Whale 0x4a2 的投資組合主要由以下五種加密貨幣組成:PEPE、WOJAG、MOG、ETH 和 USDC。最大持倉量為 PEPE,持有 1.99T,價值 2,234.8 萬美元。第二大持有量是迷因幣 WOJAK,持有 711.739M(759.532 美元),其次是另一種流行的迷因幣 147.5B MOG(238.935K 美元)。此外,該交易者還持有 2.72 ETH(9.813 美元)和 6,000 USDC,這是價值 6,000 美元的穩定幣。

The trader's substantial holdings in meme coins highlight their continued popularity. Meme currencies have experienced significant growth this year, leading the list of top gainers.

該交易員持有大量模因幣,凸顯了它們的持續受歡迎程度。 Meme 貨幣今年經歷了顯著成長,在漲幅榜上名列前茅。


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