首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣三重奏飆升,比特幣、以太坊、狗狗幣在牛市反彈中火力全開

Crypto trio soars, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin on fire in bull rally


發布: 2024/02/28 14:30 閱讀: 822

原文作者:Todayq News



The cryptocurrency market is feeling optimistic as Bitcoin’s value has surged. Right now it’s worth around $57,000, which is a big jump. Some people who were betting against Bitcoin got caught off guard and had to quickly buy it, making the price go even higher. At the same time, Ethereum’s price is also doing great, sitting at around $3.2k. It’s been going up steadily and might finally hit $3,500 soon.

隨著比特幣價值的飆升,加密貨幣市場感到樂觀。目前它的價值約為 57,000 美元,這是一個很大的增長。一些做空比特幣的人措手不及,不得不迅速買入,導致價格進一步走高。同時,以太坊的價格也表現出色,約 3,200 美元。它一直在穩步上漲,最終可能很快就會達到 3,500 美元。

Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are facing some resistance levels, but their overall trends are positive, indicating that prices could keep rising. The Dogecoin market is also on a bullish trend.


There’s no stopping BTC


It appears people are feeling positive about the market since Bitcoin has surged in value, surpassing many barriers. Right now, it’s valued around $57,000. Before this substantial jump, the price didn’t change much, surprising those who bet against Bitcoin. They had to quickly buy Bitcoin to cover their bets, raising the price.

由於比特幣的價值飆升,突破了許多障礙,人們似乎對市場感到樂觀。目前,它的價值約為 57,000 美元。在這次大幅上漲之前,價格沒有太大變化,這讓那些做空比特幣的人感到驚訝。他們必須迅速購買比特幣來支付賭注,從而提高價格。

Prevailing bullish pressure, BTC’s trend remains positive as it’s trading above its average price levels. Since the rally began, trading volume has increased significantly, indicating that many people want to buy it. This could keep pushing the price higher. If Bitcoin can break through the $58,000 barrier, it might reach $60,000 soon.

在普遍的看漲壓力下,比特幣的趨勢仍然積極,因為其交易價格高於平均價格水平。漲勢開始以來,成交量大幅增加,說明想買的人很多。這可能會繼續推高價格。如果比特幣能夠突破 58,000 美元大關,可能很快就會達到 60,000 美元。

As of this writing BTC is trading at $57,068.56, showing a 1.92% increase in the past day and green 9.8% in the past week.

截至本文撰寫時,BTC 交易價格為 57,068.56 美元,過去一天上漲 1.92%,過去一週上漲 9.8%。

How are Ethereum and DOGE doing?


Meanwhile, Ethereum’s price is also doing really well, hovering around $3,266. The price has been rising steadily, and now it’s above the usual levels it moves around. People think it might hit the long-awaited $3,500 soon.

與此同時,以太幣的價格也表現出色,徘徊在 3,266 美元左右。價格一直在穩步上漲,現在已經高於正常水平。人們認為它可能很快就會達到期待已久的 3,500 美元。

Ethereum is aiming to challenge the $3,300 resistance level, having recently broken past it. There is a possibility that some selling pressure may be experienced if the price breaks through this level and moves above $3,500, a psychological and technical barrier. This resistance might be tested soon, based on the current trend. There is a clear, strong bullish trend in Ethereum’s price, with a steep and consistent rise like that of around 1.4% in the past day. 

以太坊近期突破了 3,300 美元的阻力位,目標是挑戰該阻力位。如果價格突破該水平併升至 3,500 美元(心理和技術障礙)上方,則可能會遇到一些拋售壓力。根據目前的趨勢,這種阻力可能很快就會受到考驗。以太坊的價格呈現出明顯、強勁的看漲趨勢,在過去一天中持續大幅上漲,漲幅約為 1.4%。

Dogecoin is also at a turning point that could determine its future in the coming weeks. As of press time, DOGE trades at $0.0957. With an uptick in buying pressure, the price is moving towards $0.096. DOGE’s trend is currently bullish with a 6% increase in 24hrs and 12% in the past week. 

狗狗幣也正處於轉折點,可能會在未來幾週內決定未來。截至發稿時,DOGE 交易價格為 0.0957 美元。隨著購買壓力的增加,價格正向 0.096 美元移動。 DOGE目前走勢看漲,24小時內上漲6%,上週上漲12%。

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